08-23-2022, 02:55 AM
Usual character name: Cem Crowly, Private Tail, (non-sec asshole) Cement Clement
BYOND username: Eternal Muerto
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Eternal_Muerto#4541
Recommended by (if applicable): -
Goon servers you play: RP - Morty, Sylvester
Reason for application:
Security experience (300 word minimum):
I'm playing as security for the year now, i believe. I had awful start on security roles, well, was shitsec, then was told off, made pause and then return to the security roles with new characters (listed earlier).
As part of the security team i was in all kinds of rounds, i think. There were rounds with awesome security teams and no antags, rounds with awful security teams and whole bunch of very active antags, rounds with self-antags and without them, goofy rounds, shitshows and all in between.
As a bad round example i can think of one from a recent ones. We had about 3-4 officers and me as secass. As the only assistant i ofcourse took table duty and got myself ready to change records and coordinate officers (like recall when someone called for help and make sure officer would go to the calls, that stuff), and check cameras occasionally. But was surprised to see that officers did not marked their pinpointers, some of them not left their disks in the HQ and they never closing doors behind them, leaving security wide opened for the solid 30 seconds straight (and worse when almost all of them come to HQ). I made my best to let them know why closing doors to security is something you need to do, why do you need to leave disks and mark pinpointers, but was ignored (just an assistant why should officer listen to me). Further in the round were many situations when officers just quietly bring someone into brig, leave them in and then leave without describing or telling over the radio what happened who and why was arrested etc. So i could barely keep track of anything that happening and redact records accordingly. Later joined other person as secass too, and tried to explain all about closing doors and disks with pinpointers (with same results). Then finally joined HoS and made quite a progress with sec organization, but not with all of them... Anyway we made it to the end of the shift without station being destroyed.
As example of a good round i can recall one when there was conspiracy that turned whole science outpost (on the donut 2) into independent from NT Scitopia. That got HoS upset and was classified as riot. So the armory was opened, gear taken and troops went to a war. Scitopia fought brave and honorable, security did the same and at the end taken over science wing, but lost a few brave souls in the unknown azone... One of the rioters was taken to the CentCom in cuffs for the further interrogations. Such a good round to remember
And a few technical moments. As one who played almost only security roles for the year long i know how to operate secmate, how to use sec PDA functions, how to use forensic scanner and recordtrak. Feels like i found balance when i need to care about search and confiscation and when i should leave something "unnoticed". Obviously fixed my powergame-like behavior (that was pointed out in my previous courage-driven HoS application). Recently spoke with acting HoS (in LOOC) about my problems i should fix and was told to not discuss something i not liked in the round in preround OOC despite i just want to figure out what happened, who was wrong and what to do with it... so now i working with myself on that, since i know about that being problem.
Answer two or more of the following:
Only one. Was banned for a month when i was just starting playing. Ban was deserved and i served full time without appeals.
BYOND username: Eternal Muerto
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Eternal_Muerto#4541
Recommended by (if applicable): -
Goon servers you play: RP - Morty, Sylvester
Reason for application:
- I want to grow in game and as a person.
- I was in many rounds when security team was disorganized, careless and, well, unprofessional. I think presence of HoS that would call officers to a meeting and told how to work better would improve performance of the team drastically. And in general, looks like only presence of HoS themselves makes security work better somehow...
- I would like to have new experience as HoS/NTSOC myself and hope me on these positions will help with giving more interesting rounds to the others.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
I'm playing as security for the year now, i believe. I had awful start on security roles, well, was shitsec, then was told off, made pause and then return to the security roles with new characters (listed earlier).
As part of the security team i was in all kinds of rounds, i think. There were rounds with awesome security teams and no antags, rounds with awful security teams and whole bunch of very active antags, rounds with self-antags and without them, goofy rounds, shitshows and all in between.
As a bad round example i can think of one from a recent ones. We had about 3-4 officers and me as secass. As the only assistant i ofcourse took table duty and got myself ready to change records and coordinate officers (like recall when someone called for help and make sure officer would go to the calls, that stuff), and check cameras occasionally. But was surprised to see that officers did not marked their pinpointers, some of them not left their disks in the HQ and they never closing doors behind them, leaving security wide opened for the solid 30 seconds straight (and worse when almost all of them come to HQ). I made my best to let them know why closing doors to security is something you need to do, why do you need to leave disks and mark pinpointers, but was ignored (just an assistant why should officer listen to me). Further in the round were many situations when officers just quietly bring someone into brig, leave them in and then leave without describing or telling over the radio what happened who and why was arrested etc. So i could barely keep track of anything that happening and redact records accordingly. Later joined other person as secass too, and tried to explain all about closing doors and disks with pinpointers (with same results). Then finally joined HoS and made quite a progress with sec organization, but not with all of them... Anyway we made it to the end of the shift without station being destroyed.
As example of a good round i can recall one when there was conspiracy that turned whole science outpost (on the donut 2) into independent from NT Scitopia. That got HoS upset and was classified as riot. So the armory was opened, gear taken and troops went to a war. Scitopia fought brave and honorable, security did the same and at the end taken over science wing, but lost a few brave souls in the unknown azone... One of the rioters was taken to the CentCom in cuffs for the further interrogations. Such a good round to remember

And a few technical moments. As one who played almost only security roles for the year long i know how to operate secmate, how to use sec PDA functions, how to use forensic scanner and recordtrak. Feels like i found balance when i need to care about search and confiscation and when i should leave something "unnoticed". Obviously fixed my powergame-like behavior (that was pointed out in my previous courage-driven HoS application). Recently spoke with acting HoS (in LOOC) about my problems i should fix and was told to not discuss something i not liked in the round in preround OOC despite i just want to figure out what happened, who was wrong and what to do with it... so now i working with myself on that, since i know about that being problem.

Answer two or more of the following:
- What advice would you give to other sec players?
Security is about team work and constant communication with team and crew. Do not use your taser and baton if you can speak - do not escalate if it's not necessary. If you feel that situation will escalate to violence - don't be a hero, better call backup then die alone.
- What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
I remember when i was vamp and confronted security, was cuffed and taken to the shuttle arrested, but continued to fight (you know, screech and releasing frost bats...) and officer holding me punished me for it by force-feeding security donuts.
- What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
In my opinion there is lack of security-issued health implants. Let's say officer was eaten whole or grinded... he can't get security health implant anymore... at all. I think security should have few spare implants, at least in the armory or HoS office to keep them as valuable as secoff gear.I would like to see some sort of taser pistol that can fit into pocket. To balance it maybe make it more charge consuming or just a bit weaker then standart one.Also i think it will be nice to add flashing from time to time effect to the security badge when it's equipped.
- Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
When i'm the only one security i play much safer: 100% clonescanned, have some medicine on me, do not engage when i'm not sure i can pull it off, and when i do usually call captain or AI to at least observe the situation, fall back more often to just stay alive and good health even if it means baddy will ran away and continue their misbehavior for longer.When i'm part of the sec team i act more dangerously: leave medical care to the doctors and don't have medicine on me (only sweet-sweet doughnuts), may try to arrest known antag by my own (ready to call backup anyway), do not clonescan since team can use my disk when needed, and keep in contact with the team to know what we are doing and what active cases we have. As secass i usually take role of an operator to aggregate calls for security and coordinate officers' activity, clone dead ones using the disks, looking over HQ, open sec hangar.
- Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
- What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Cem Crowly is more of the freedom to act character, he is not ok to become different from the lizard race, likes to wear clown suit since he had lessons in clowning (actually happened in one round) and in general has a tendency to clown-like behavior. Sometimes grumpy, but in general calm and cold-blooded (he's a lizard, got it?! honk), friendly and ready to help with anything he can.Private Tail is more of the hardcore gameplay-wise. It's a monkey made and taught in the laboratory to work in security. As we all know monkeys can hop over the tables, and travel via mail pipes, so it is powerplay, right? Yes, kinda. To balance it Tail has terrible aim and can't use ranged weapons, his feet is too small to wear any kind of boots so he is always barefoot, can't properly write or type (exception: he can operate secmate to change statuses because he remember how to do so - monkey see, monkey do), prefers style over defense so he wears cute/good looking hats and nice looking clothes (or security badge) instead of armor vest and helmet. And, since it's monkey and not monkefied human he speaks like a dumby making him hard to understand sometimes. It's happy and funny monkey, a bit too brave (charges to fight scorpions, snakes and other threats with his "security stick" even if there is detective, HoS, NTSOC that could deal with it with no problem) and he tries his best to be good security officer.I have a few ideas about HoS and NTSOC gimmicks, but i need to try it first to find out if i am comfortable with them and if people will like them or not... But i will figure something out, i'm sure of it.
- Draw a picture!
I don't want to gross you out with my 3-years old drawing skills.
Only one. Was banned for a month when i was just starting playing. Ban was deserved and i served full time without appeals.