Mentor Application - ClockworkCupcake
Usual Character Name: Bethany Parks / CAKEBOT (sometimes I'll go random for a while)
BYOND Username: ClockworkCupcake
Recommended by (if applicable): UrsulaMejor, Noobiegoboom
Times Available: Varies - usually afternoon into evening, but my schedule is erratic due to school

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum):

I've meant to apply for Mentor for a while now because I really enjoy helping people out in-game. It seems like most rounds I end up helping someone out with something I don’t know how to do, and it’d be nice to field mentor questions instead of just face-to-face ones.

I’ve been playing for… somewhere in the area of a year now? I’m familiar with how to set the engine up functionally (although some of the mechanics still escape me when you get into proburn territory), and I’m fairly proficient with most every aspect of medical. I’m not all that experienced with chemistry.

I’m fairly bad as traitor and as security and I’m aware of it. I don’t have a tendency to rampage, or anything like that. If anything it’s more that I’m bad at instigating conflict and I’m terribly unrobust. Given the choice I’ll always go for a solution to a problem that involves cooperating with another player or players vs. murdering them, and sometimes that’s problematic!

I most enjoy roles where I have the opportunity to enhance other peoples’ rounds. It’s nice to make sure the station is powered enough for Telescience to send people on an expedition, or bring someone out of crit after a gunfight, or make sure people get cloned. If I’m not in the mood to interact as much I’m fond of Botany and Mining, but even there I like to make sure QM has product to work with.

I’m experienced with a lot of aspects of the game, but things are always changing and I try to keep on top of it by talking with other players and by using mentorhelp when I need to. I think I used mentorhelp most recently as a mindslave when I couldn’t figure out how to remove the AI’s brain. With that help I was able to get the brain out, and the traitor I was working with completed all his objectives – it was great.

That kind of situation is why I’d love to be a mentor. Sometimes you have the chance to really improve someone’s round.

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum): Shrek is an unusual phenomenon, a strange glimpse into another realm.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): None, unless I'm mistaken?
I recommended this dude because he is a cool dude who's always a pleasure to talk to.


(Holy shit that shrek video what the fuck i'm freaked out right now what did i just watch)
I have never ever seen you in game or in ooc at all

that being said, you seem like a fairly nice and genuine person, so I'll go with yes on the basis that you should play more!!
Weavel Wrote:I have never ever seen you in game or in ooc at all

that being said, you seem like a fairly nice and genuine person, so I'll go with yes on the basis that you should play more!!
Oh, oops - I should probably have mentioned, I almost always play on #2. I really only play on #1 if it's really late at night and #2 has like three people on.
This guy likes helping people, yes.
Oh, I remember you! You are a real pleasure to work with. Hope to see you as a mentor soon.
I've seen you a few times on the station but I've never really been able to catch a good glimpse. I'll be watching to see how you play.
I've seen you around here and there, and I've never had an issue with you. You seem to know what you are doing, so I think you would do fine as a mentor.
I have not seen you on until recently myself (and yes I play on #2) but in the time I have seen you, you made a great impression. You are really helpful, and generally nice. I'm going to say yes.
Ill post again when i see you of now, no because the times i have seen you you serr rude
Seems like a good fit to me.
Yes, i recently played a round with you and you were A-ok
Absolutely. Good person, never seen them be a dick to someone who didn't super have it coming.
i've interacted with you lots and you sure seem to be perfect for mentor, as i have seen you actively helping people out a lot. this guy/gal deserves mentor.
Perfect for a mentor,yes please!

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