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Ideas of questionable quality
If a borg attempts to disassemble the robotics console it should immediately eject the brain.
add hitting the griddy as an emote via a license similar to dabbing
(02-24-2023, 12:30 PM)Goat_Real Wrote: add hitting the griddy as an emote via a license similar to dabbing

While at it... add some other terrible emotes
Chem that does nothing but flush ricin from your system called "ricout"
(02-24-2023, 07:12 PM)Doop Wrote: Chem that does nothing but flush ricin from your system called "ricout"

The only way of getting this would be from a mutation of the rice plant that requires infusing it with calomel.
*shake emote that you can use with someone grabbed, makes their sprite jitter like you're throttling them
(02-25-2023, 01:17 PM)Cal Wrote: *shake emote that you can use with someone  grabbed, makes their sprite jitter like you're throttling them

*shake someone repeatedly to start knocking things out of their pockets and bag

*shake drinks to mix them, soda cans and champagne bottles to agitated them and make them spray a bit when opening
(02-25-2023, 01:17 PM)Cal Wrote: *shake emote that you can use with someone  grabbed, makes their sprite jitter like you're throttling them

small chance to force the *shaker to shout "WHY YOU LITTLE-"
new chemical: warm milk. increases the amount of time someone's unconscious for if it's ingested while they're already unconscious. rapidly flushes ketamine from the system though
An antag that is exclusive to RP captain "Very Mad Captain". It's midround, only happen if there is an event called "the captain is losing it,". The event happens if a hidden meter called "Captain's anger meter" hit certain numbers and there is a small chance for the event to trigger
add chicken soup to the medborg's cyber-hypospray
(03-01-2023, 08:44 PM)babayetu83 Wrote: add chicken soup to the medborg's cyber-hypospray

Ooo, worse idea: Give the civilian module a cyber-chefyospray, which lets them inject people with chicken soup, water, coffee and or other liquids you'd much rather drink. The quickest way into the stomach is in the bloodstream!
allow SICCs to function as they do in cyborgs if they're the brain of a mindless human body. yes, this will pretty much require the intended body to be revived with SR after they die to the debraining process. but can you imagine the look on people's faces when the humanized monkey starts moving
Dolly should eat kudzu (people).
Antag spawn event that puts 4-6 headspiders on a pest spawn somewhere
The idea being that crew will probably hunt down most of them before they manage to take over a host, so it's a scramble on both sides

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