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Concerning Discount Dan's
I noticed that the discount Dan's cups have inbuilt heaters in them but was severely dissapointed when I found out that they don't heat enough to light welding fuel so I thought 'How about make it so that you could E-Mag noodle cups to make the heater into a super heater.' Turn the cup on and 5 seconds later it's hot enough to ignite welding fuel. You could also super heat other items in it I suppose. Make it heat to 1000 degrees quite fast but not too fast.

So what do you think?
E-mag the noodle-cups - turns it into a grenade-like IED when it's activated.

Throw to disperse what amounts to a napalm grenade upon detonation.

It should have a moderate radius of effect, similar to the wizard's fireball or syndicools.

Burritoes that are e-magged turn into proximity bombs that behave like slurrypods when activated.

On the downside, if you break the e-mag burrito, you will poison yourself.

Someone get to work on this.

Also, we need more DDN flavors.
Don't be silly you can't E-Mag a burrito, then again...
Also I meant to post this in the suggestions forum, fuck!

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