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Buff Laser Cybereyes
Laser cybereyes are worthless at the moment. You can not fire them with any type of glasses on, or mask, or anything really that covers your eyes. It’s a decently high cooldown for something decently rare and expensive - and in addition, the lasers it shoots are the simple optic lasers.

The empowered laser eye gene does 40 Burn, doesn’t require you to remove your mask or glasses, and has a shorter cooldown.

So I propose that you at least remove the limitation on wearing headgear from them.
It was always weird to me that despite being rarer, expensive, and harder to install, Laser Eyes are worse than even reinforced optic energizers, let alone empowered ones.
I read this as "butt laser cybereyes." I was very dissapointed. But yeah I do like how laser cybereyes work right now as bit of a slap in the face about how absurd laser eyes are. I do completely understand the sentiment to want to buff them though considering they have a very very noticable downside for a relatively hefty price. Though do remember that you can stack these with genetics lasers as well as being much harder to remove than genetics lasers.
I think it'd be funny if they still burned everything but prescription glasses and the glasses cause them to be empowered. might be op tho idk
Getting a laser cyber eye kit in a surplus crate is very disappointing because of how useless it is. Im all for buffing it.
(05-14-2022, 12:16 PM)Cal Wrote: I think it'd be funny if they still burned everything but prescription glasses and the glasses cause them to be empowered. might be op tho idk

that actually sounds fun as heck, now nerds can defend themselves
Your glasses should change the color of the eye beams and also apply the stats for matsci glasses, I want balance issues.
Let me be half blind with teleporting eye beams by making telecrystal glasses.
No problem with this. If the empowered will be the stronger one for reasons, but I see no point in it being barely useless.
You can buy the laser cyber eye from the faint signal trader. It's expensive though.

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