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Remotes for pipe carts
As the title suggests, a teleporty remote item/PDA program/both for the engineering pipe carts. It's quite annoying to have to fetch them across the station.

We can rename them port-a-pipes for consistency if need be.
I have a very bad poorly-thought out idea: Give them MULEBot pathfinding.
b ack in my day we had to mechscan disposal pipe dispensers and then deploy them where we needed the pipes.... kids these days...
Oh, when I read the thread title I assumed this was about the mousetrap pipebomb cars.
(05-22-2021, 01:59 PM)zjdtmkhzt Wrote: Oh, when I read the thread title I assumed this was about the mousetrap pipebomb cars.

how amazing it would be if you could hide a mousetrap bomb car in a bush, and signal it later
I'm surprised anyone thinks about mousetrap carts at all

Give those MULEbot pathfinding instead. :P

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