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Nuclear Emergency on the RP servers
I believe after many hours of playing on the rp servers, experiencing the impact of various types of antags on the flow of rp rounds, and paying attention to the general community response to them that nuclear emergency is a round type that is suitable as well as desired to be on the rp servers.

Unlike other types of human antagonists on the same scale such as revolutionaries and gangs it is not an antagonist as strictly bound to speedily changing objectives(other than the round timer) or prone to the intense disorganization that comes with a quickly expanding team. Operatives start the round with a command structure and a set team which gives them the ability to plan gimmicks on the same or better level than comparable antagonists such as conspirators. Their equipment gives them the ability to execute these plans to much greater effect as well. This gives them the chance at creating rp that is interesting to the crew without being entirely disorganized. Unlike the unhuman antagonists of the same scale and power such as blobs or wraiths they are more so able to interact with the crew using the means at their disposal creating the chance for fun and memorable rounds for both sides. 

The times I have seen nuclear ops on rp there have been many gimmicks that have failed due to a team being out of their place so to say, inexperienced in how to rp the role or it's mechanics. Regardless though, none that I have seen personally have come away from the experience with bitter feelings, both sides usually having a blast trying to rp their way through it. I believe adding the gamemode into the rotation would give rp players a chance to greater learn it's mechanics as well as how to rp as an operative or operative commander.

There are obvious concerns about the gamemode being added to the rp rotation however which should not go unspoken mostly revolving around players breaking rp rules and going on silent rampages with the equipment given which is already a problem with the antagonists already in the rotation. This is made more so an issue because of the power of nuclear operative equipment. The increased amount of ahelps that arise from the mode being initially added would as well be something to consider. Operatives are in a way comparable to security, a good or bad team has great impact on a round. So I believe they should be treated similarly perhaps adding a similar time\round lock to the role and holding it to similar standards. This I believe over time would remedy the issues that crop up during the initial addition  and make it more enjoyable for all involved.

What I would like to discuss is the community's impression of it here. Most of those I have heard from wish to see it on the rp rotation as a rare round type that does not have to be admin triggered though I cannot speak for all on this regard so I encourage people to post in this thread with their suggestions and insight on the topic.
We’ve kicked this idea around internally a few times. The concern is basically that Nuke is a mode which is built from the ground up to be a really aggressive and fast game mode. The nuke operative team spawns with an absurdly massive arsenal and a mandate to murder anything moving that isn’t syndicate. The round will run for a half hour at most and can end much faster if there is a severe robustness imbalance.

This is an environment that isn’t really conducive to giving enough space for RP stories to develop between players and we feel that’s the primary draw which motivates people to play on the RP as of opposed to the standard ruleset

When nuke runs are currently run on RP servers it’s because there is an admin actively online and able to directly control how a round is playing out to make sure that space is created.
Pretty much what Fishstick said.

I would like it if this was tossed around for a few days to see how it rolls - But from the already admin curated rounds I've seen that would regardless of quality always leave a few people upset in Discord - Probably poorly.
As much as I wish Nuke Ops wasn't a round ending antag, it sort of is. You hear Ops on station, and that big project you're working on is dead, because even if the Ops get absolutely rolled, when they die and the nuke is either destroyed or detonates, the round is over.

I suggest there be a mid-round Ops style antag. Instead of a full Nuke Team, you get a small operatives team. Their objective is essentially the same, arrive on station, set up and plant, but instead of a Nuke, they plant a GPS Beacon. After a time (Shorter than normal nuke plant) a missile lands on station, ala the Missile Arrival look and hits that department, blowing up in a sizable area.

Targets include major departments and the bridge, no jazz lounge plants, not important enough.
This was about what I expected though I did want to make this to allow for a more open discussion on how it could be reworked to better lead to rp and get a better perspective. The base idea of a syndicate strike team does offer many potential possibilites for rp though the result does often end up being a simple bloodbath due to the equipment and crew response encouraging such. RGB's idea does give it a better chance to be workable for rp though I feel it would bring it more in line with what conspiracy is wanted to be with the recent recommendations to give conspirators equipment. Regardless operatives would definitely need to be toned down to allow for more rp.
teamfight modes are rarely very good for RP. nightshade had both sets of antags enabled and while the server style was sort of a mix of the two, the nukie/rev/blob rounds were very distinct in that the only mission for you during the round was to Kill the Other Team and Do it As Fast As Possible.
aside from speed and style, you then also have to contend with very strictly defined antag/crew objectives for the round
yeah echoing what others in this thread have said rp nukie rounds only Work because admins are always there to ensure the nukeops try to rp and show SOME restraint. rampage-proofing nukies would essentially be taking away most of the things that make a nukie fun to play, and honestly the design brainpower could go towards the existing "replacement" team antag on rp instead. now THERE'S an antag mode that desperately DESPERATELY needs some stuff to make it fun
We could still have a nukies but they have to be totally different from the Nukies we know.

Insted of grabbing a nuke and arming it.
Go for objectives like take out engines, take disk, take control of cargo to get weapons.
Till they can get a nuke out.

Insted of Nukies teleporting in and having everything they need.
Have nukies be like conspirators, but the printout will warn immidently that there are nuclear ops inflitrating.
Now we can go down a paranoid path.

I suggest that each objective gives the Nukies a new abillity and have to do X-amount of objective then they can spawn the nuke.

So nukies could aggresively take over cargo to get a personal armory going, but they could also insted growing a "Nuclear" plant for a victory point in botany.

Get a cloning record of someone from the cloner to get a victory point. Making blowing up the cloner not via-able but having a fun objective of a player being hassled to get clone scanned, then the nukies needing to copy his data to a disk to get a victory point for a nuke.

So there gonna be more nuanced objectives so Nukies can go more stealthly.
Or more aggresive approach... like taking over departments and such.

Note that the aggresive victory points will obiviously tip off security RIGHT AWAY. And yes the budget in cargo will determine how much weapons you can get.
This way we get these odd players trying to push for production/safety... only to have them turn out to be nukies.
(04-25-2022, 12:38 PM)Kotlol Wrote: We could still have a nukies but they have to be totally different from the Nukies we know.

Insted of grabbing a nuke and arming it.
Go for objectives like take out engines, take disk, take control of cargo to get weapons.
Till they can get a nuke out.

sounds like conspirator except they have a nuke
(04-25-2022, 02:06 PM)Cal Wrote:
(04-25-2022, 12:38 PM)Kotlol Wrote: We could still have a nukies but they have to be totally different from the Nukies we know.

Insted of grabbing a nuke and arming it.
Go for objectives like take out engines, take disk, take control of cargo to get weapons.
Till they can get a nuke out.

sounds like conspirator except they have a nuke

Pretty much yes.. but insted of "THEY HAVE A NUKE"
They have to "EARN A NUKE"

So essentially this is a way of earning end game.
This way it would probaly take a hour depending on the groups approach of clearing their "objectives" similiar to spy's. 3 Objectives done? Now they can spawn in the nuke and trigger end game. Or.. do more objectives to increase their chances of combat survival.

Just an idea.

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