08-07-2013, 11:02 AM
Usual Character Name: Logan Wolfe (this is always my name)
BYOND Username: XRev
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Times Available: GMT +1/+2 (depending on summer time) from 11am to 11pm. I have holidays so a lot of available time.
Reason for Application (300 word minimum):
I think I can make the station more fun with me as HoS while being serious. I have a good sense of humour, and I think HoS is generally a very fun role on the servers. I always remain honest no matter what seeing that is the best way to approach situations (OOC ofcourse). On other server my favorite role is HoS, and I think I can do that very well on this community aswell. People have often told me I know my way with space law a great deal on other servers. Now I know there's no space law here (at least no at the wiki), but I know my way around quite well and always use my common sense. If this application does succeed, I will always do my best to be as serious as I can, and I will always follow the rules and guidelines given to me. I will make sure that the officers do the actual job of capturing traitors and other criminals, and that I will keep them in line, not the other way around. I think I'm well suited in holding responsibilities like these and I have held them before. I will also always perform the correct protocols when they're there, and if they aren't there, I'll make up a logical way of action and use that. I know the rules very well. If I would be HoS on this it would be quite a big deal for me and I would be honoured to do that. I have a lot of fun on SS13 so far and I want to enhance that with being HoS. I barely play other servers now. And though some people are just utter trolls and frustrate the crap out of me, I can find it very well with most people if they act maturely.
Security Experience (300 word minimum):
I have a huge load of experience with me on being security. Not only on these servers, but also on almost every other server (except for the ones not running basic code such as xenostations). HoS is my favorite role on most servers. Even outside of SS13, I have a huge experience of being security and/or police. I know how to keep people compliant within the boundaries. I know the boundaries, and I will never ever break them. I've played security on games like ArmA 2, ArmA 3, and other simulation games. I'm always prepared for anything to happen, and I think that's part of the job. Like I said before, my experience with Space Law (though this is unofficial, it will come in handy) is great. I've always kept my officers busy with stuff because I know that if I don't do that, they will just be messing around on the station, so I better keep them in check.
I know how to use all of the consoles on the servers, so there won't be any problem with that. I wouldn't really know what would pose a problem, I think I'm fine to do this. I've also played a lot of Jailbreak, where you're more or less a prison guard (I just count that in as experience). Now I now a lot of people got jobbanned from those positions, but I was never jobbanned from such position. I'm also capable of writing reports and organizing things. Keeping manifests serves no problem. I'm slightly autistic, which also means that I can focus on things very well (just as with most high-functioning autists). I'm fully willing to give everything in order to be HoS here. On multiple games incl. SS13 I know my way around well with weaponry. If there's a security option in a game I always play it and I'm likely to love it, so is the case with SS13.
In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc):
+ People are not likely to break in without being seen.
+ Important areas are easy to access.
+ When people are taken out of the Port-A-Brig, they're already in the Brig area, so they can't escape.
+ The design is nice.
- With the Detective's access to the Port-A-Brig, they're most likely to have it first, while it belongs more to an officer than to a detective, since an officer should arrest more.
That's the only flaw I could come up with, good job
Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum): He's a very nice guy.
Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): None.
BYOND Username: XRev
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Times Available: GMT +1/+2 (depending on summer time) from 11am to 11pm. I have holidays so a lot of available time.
Reason for Application (300 word minimum):
I think I can make the station more fun with me as HoS while being serious. I have a good sense of humour, and I think HoS is generally a very fun role on the servers. I always remain honest no matter what seeing that is the best way to approach situations (OOC ofcourse). On other server my favorite role is HoS, and I think I can do that very well on this community aswell. People have often told me I know my way with space law a great deal on other servers. Now I know there's no space law here (at least no at the wiki), but I know my way around quite well and always use my common sense. If this application does succeed, I will always do my best to be as serious as I can, and I will always follow the rules and guidelines given to me. I will make sure that the officers do the actual job of capturing traitors and other criminals, and that I will keep them in line, not the other way around. I think I'm well suited in holding responsibilities like these and I have held them before. I will also always perform the correct protocols when they're there, and if they aren't there, I'll make up a logical way of action and use that. I know the rules very well. If I would be HoS on this it would be quite a big deal for me and I would be honoured to do that. I have a lot of fun on SS13 so far and I want to enhance that with being HoS. I barely play other servers now. And though some people are just utter trolls and frustrate the crap out of me, I can find it very well with most people if they act maturely.
Security Experience (300 word minimum):
I have a huge load of experience with me on being security. Not only on these servers, but also on almost every other server (except for the ones not running basic code such as xenostations). HoS is my favorite role on most servers. Even outside of SS13, I have a huge experience of being security and/or police. I know how to keep people compliant within the boundaries. I know the boundaries, and I will never ever break them. I've played security on games like ArmA 2, ArmA 3, and other simulation games. I'm always prepared for anything to happen, and I think that's part of the job. Like I said before, my experience with Space Law (though this is unofficial, it will come in handy) is great. I've always kept my officers busy with stuff because I know that if I don't do that, they will just be messing around on the station, so I better keep them in check.
I know how to use all of the consoles on the servers, so there won't be any problem with that. I wouldn't really know what would pose a problem, I think I'm fine to do this. I've also played a lot of Jailbreak, where you're more or less a prison guard (I just count that in as experience). Now I now a lot of people got jobbanned from those positions, but I was never jobbanned from such position. I'm also capable of writing reports and organizing things. Keeping manifests serves no problem. I'm slightly autistic, which also means that I can focus on things very well (just as with most high-functioning autists). I'm fully willing to give everything in order to be HoS here. On multiple games incl. SS13 I know my way around well with weaponry. If there's a security option in a game I always play it and I'm likely to love it, so is the case with SS13.
In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc):
+ People are not likely to break in without being seen.
+ Important areas are easy to access.
+ When people are taken out of the Port-A-Brig, they're already in the Brig area, so they can't escape.
+ The design is nice.
- With the Detective's access to the Port-A-Brig, they're most likely to have it first, while it belongs more to an officer than to a detective, since an officer should arrest more.
That's the only flaw I could come up with, good job

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum): He's a very nice guy.
Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): None.