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change mashed potatoes to require a spoon instead of a fork
what kind of idiot eats mashed potatoes with a fork?
(05-16-2021, 10:50 PM)Lord Birb Wrote: what kind of idiot eats mashed potatoes with a fork?

What kind of monster pulverizes their mashed potatos into a soupy liquid??
sporks when
Hey rude, I eat mashed potatoes with a fork.
(05-16-2021, 10:50 PM)Lord Birb Wrote: what kind of idiot eats mashed potatoes with a fork?

If you can’t eat your mashed potatoes with a fork you did something wrong.
What type of person eats mashed potatoes? Your ruining a perfectly good potato!
Look at the millionaires, bragging about the utensils they own.
mashed potatos are the worst kind of way to eat potatoes.
Comedy straw option when?
It is MASHED potatoes not a potato SOUP!!!
Don't see why both utensils couldn't work for it.
while we're on the topic. I think we need to change eating chocolate bars from forks to spoons. I eat my chocolate bars with spoons, not forks.
Everyone knows the only real way to eat mashed potatoes is to put potatos into a blender with some gravy and boiling hot water and blend it to the desired consistency. Then you just drink the potato and gravy slurry from the blender cup.
(05-17-2021, 07:07 AM)Eagletanker Wrote: What type of person eats mashed potatoes? Your ruining a perfectly good potato!

you need to try mashed potatoes with butter and a spoon of english mustard, with fried onions and onion gravy. you're missing out.
I dig my fingers into every potato I eat and grind it against my teeth until the mushy potato-flesh glides down my food-pipe. Nom. Nom. Nom.

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