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Job MacGuffins
The idea is to populate various jobs with items for the sake of giving people the task of getting them and either holding them for the round or doing something specific with them

For instance, have a file called something like "Budget report" appear in the HoPs locker, or "Test results" in the Medical Directors, with the Captain a round goal to collect all of them.

Other players could have similar item collection tasks for more common but randomized items, like having the Gnome, a certain hat. Or they could be required to eat a certain food item or drink from the bar.
might be good for an antag lite game mode, where you are still a part of the crew, but you need to steal something from someone, but with out using out right antag equipment or rules, IE no bombing, killing, that kind of thing. maybe something for miscreants to do.
I like the idea of the captain having to bother dept. heads for stuff like that. Gives captain more of a sense of direction other than announcing weird shit and calling the shuttle
Related idea that I got from this: Some degree of item randomization in maps could make things less predictable/metagamey.
Need to have a reason to make people want to make sure these items are not stolen. RP servers might be fine because they have an RP reason to want to keep people from stealing that shit but in main servers people are just going to drop it on the floor or just not care if they get taken.
Eh, I think it's fine. Plenty of work stuff that people don't care if it's taken or not.
This sounds great!
hm... how about i throw out some ideas for the various heads mcguffinss
Captain: The Deed to the station
HoP: The Budget report for this semester
HoS: A group photo of the entire security department
CE: the blueprints for the engine
RD: A burnt and locked book of mystery
MD: A sheet Cloning test results
Comms officer: a Fake gun (cant even shoot foam bullets)
This seems like a good idea for creating additional objectives. The captain in particular, as the most directionless and often useless head of staff, seems well suited to collecting random crap around the station. Goals to eat certain foods, synthesize certain chemicals, grab a gnome, or other such things can introduce people to new stuff whether it's how to make something for a job or just as an incentive to make people explore the map and bug other departments for things.
(07-30-2021, 01:20 PM)Rilor Wrote: HoS: A group photo of the entire security department

(07-29-2021, 08:08 PM)KikiMofo Wrote: Need to have a reason to make people want to make sure these items are not stolen.

Theft and ransom of important work documents is valid gameplay
How about some love for the side departments? I think giving some very minor boosts would encourage both people to hold onto them; And have them stolen.

Mining - Geological Survey Report

While in possession:
Gives a 10% speed boost to the scope
10% bonus blast resistance

Botany - Fantastical Flora Foundations

While in possession:
Small bonus to seed splicing
Minor poison resist?

Engineering - Penthouse Hot Wires

While in possession:
Radiation and electricity resist

Clown could use the diploma. Give those who don't have it a handmade crayon version.
Eh, I don't really think there should be passive, single-user bonuses tied to one-of-a-kind items like this. I understand the point is to make it so the departments generally try to prevent the items being lost, but I'd imagine it would tend to cause a lot of dumb intra-departmental conflict where two powergaming jackasses get real heated about who gets the bonus stats.

If there is a mechanical benefit to the items, it should be something niche that generally helps everyone of the role regardless of which one uses it. Easy enough for single-role fields like the heads and stuff, bit tougher for jobs with multiple slots. For instance, an Engineer's PTL Manual that boosts the efficiency of the laser if the last person to adjust the laser settings had the manual. Plenty desirable by the role but not individual crewmembers, and perfect for leaving in the PTL room unattended...
(07-30-2021, 02:39 PM)Cal Wrote:
(07-30-2021, 01:20 PM)Rilor Wrote: HoS: A group photo of the entire security department


its just the HoS and the turtle, they already disowned the rest of sec after they beat 3 clowns to death and set off a confiscated ttv.

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