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A continuation of this thread
Post ideas for items to be found in random space crates, purchase from merchants, or through exploration.
A general guideline: - Items should be either marginally useful in most situations, or very useful in specific situations.
- Giving the item a drawback or quirk is highly encouraged, especially if it's more useful
- The more these items can look similar to and function like existing items, the better.
Some notable items that came from the last thread: Yeti Earmuffs, Jet Boots, The Bling Cannon
And to start us off:
- Cleats - Nonslip on grass tile turf
- Loaded Dice - Have a higher probability to roll set number
- Surveillance Bug - A deployable cockroach that acts as a camera and microphone. Comes in crate with accompanying viewer and radio
- Deceptive Mug - A mug that holds twice the normal amount of liquid
- Stolen Credit Card - An ID card with a open pin number and a certain amount of cash stored on it. Good for one purchase before it gets locked, so make it a big one
- C.A.T ears - Cat Ear headset that also acts as a translator for languages like monkey or martian
- Prank Stickers - A box of stickers that look almost exactly like real items. Apply the decal and watch as people fruitlessly attempt to pick them up
- Cocktail Baker - A cocktail shaker that heats it's contents the more it's shaken
- Can of snakes - Looks like a soda can. When opened, it spawns a wizard snake
- Slimming Belt - Wearing this belt makes your sprite slightly thinner and taller
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BYOND Username: Cthucky
05-26-2020, 04:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-26-2020, 07:16 AM by Mouse. Edited 1 time in total.)
Syndicate Cat - a cat wearing a syndicate hat
Gooloshes - galoshes that leave a trail of slime wherever you walk
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BYOND Username: Aft2001
How about random processed materials in mining crates, with quantity based on rarity? For example, 10 fibrilith sheets, or 3 claretine blocks, or even 1 erebite block
Crate uplink - spawns in 0-3 random crates before going inert (weighted RNG of course - you're more likely to get civilian and low rarity than research or military or high rarity)
Old pipe bomb - The old Syndicate Pipe Bomb, but it's rather old, so its detonation circuit is funky. Upon triggering the bomb, its timer is randomly determined between 0 and 30 seconds, with higher chances of 0 and higher times (meaning either it explodes in your hand or it gives people enough time to run. But hey, a bomb's a bomb!)
[Red-level Civilian crate] Rare clothing - An assortment of rare clothing items, such as chameleon jumpsuits (the ones that let you change to any appearance), cat ears that let you go *nya or whatever before gibbing you, a chance of a Syndicate Hat, an even rarer chance of a Very Syndicate Hat, etc.
Light cyborg arm - A cyborg arm that is a light. It glows about as much as a PDA, even when attached to you.
How about Syndicate crates? Big red crates with Syndicate logos all over. Extremely tough to crack, rare crates with decent rewards - low level traitor items like Detomatrixes, fake moustaches, etc., and very rarely with higher rarity things like emags and cloaking devices. Probably not actual weapons though, since that'd be a game changer and exclusive to antags - best to have things that are useful to non-antags, not just antags
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Spring-Loaded Boxing Glove - Immediately wallops the unsuspecting victim, sending them flying. Can be compressed and placed in any container/box.
Mimics - Crates that awaken and try to eat you when the combination is solved.
Truth Glasses - When worn, reveals the alien overlords that live hidden amongst us and control the station from the shadows.
Flyswatter - Can instantly swat bees.
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BYOND Username: DJ-Fireball_RESIGNED
- Welding fuel cart - A device that when used on a chem dispenser allows it to dispense welding fuel along with the other chemicals.
- Brain-to-machine uplink - A machine that when implant into one's head allows them to interface with machines remotely like a borg. Access is determined by a card you scan with it before implanting. Using it causes a random amount of brain damage, with the amount rising the more it's used.
- NanoTrasen hat - A hat identical to the syndie hat but blue and it has a "N" instead of a "S". Make security robots besides Beepsky salute the wearer. (Side note: Maybe rework the security robots at some point).
- Synthflesh automender - Guess.
- Tripod kit - Parts of a beacon that can be assembled via a wrench, allowing a pod to wormhole to where you put it. Does not work on actual floors.
- GPS module - A module for PDAs that gives them an app acting as a crude GPS, listing the current location and that of other GPSes. Does not show up on other GPSes. Also the UI just looks shitty.
- Advanced welder - A welding tool that uses a 1/4th the fuel of a normal one, but cannot fit in a toolbelt.
- Expiremental particle extinguisher - A hand-held machine that acts like a normal fire extinguisher except that it doesn't take foam, has a far shorter range (2-3 tiles?) and irradiates the area you use it on.
- Metal foam sprayer - A device like a fire extinguisher, but sprays metal foam to harden around breaches and such.
- Funny pen - A weird-looking pen that writes in comic sans.
- Sticky-note gun - A gun that fires notes which you need to supply, which will stick on the target.
- Shitsulated gloves - Will protect you from one shock, don't work after that.
- Surgical omnitool - Like an engineering omnitool, but it cycles through surgery tools (scapel, saw, etc) instead of normal tools.
- Spill-cleaning drone - A robot that is like a fluid canister but always on the "IN" mode, and moves to puddles of liquid on the ground. Has a capacity of like 120 units that when reached causes it to stop collecting and must be manually drained.
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- PaciFists - Gloves that increase your disarm chance, but can't be removed easily and prevent you from harming and picking up items
- Left handed Mug - A mug with a reversed sprite
- Disappearing Ink Pen - Write something, and in 5 minutes what you wrote will disappear
- Roman Candles - Looks like a candle, sets of fire works when lit
- Breadset - A loaf of bread that functions as a radio
- Tuning Fork - A fork that makes music when you eat with it
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BYOND Username: Rilor
Character Name: Jack Lloyd
you resurected your own forum, nice
Here's some Ideas themed around the artifact civs
Eldritch ring - When worn you and people around you start taking brain damage, prehaps does a bit more damage to those around you than the amount of damage you get
Martian automender - like a regular automender but fleshy and slowly replenishes itself with synthflesh or syptic powder and has less capacity
Precursor teleporter - a strange device that lets you teleport to anywhere you can see, but every time you use it you are dealt escalating levels of every damage type in the game, starting out low but dealing more damage the more its used, with a small chance to randomly deal a ton of damage to make it unreliable
Wizard chalice - like a Extra Large Shot Glass, except its not stealthy (has its own sprite ideally), starts out filled with a random chem from the alcohol dispenser
Silconian borg parts - like heavy borgs parts but it only slows down a borg as much as sturdy
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BYOND Username: Deathslayer448
Character Name: Dave McDave
07-23-2021, 09:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-23-2021, 09:24 PM by Deathslayer448. Edited 1 time in total.)
I got one
The Dice of infinite possibilities - When rolled has a 1% chance of giving you any weapon in the game(within reason, so no canbomb, nukes or other instant round ending weapons) and it has a 30% chance to instantly gib you right then and there as well as making your body unclonable, a 25% chance goes to it bringing instant death upon another player instead of killing you but there body is cloneable, a 4% chance it randomly selects an item on you and deletes it, a 15% chance nothing happens and finally a 25% chance it triggers a random event artificially, probably want to make it really difficult to obtain due to its power but probably not make it admin only.
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BYOND Username: Eagletanker
07-23-2021, 10:30 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-23-2021, 10:32 PM by Eagletanker. Edited 1 time in total.)
Mining Cruiser - its own Z and internal space, miners can use it to “fly” to a new mining Z to get more ores and stuff. I don’t know how this would work but it basically generates a new, less prefab dense mining belt over the previous mining belt. In order to also make it so it doesn’t fuck with something or whatever, all pods would be warned and about 3 minutes given to make your way back to the ship and stow stuff inside or get teleported to the normal asteroid belt. To encourage interdepartmental cooperation, it will break down and stuff and requires a engineer to fix it and refuel it, and for QMs and civ to restock it, along with being able to be upgraded by engineers and mechanics
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BYOND Username: Cthucky
A single blank sheet of paper labeled "important" or something along those lines. Only in red crates.
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BYOND Username: Eagletanker
Floor tile called Dance Floor, which when hooked up to mech comp or placed in the bar can be activated by a button/party button to provide a dance floor which lowers the cool down of the dance emote and changes through the rainbow
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BYOND Username: Jan.antilles
Character Name: Marina "Rina" Favero, Fleur DeLaCreme, etc goobers
Anti-Gravity floor tiles and Heavy-Gravity floor tiles. One works like ice/lube, making you slip. The other makes you skid to a stop, or if you're sprinting, slows you to a walk speed. You make them by plating a single Floor Tile with a block of material in the Electroplater. Perhaps they also need an electric charge to work, and have to be placed over a cable and use some APC power, or stop working when the power is cut. (Maybe emag them to add a nasty shock to their active effects?)
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BYOND Username: ikea
Character Name: Gertrude Luna
07-24-2021, 06:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-24-2021, 06:10 PM by Ikea.)
(07-24-2021, 04:04 PM)jan.antilles Wrote: Anti-Gravity floor tiles and Heavy-Gravity floor tiles. One works like ice/lube, making you slip. The other makes you skid to a stop, or if you're sprinting, slows you to a walk speed. You make them by plating a single Floor Tile with a block of material in the Electroplater. Perhaps they also need an electric charge to work, and have to be placed over a cable and use some APC power, or stop working when the power is cut. (Maybe emag them to add a nasty shock to their active effects?)
Iirc floor tiles made from ice slip you, just alloy ice with steel and go from there.
Paramilitary spacesuit, defense equivalent to sec gear (6 on chest, 5 for spacesuit helm) and some disorient resistance, and it has normal slowdown for a spacesuit. This makes it basically slower sec gear while on station, and incredibly robust while in space.
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BYOND Username: Cthucky
An evil clone of the first person to open the crate.
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BYOND Username: Brixx79
Character Name: Brixx Borisson
Stale Robust Donut: Gives penalties to sec if eaten. Can be thrown for minor damage
Gold/etc. Plated Borg Limbs: Just has the appearance of the metal. Keeps appearance when installed/surgery'd
Runed Oiuja Board: Can't be used like a normal board by ghosts. Instead they can possess it and will randomly say ouija board words.
Spilled Milk: Can be scooped up and becomes normal milk after. Will make people cry a puddle of water when they first move beside it
Cup of Endless Coffee: A cup that slowly produces coffee till full
Jiminey Frogert: A piece of headgear that puts a shelterfrog on your shoulder. 75% chance of whispering kind ideas. 25% of whispering miscreant (not antag) ideas.
RC Car and Controller: A tiny car you can drive around on screen using the controller. Will stop moving if it moves off screen (out of range). Can weld on one of: flashlight, camera hat, GPS, knife
Bub's Toupee: A hairpiece that makes just your head bubsium sized
Inflatable Chair: User must take 20 oxy damage 5 times to inflate it. Lets people bounce off it like a diving board. Is easily destroyed.