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(12-05-2022, 08:17 AM)Silent Majority Wrote: id also again point out the fact that this does feel like not that much of a problem.
borgs aren't full antags. they know they have a harder fight to balance their own strength.
easy fix?
take away the robotics fab in cargo. problem solved.
Insert cargo requesting cyborg parts from Robotics.
Insert Spy/thieves stealing the only robotics fabricators (well mostly there are two..)
Insert bombing medbay even more, cause robotics gone, no one can hear the AI.
That said.. it's the better option. I am just adding some possible consiquences.
But if you want my opinion on this whole robotics problem?
Have the chip run out of "power"
We got access chips that die after a few uses. So why not have the implant simply run out after a while?
In universe reason?
--The impulses of the human brain fry the implant after a while having to keep translating the robot-talk channel--
This way not only can there be a "blind spot" once in a while by human error. But it means non of the fabs have to be removed... and making materials for the implant that more useful as you need to replace the chip.
Seems like a better alternative? Maybe like 10 mins for 1 chip?
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Thats an extreme waste of materials, especially considering none of the other implants malfunction like this.
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(12-05-2022, 05:23 AM)Cal Wrote: I like the idea of robotics starting with one and it being mildly more expensive.
Issue: people barging into medbay to use their mats for this
I wouldn't mind making the thing that let's you talk to an almost Omnipresent player with control of the locks and lights something less convenient than an implant.
A console or hand radio might be more appropriate than an implant
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BYOND Username: Retrino
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not a fan of roboticists spawning with the implant in them roundstart at all. there is no reason they need a freeby to spy on silicon channels when the disk would be incredibly easy to get, if the ai manudrive is anything to go off of (either being thrown in robotics by the md roundstart or them asking for it). if the goal is to give silicon channel more privacy, that one part is completely contrary. not all roboticists have silicons best interest at heart
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BYOND Username: LadyGeartheart
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I guess my issue is: is this an issue? On rp lots of roboticists just like talking to borgs. It was my main gimmick. Is it being abused? Is the job going to lose even more? Med fabs allready have all their organs taken so doctors take away their surgeries, do Roboticists need to lose access to speaklng to borgs too? Because this IS one of the few things they have yo make them anything but a doctor with worse starting gear
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BYOND Username: ikea
Character Name: Gertrude Luna
I really like how the silicon channel promotes cooperation and talking over laws with other silicons, as its a really unique aspect of silicon and really fitting. While individual silicons can be too strong right now, that's more of a balance concern with individual silicons and less of a concern with this unique aspect of them. I feel like having roboticists always have access to the channel would basically remove that. That being said, I see no reason why roboticists (and the rest of the crew for that matter) couldnt message the silicon pda channel (just not hear messages from it), that way there still is that overarching communication.
That being said, the current implementation of this pr just seems confused. Having non roboticists have access to the silicon channel has never been a distinct concern compared to roboticists having easy access to that channel. Even though roboticists tend to have a meta thing of not being a snitch for silicon channel, ideally a meta aspect to not ruin a core feature of a job shouldn't be needed. With it being given to all roboticists, I feel like there will be many roboticists who wont be in on that meta aspect, and tell whenever some borg mentions the new law about humans. This would basically kill all antag usage of the silicon chat, so whats the point of excluding it at that point? These seem like two contradictory changes, one seemingly aimed at limiting who has access to silicon chat, and the other practically guaranting a human is always on it, that conflict with the goal of limiting the robotics implant access.
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BYOND Username: Lord_Earthfire
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Personally, i thinl the Borg/Roboticist relationship is vital to the role. I absolutely see no reason why this should be moved to a head position.
Especially because it doesn't solve the problem it actually tries to solve. I would even say it makes it worse. The MD (or RD) coordinates a department AND has access to AI turret control. So firstly it is actually easier for them to coordinate the distribution of the implant and if they use it for thenselves only they actually don't need to communicate to waltz into the ai core and fix the laws.
The argumentation of that PR reads to me to "well, lets hope the head position simply isn't there or forgets about the implant manudrive".
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BYOND Username: Mrprogamer96
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A small idea is that every time someone gets a machine implant, all the borgs get a ping on there PDA.
as well , the AI could bring up a list of people who have taken one at any time, so the AI is not surprised when someone silently takes the implant just to spy on the machines.
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BYOND Username: Nefarious6th
Oh the PDA ping is a good idea and easy to implement; it can just get sent to the mailgroup like the health implant notifs do for the spiritual affairs mailgroup
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BYOND Username: piesuu
Character Name: Charles Fallare
In my personal opinion, Roboticists should start with the implants along with their cost being increased.
If the implants were to be separated into a manu-drive it should be located in the computer core, it is a nice neutral ground and would allow rogue sillicons to protect their comms effectively.
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BYOND Username: George_Lman
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Honestly to me there’s never been a problem here, everything is good as is. Not everything needs a new way of being done.
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(12-05-2022, 05:35 PM)Ikea Wrote: That being said, the current implementation of this pr just seems confused. Having non roboticists have access to the silicon channel has never been a distinct concern compared to roboticists having easy access to that channel. Even though roboticists tend to have a meta thing of not being a snitch for silicon channel, ideally a meta aspect to not ruin a core feature of a job shouldn't be needed. With it being given to all roboticists, I feel like there will be many roboticists who wont be in on that meta aspect, and tell whenever some borg mentions the new law about humans. This would basically kill all antag usage of the silicon chat, so whats the point of excluding it at that point? These seem like two contradictory changes, one seemingly aimed at limiting who has access to silicon chat, and the other practically guaranting a human is always on it, that conflict with the goal of limiting the robotics implant access.
Roboticists not snitching on rogue silicons as they murder everyone is incredibly shitty I'm not sure why preserving it would be a concern.
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BYOND Username: ikea
Character Name: Gertrude Luna
I agree that that meta aspect sucks, but without it the natural result of it is silicons being punished when a new borg talks about the new law not realizing that oh silicon chat has a human on it apparently. Id rather not make this more common, and thus Id like to not have roboticists be guaranteed translator implants (and also info given to silicons on who has an implant and also the AI being able to toggle translator implants working)
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this pr should really just be atomized, there are two separate ideas trying to be implemented here and arguments happening about both