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Cloning is easy
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Victim with organ damage or in crit? Could use meds and surgery... or just wait for them to die and stick them in the cloner.
Person died anywhere and bothered to take 2 seconds to get scanned? Jam the clone button and they are back with a shiny fresh scent.
Rotting corpse or puritan? Stick their brain in a monkey and clone them!
Gibbed by an explosion but their head made it? Remove brain and clone them!

Right now it's so easy to clone people the only thing really preventing the crew constantly bouncing back is the apathy towards getting scanned and inconsistent health implanting. Set up a multipod cloner, make an effort to implant and scan everyone and only a bomb can stop you.

Make cloning matter more today!
the real thing stopping peeps from doing this is that healing people is easy and fun
I'd rather do the surgery instead of "Oh sorry, just gonna kill you real quick, haha lets clone you"
It's almost as if the communities general thought is that having an easy way to get back into the game sooner than 1-2 hours is a good thing.
I don't see many people just letting others die and cloning them after unless they're in the -300% health range.
If you're an antag and you want someone dead for good, make sure they are dead for good. If you want to rampage and you're concerned about the cloner, destroy the cloner. Besides, cloner bombings are already very common as is and half of the time you won't have to destroy the cloner because another antag already has.
I very rarely see this menially, at least on RP and lets be honest, if I saw a doctor do that, I would chew them out for it.
Cloning also doesn't preserve any implants or cybernetic upgrades. If you were an antag with an emagged cyber heart for example and were cloned instead of healed, I'd probably be at least a little disgruntled at their lazy approach.

You're also leaving all your property out for others to raid while being cloned. Admit I've snagged a pair of insulated gloves from the cloning area. While most people are good about it, I've also seen others treat it as an upgrade spot.

There's no shortage of healing supplies in medbay and I've never personally seen someone take this approach. Hell. Cryo tubes can do at least half the work if you're occupied with other things.
(06-24-2021, 01:59 PM)Katzen Wrote: Person died anywhere never clone them or check records ever. and bothered to take 2 seconds to get scanned? Jam the clone button and they are back with a shiny fresh scent.
All of this is true but it doesn't mean mechanically that cloning is anything but incredibly easy.

At the moment only player apathy with scans, inexperience setting up multi pods and doctors wanting to do their job and not push a button keep the cloner from being a magic revive within 15 seconds anytime you die.

If anyone ever bothered to be more vigilant with the cloner (like Camryn has sometimes with multipod setups) and heal mixes to speed up the process, players were better at scanning/implanting the crew would instantly bounce back from any death over and over (until cloning is bombed).
Cloning already has the draw back of messing with your stability and also takes away any mutations you had on you, a lot of them are hard to replace.
sometimes, someone will come out of the cloner unable to speak in a normal way for the rest of the round.
(06-24-2021, 11:47 PM)Katzen Wrote: All of this is true but it doesn't mean mechanically that cloning is anything but incredibly easy.

At the moment only player apathy with scans, inexperience setting up multi pods and doctors wanting to do their job and not push a button keep the cloner from being a magic revive within 15 seconds anytime you die.

If anyone ever bothered to be more vigilant with the cloner (like Camryn has sometimes with multipod setups) and heal mixes to speed up the process, players were better at scanning/implanting the crew would instantly bounce back from any death over and over (until cloning is bombed).

The fact that you have to load up your argument with so many qualifiers just detracts from your actual point. "In a hypothetical situation where people were more inclined to abuse cloning than heal people, then cloning would be a problem"? Sure, but that could be said about any hypothetical situation. If even you admit that it's not currently a problem, why is there a need to address it now?
So what you're saying is
If the cloner didn't have its drawbacks of having to rely on other people
it would be broken?

Sounds like there's nothing to fix if you ask me.
I think you should get the perm health debuff on even the first cloning instance. Maybe a module or something whould be able to prevent that, but idk.

I agree that cloning us too fast and easy and just boring. Like it devalues the player's character's life because you can so easily and sometimes almost instantly (with the pre cloned humans in the pod" come back.
Yeah cloning is pretty easy. Needs to be some kinda downside to being cloned. Then again I prefer borging people
Fine with the ease of cloning, in fact I think the ease of recovery helps offset that this game isn't all that balanced in many places (still) or that there's just some non-obvious deathtraps around

I do think that the reclaimer is too generous though, at least for bodies. crunching someone gives you a good deal more biomatter than a clone takes, so you could just cycle autoclones if you're bored (but then incoming dead will fill the biomatter when they come in anyway). I think we should tweak the numbers on what the reclaimer gives and/or what cloning takes a bit so there's only a couple of clones at round start unless you actively enlist help from botany or monkeydome conscripts.

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