Okay so i thought about it and i think we add a new great feature where you randomlly die for at any time, as it adds new interesting gameplay. For example you are doing something and then you suddenly die unexpectly. The chances also get higher the longer you play the game. This is such an awsome idea, that is should be implemented immmeditally. Another fetaure is that when you spawn in you have a random chance of gettin a disability, like you blind, deaf or your legs not working. You can also have it so that when you spawn you also have a small chance of dying instantly. This adds radomness to the game that eveyrbody would like and also make casual things more interesting, since you could die unexcpetly.
I am awaiting for my award for making the best ideas ever. Crealy without my ideas the server couldnt never reach the roof of the house.
I am awaiting for my award for making the best ideas ever. Crealy without my ideas the server couldnt never reach the roof of the house.