I believe after many hours of playing on the rp servers, experiencing the impact of various types of antags on the flow of rp rounds, and paying attention to the general community response to them that nuclear emergency is a round type that is suitable as well as desired to be on the rp servers.
Unlike other types of human antagonists on the same scale such as revolutionaries and gangs it is not an antagonist as strictly bound to speedily changing objectives(other than the round timer) or prone to the intense disorganization that comes with a quickly expanding team. Operatives start the round with a command structure and a set team which gives them the ability to plan gimmicks on the same or better level than comparable antagonists such as conspirators. Their equipment gives them the ability to execute these plans to much greater effect as well. This gives them the chance at creating rp that is interesting to the crew without being entirely disorganized. Unlike the unhuman antagonists of the same scale and power such as blobs or wraiths they are more so able to interact with the crew using the means at their disposal creating the chance for fun and memorable rounds for both sides.
The times I have seen nuclear ops on rp there have been many gimmicks that have failed due to a team being out of their place so to say, inexperienced in how to rp the role or it's mechanics. Regardless though, none that I have seen personally have come away from the experience with bitter feelings, both sides usually having a blast trying to rp their way through it. I believe adding the gamemode into the rotation would give rp players a chance to greater learn it's mechanics as well as how to rp as an operative or operative commander.
There are obvious concerns about the gamemode being added to the rp rotation however which should not go unspoken mostly revolving around players breaking rp rules and going on silent rampages with the equipment given which is already a problem with the antagonists already in the rotation. This is made more so an issue because of the power of nuclear operative equipment. The increased amount of ahelps that arise from the mode being initially added would as well be something to consider. Operatives are in a way comparable to security, a good or bad team has great impact on a round. So I believe they should be treated similarly perhaps adding a similar time\round lock to the role and holding it to similar standards. This I believe over time would remedy the issues that crop up during the initial addition and make it more enjoyable for all involved.
What I would like to discuss is the community's impression of it here. Most of those I have heard from wish to see it on the rp rotation as a rare round type that does not have to be admin triggered though I cannot speak for all on this regard so I encourage people to post in this thread with their suggestions and insight on the topic.
Unlike other types of human antagonists on the same scale such as revolutionaries and gangs it is not an antagonist as strictly bound to speedily changing objectives(other than the round timer) or prone to the intense disorganization that comes with a quickly expanding team. Operatives start the round with a command structure and a set team which gives them the ability to plan gimmicks on the same or better level than comparable antagonists such as conspirators. Their equipment gives them the ability to execute these plans to much greater effect as well. This gives them the chance at creating rp that is interesting to the crew without being entirely disorganized. Unlike the unhuman antagonists of the same scale and power such as blobs or wraiths they are more so able to interact with the crew using the means at their disposal creating the chance for fun and memorable rounds for both sides.
The times I have seen nuclear ops on rp there have been many gimmicks that have failed due to a team being out of their place so to say, inexperienced in how to rp the role or it's mechanics. Regardless though, none that I have seen personally have come away from the experience with bitter feelings, both sides usually having a blast trying to rp their way through it. I believe adding the gamemode into the rotation would give rp players a chance to greater learn it's mechanics as well as how to rp as an operative or operative commander.
There are obvious concerns about the gamemode being added to the rp rotation however which should not go unspoken mostly revolving around players breaking rp rules and going on silent rampages with the equipment given which is already a problem with the antagonists already in the rotation. This is made more so an issue because of the power of nuclear operative equipment. The increased amount of ahelps that arise from the mode being initially added would as well be something to consider. Operatives are in a way comparable to security, a good or bad team has great impact on a round. So I believe they should be treated similarly perhaps adding a similar time\round lock to the role and holding it to similar standards. This I believe over time would remedy the issues that crop up during the initial addition and make it more enjoyable for all involved.
What I would like to discuss is the community's impression of it here. Most of those I have heard from wish to see it on the rp rotation as a rare round type that does not have to be admin triggered though I cannot speak for all on this regard so I encourage people to post in this thread with their suggestions and insight on the topic.