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Tracking Implant - Remove Teleportation Target
Hey y'all, I've noticed a trend lately for players (both security and valid hunters) to abuse tracking implants as a way to make hiding or escape impossible for antagonists.

Not by making their location known, but by allowing them to be directly teleported on top of, accompanied by a daze effect and stamina damage. This is also of course spammable with the hand teleporter so even if you escape the squad of heavily armed sec squad that just appeared on top of your disoriented character they can just use it again and again until eventually they wear down your resources and kill you.

Now, before anyone asks why you don't just remove the implant, consider what I just described above. It is quite difficult if not impossible for most antagonists to gain access to an operating table and remove an implant while in that situation without serving yourself up on a silver platter for them to debrain.

On top of this, it's highly unlikely you will even know you've been implanted during combat when the chat is filled with text rapidly scrolling by and there is basically 0 feedback for being implanted, it negates a huge part of the security/antag dynamic of both ignoring stealth and the chase. It is especially egregious when used on newer antags, as I've seen happen, who simply have no idea what is going on.

My suggested change is to simply remove the ability to teleport to people using tracking implants, which nobody seems to use for any other purpose anyway.
You don't need an operating table to do self surgery to remove a tracking implant.
(12-08-2021, 09:32 AM)kyle2143 Wrote: You don't need an operating table to do self surgery to remove a tracking implant.

Woah, woah, woah, does this go for all implants? And how? I know you can do surgery on tables if the person is unconscious and you have two people but I'm unaware of another method.
I'm not sure how it works for other people but you can do self surgery on yourself without a table while standing up by getting shitfaced drunk and using the tools on yourself.
(12-08-2021, 09:48 AM)Danger Noodle Wrote: I'm not sure how it works for other people but you can do self surgery on yourself without a table while standing up by getting shitfaced drunk and using the tools on yourself.

Yeh, if that's what Kyle means I don't think that's exactly a practical solution. Running around with a sec team appearing on top of you every few seconds while trying to drink yourself super drunk and then do surgery while still being chased, not likely to work lol. Maybe they meant something else.
You can do it on beds. Regular beds, like the ones you can craft from like 2 metal sheets or find in many places on the station. And simply use a knife like from the cafeteria or a vending machine or just a glass shard.
(12-08-2021, 10:41 AM)kyle2143 Wrote: You can do it on beds. Regular beds, like the ones you can craft from like 2 metal sheets or find in many places on the station. And simply use a knife like from the cafeteria or a vending machine or just a glass shard.

I've tested it today, you can't do self-surgery on a bed, you just stab yourself if unbuckled and you can't put anything in your hands while buckled.

Is there something I'm missing?
It seems to have been removed, you now need just as much ethanol to do self surgery on a bed as you needed before to do standing self surgery. I think I'll fix that.
IIRC implant removal was supposed to be exempt from the surgery changes.
(12-08-2021, 11:18 AM)kyle2143 Wrote: It seems to have been removed, you now need just as much ethanol to do self surgery on a bed as you needed before to do standing self surgery. I think I'll fix that.

If removal of teleportation to implanted targets isn't on the cards, might I suggest a larger cooldown on the hand teleport? As it stands, bed surgery wont change the fact it's impossible to cut out an implant with a group of sec officers quite literally teleporting to your location every few seconds like they're the police from Cyberpunk. The moment you stop moving to do surgery you'll get batoned and killed but you also have to cut the implant out to stop the army of teleporting supercops (and whichever other non-sec players want to join in with their artifacts, laser guns, etc...) That's what makes it so awful to deal with.

The reason I'm bring it up is because I've never seen it happen before a week or so ago, and in that time I've had it used on me 3-4 times which has, of course, resulted in my almost immediate death. It seems like both sec and non-sec are realising how strong it is and are starting to abuse it, which is why I made this thread. An easy to acquire item that can be fired from a gun or used instantly in melee and effectively removes all elements of stealth and chase from that player's round, turning it into a permanent CQC fight until they die - because let's be honest you're not winning against an entire sec team and whoever else joins in, by yourself. It's clearly not how these implants were intended to be used which is why I use the term "abuse" to describe it's use for such.

Ultimately I am just a player, not a developer, so my understanding of why the implant is this designed way is limited, but this issue has caused me quite a bit of frustration while playing recently and thus I'd like to give my feedback on it, hopefully some kind of positive change comes out of it at least, and thanks for taking the time to look over this feedback.
yea but you can also use this against sec. Teleport bombs to their location.
I feel like it'd be a lot easier for Sec to get their implant removed than for an antagonist.
Honestly, this does seem like a pretty strong feature, I feel like this wouldn't get added if it were PR'd these days.
The implant can be abused so hard ngl
all it takes is to click them once and you can teleport to their exact location with the hand tele
I am thinking of a few ways to fix it
Remove the teleportation feature from the tracking implant making it only useable for tracking not insta teleporting on top of them
Add an set amount of time before you can teleport to said person like a delay(you cannot teleport to him in the first 15 minutes of the implant and after that you can tele to him)
add an delay between each teleportations so it cannot be spammed
When you teleport to a guy with an implant you will destroy his inplant so you will have to replace it
after 15 minutes the implant self destructs due "NT privacy policy(nice joke)"
tracking implants are good on main when u wanna let someone go
(12-09-2021, 10:54 AM)Cal Wrote: tracking implants are good on main when u wanna let someone go

The tracking aspect I honestly don't mind, though it would be nice for being implanted to be more visible especially during the chaos of combat. It's the teleporting that makes it super abusable in combination with the hand tele.

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