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Buff the Monkey Barrel
Monkey Barrels aren’t really a threat, anyone can run away somewhat easily, and if you have 2 people carrying a flash or baton, it’s easy to kill 6TC worth of syndicate gear.

6TC is EXPENSIVE for 6 monkeys that are in simple manhunting mode.
You have to drag out a very obvious syndicate object into a dense crowd.
They are extremely easy to be killed by anyone with a simple flash or stun baton
If you want to give them weapons, you have to drop a pile of weapons next to an already VERY OBVIOUS syndicate weapon. Sure, with some setup you could get monkeys with superpowers, but it’s just not worth the effort with 6TC.

My idea:
Decrease TC cost to 3-4TC, comparing a barrel of monkeys to other 6TC tools is embarrassing, especially considering how vulnerable it is to shut down 6TC worth of points.
Add a container to the monkey barrel that you can stuff armor, sunglasses, genetic injectors, reagents, weapons, stuff that automatically divides among the 6 monkeys with whatever they have. Anything in a beaker gets divided and injected into all 6 monkeys. This will allow people to get more creative with using it.
next your gonna tell me the bowling kit is too weak.
(12-11-2021, 07:15 AM)Jakson Wrote: Monkey Barrels aren’t really a threat, anyone can run away somewhat easily, and if you have 2 people carrying a flash or baton, it’s easy to kill 6TC worth of syndicate gear.

6TC is EXPENSIVE for 6 monkeys that are in simple manhunting mode.
You have to drag out a very obvious syndicate object into a dense crowd.
They are extremely easy to be killed by anyone with a simple flash or stun baton
If you want to give them weapons, you have to drop a pile of weapons next to an already VERY OBVIOUS syndicate weapon. Sure, with some setup you could get monkeys with superpowers, but it’s just not worth the effort with 6TC.

My idea:
Decrease TC cost to 3-4TC, comparing a barrel of monkeys to other 6TC tools is embarrassing, especially considering how vulnerable it is to shut down 6TC worth of points.
Add a container to the monkey barrel that you can stuff armor, sunglasses, genetic injectors, reagents, weapons, stuff that automatically divides among the 6 monkeys with whatever they have. Anything in a beaker gets divided and injected into all 6 monkeys. This will allow people to get more creative with using it.

I love the suggestion of being able add items for them to use when they spawn, that's great. I'm unsure on the cost reduction simply because I've only seen it used once or twice so I can't provide much of a valid opinion. However, the fact I've seen it used so little suggests it may need a cost reduction.
Monkey barrel is also geneticist/staffie only iirc. maybe they could also not attack their owner?
Give the monkeys guns

[Image: 4RJVUqw.png]
Better idea the guns they have shoot additional monkeys.
(12-11-2021, 11:58 AM)Cal Wrote: Monkey barrel is also geneticist/staffie only iirc. maybe they could also not attack their owner?

The monkey barrel spawns a monkey costume when you buy it, the monkeys don't automatically aggro people that wear them so making them not attack their owner wouldn't really do that much.
I really like the monkey costume idea that alone makes it way more appealing of an item. Additionally if you are already a monkey they also don’t aggro would also be great.
The monkeys are heavily armed and quite capable of killing a shit-ton of people.

You can take them down quickly with an area flash but that's more an issue with the area flash.
(12-12-2021, 08:03 AM)DioChasek Wrote: I really like the monkey costume idea that alone makes it way more appealing of an item. Additionally if you are already a monkey they also don’t aggro would also be great.

Maybe  I should have made it more clear but what I said is already in the game.
Does it really already do that? See this is what happens when you just go off the item description which mentions nothing about a monkey suit, and it’s not mentioned anywhere on the wiki.
Monkey Barrels do work if you use them well.

Step 1: Hack open the door to genetics monkey pen so they can freely wander into medbay (ideally to op room with all those lovely scalpels and saws)

Step 2: Release ALL the genetics monkeys

Step 3: Set off 2 monkey barrels.

I've done this a couple of times. Each time there was a monkey war that was still going on half a round later.

Since its a genetics item could we mod it to allow gene injectors? IE stick a hulk injector in for even more fun.
Ive used the monkey barrel plenty of times and its quite devastating when you use 2 monkey barrels at the same time, since ive taken over all of security by planting 2 in armory and ive seen 2 monkey barrels take up 30 mins of a round in medbay with it being a very blood mess. The price is good currently considering making it cheaper would really make it devastating when you could have 18 dangerous monkeys with weapons.
That suggestion about being able to add items to it and the monkeys starting with them would be a great addition. Can make the monkeys actually very dangerous if you add a buncha sechuds or sunglasses into it or geneticists being able to reliable give their monkey barrels hulk genes. This would definitely be a great addition to the monkey barrel making the 6TC item quite devastating if you have prepared enough.
If the addition of being able to add items to the monkey barrel was added it would be a very good item with the need of preparing before using it. Yet still being decently chaotic without preparation causing a good distraction or just some temporary damage.

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