HoS Application - Quentin Salami
Usual character name: Quentin Salami
BYOND username: Elia2904
Discord username (if you are on our discord):  elia2904#0996
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: Goon 1

Reason for application:
I really like to play the role of a security officer, is a very funny experience to me but I noticed that when there is no HoS the department can be a bit lost at times, I’d like to be a guide in these cases since the experience can be more enjoyable for evrybody this way and the figure that does that is the HoS. I think that I can be a good example for the new security members and I can teach them to not always put the baton out as a first resource but words can be a tool that saves time to you and the crew in some cases. And to be honest I’d also like to try the role of the Nanotrasen Security Operative.

Security experience (300 word minimum):
I started playing as a security officer early after I started playing the game without doing first the right preparation as an assistant and for that reason, I have to say, I was a terrible officer. I was not fully understanding all the basic mechanics of the game, I was not very communicative and for most of the round I was just wandering the halls of the station in search of some crimes.
I learned fast that this is not the way to play security and so in time I started using more and more the radio to communicate with my team and using alerts.
Since the beginning I always had an eye on the space law page. I’ve always found that a good place to find sentences time if used with good sense. Personally I’ve never put someone in a cell indefinitely or with a sentence over the 5 minutes. I think is not a great move because as I’m trying to have a good time even the antagonists do and for this reason I never do that. I tend to not kill the antags if I do not have to. For example, I try to muzzle the vampires and if I really have to kill someone I bring his brain to robotics so he can keep playing. Nobody likes to get spaced and wait 20 minutes for the next round after all.
As for the teaching I haven’t taught to many new security members except for a couple of security assistants but if I see someone in need I can help him because is fun, because will make him a better officer and so we all are going to get more fun in the end by our future rounds.
As for the fights (nukies for example) I reached a point where I can finally say that I can apply to HoS without the fear of being a dead weight to the team as I was in my early rounds.
And I think that’s all. That is my exoerience. I also played as detective and security assistant but i played way more the security officer role.
I saw a lot of HoS with different playstiles and i wanna be one that spares someone and brig him instead of one that kills at the first crime. Even if the offender is an antag.
After a while that i played i started to remember players names and avatars. Now i'm preatty happy when i find someone that I know is a good sec member. Because I know that I have someone to count on

Sidenote: I want to apologize for my English. It’s not my first language and if I made some mistakes, please be merciful but do not fear to point them out.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?

    - First communicate with your team, I cannot stress this enough. If you do not you will not be able to know what are the current problems and you will not be able to inform your team of bad things that are going on. This might seams like nothing in the first rounds as sec but makes a huge difference. Do not make my same mistake.
    -If possible talk before you act! If there is not a situation of danger and you can do it try to talk to a person set as “to arrest” instead of just hitting it with the baton and arresting them on sight. Check his crimes. A lot of times are just underage drinking or jailbirds at the start of the round so is not great to take them back to security for all the procedure because it can take a while sometimes and for minors crime can be not a wise move.
    -Use the alert button. It saves your life a lot of times.

  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)

    I had my favourite security moment one of the first time I played as the AI of the station. I have to say  that is nothing really exciting but I was the AI and I played a lot with the security because we were chasing some antagonists, vampires if I’m not wrong. You can say that is just a standard game but this was my first time I REALLY interacted with the security department and I felt for the first time as part of a team in this game. In that moment I understood that the security department had a lot of fun potential. And I was right. There were a lot of security moments more exciting than this but since this was the first it has a special place in my heart.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
    “A new chapter
    A new opportunity
    A new job
    Again a new team
    So similar and yet so different this time
    A new beret
    Will I desearve it?
    I hope so
    But only with time we will see”

    is not great and does not rhyme… I know I’m bad at this.

  • Draw a picture!
    I’d like but I’m terrible with art.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
+1 A level-headed and composed officer, makes a round enjoyable.
+1. He's a friendly player and knows what he's doing. I've seen him helping out newer sec players, and he'll make a great HoS. Also, your English is good, so don't worry about it!
Woops, look like i forgot to review this! Sorry quentin!
+1, competent on comms and a friendly officer. Organizes well. Too bad i don’t see him much because i main G2.
Best wishes, Salami Man!
+1 Trained me in security. Made learning a very clear and easy process, super helpfull.
+1. Not only is he handy in a tussle, he's more then willing to show new security the robes of being security. He literally starts every round asking if anyone needs any help sec-ing around. Him being an HoS would only bring good things
+1 Cool sec, def hos material
+1 I've seen him play sec. He seems a good and chill player. He takes time to teach new players/new sec players. Also he is not a power player and he just play for fun, when i asked him to help me with the basic mechanics of the game he spent a lot of time to help me. Also helped me when i was a traitor for the first time without doing metagame.
i have seen quentin from time to time even i now i rarely HOS and i must say he is a good secoff, he seems to be friendly towards people and is polite when dealing with situations, also treats antags fairly and makes sure not to get out of hand with them, i think he does have potential and he always seem helpful to new sec with that said i +1 and hope to see him with the big beret soon

even if*
Have played some security shifts with them, and I can say that their behaviour towards people was changed quickly after they considered trying out for HoS.
I did see them make a lot of mistakes, I can not say they were always friendly. Quentin did arrest some people without a reason I said wasn't valid enough and still continued after I told them not to.
But as I said, their behavior changed, they act more friendly now and try to listen to me and other HoS players and Quentin is pretty active on comms and working in team. Although, I still see that you don't really understand some things, but don't be afraid to ask about them.
I'd be happy to see you on the team as a HoS, but I do think you still need practice.
Either way, +1
(07-04-2022, 11:42 AM)DummySian Wrote: Have played some security shifts with them, and I can say that their behaviour towards people was changed quickly after they considered trying out for HoS.
I did see them make a lot of mistakes, I can not say they were always friendly. Quentin did arrest some people without a reason I said wasn't valid enough and still continued after I told them not to.
But as I said, their behavior changed, they act more friendly now and try to listen to me and other HoS players and Quentin is pretty active on comms and working in team. Although, I still see that you don't really understand some things, but don't be afraid to ask about them.
I'd be happy to see you on the team as a HoS, but I do think you still need practice.
Either way, +1y, +1
Either w

First of all I want to thank you and everyone who replyed to this thread so far. Second I'd like to say that I don't quite remember the interaction where you told me to not arrest someone and I did it anyway but I want to apologize if it was indeed a thing that I did. I usually try to listen to the HoS and more experienced sec players. It is also true that from when I started to think about applying for HoS (which is not a super recent thing) I started playing a bit differently thanks even to the tips I gathered from some other HoS. That made me change my view on the role, I started viewing it more as a team game (wich it is). Expecially in my first games i saw the sec almost as a "single-player" role which may have made me look unfriendly but that was never my objective and so for that i want to apologize too. Finally it is true that I'm not super robust in some aspects of the game but I'm trying to improve myself and if in this days you are on the station I'd be happy to have you as a teacher!

That was all I had to say for now. Thanks again to everyone who took time to make a post on my app and as always...
It is time to stop the crime!  B-33
Can't support this.

Overall inexperienced. Not too communicative, haven't seen him brigging prisoners/antagonists too much.
More-so, they seem more intent upon executions. Beyond that, I've seen a lot of "bad" behavior from them.
They cleaned up their behavior a little, recently, probably in preparation for their application as HoS. Well and fine.

They often do stuff that is self-antag, on many occasions that I've interacted with them. In the after-round, they don't show up as Antagonist.
I kept quiet because I was willing to let him prove me wrong. Finally, today, I was shot with a Stun-round from a Zipgun by Quentin for no reason that I could discern.
And he kept trying to shoot me, as HoS. I knew he had broken into the armory already. Upon arresting him, he stated his reasoning as being that a Secoff attacked him.
Searching his bag yielded armory gear, AA, etc. on his person all in spite of not being an Antagonist in the after-round.

I don't think Quentin is a bad person, he just wants to have fun. And that's great, have fun. I just don't see this behavior translating into HoS all too well.
-1. I can't recommend Quentin as Head of Security as it stands.
(07-05-2022, 03:02 PM)Chayot Wrote: Can't support this. 
Hi, thanks for your time in reading my app and writing your reply. If you think HoS is not for me it's ok, about the round in question I had my ears pulled and had a brief chat with an admin that told me my conduct was wrong so it's clear that I need to change on that side. That sayed this is outside of sec. I never did something like that playing as a security member. I acecpt all your critics exept from the part where you say "[...] they seem more intent upon executions". I asked about executions recently only in one round: was a gang round and i was not remembering all the rules that the wiki sayed about it and therefore I asked in the radio (next time I will check on the wiki directly). My doubt was on the rule that sayed "If a particular gang is responsible for stunning or murdering an officer, security may freely arrest or kill members of that gang". I was not remembering exactly how it was worded and for that I had doubt and so I asked. That sayed exeptions made for the active lings or killer wizards my execution count does not reach double digits for sure (I've even arrested instead of murdering one Head Rev once, since is not compulsory to kill them, the crew can win even if they are all arrested) because when I am an antag I really hate when I am spaced instead of arrested for minor crimes (even reiterated) or shot with lethal bullets instead of stuns. Killing like this is not fun for the antags in the first place but is not fun also for sec since if you space evrybody for minor crimes you will end up without nothing to do very quickly. For these reasons I do not like to execute. I only had a doubt about a rule. After I understood that killing was not obligatory I stopped asking and in all that round I did not killed anyone.
(more than that I do not think we played a lot of round togheter recently exept the gang one and the one from yesterday but I might be wrong about this)

If my conduct made your experience of the game less enjoyable I'm sorry and I can only promise a change. You don't have to belive me right away ofcourse, if by chance I will not get appointed as HoS I will have more than enough time to let you see my changes and maybe for the next app you will change your vote.
Honestly, listening to chayot's opinion i will change my +1 to neutral.
He was very nice with me. He spend almost an entire round teaching me how to be a sec member. Another time he stopped and teached me the basics of the game. He is very nice and experienced from what I could see. +1

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