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[CLOSED PR] Gibber nerf
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About the PR
Prevents living humans being loaded into the gibber. Also adds a squelch noise and mutant race blood pool!

Why's this needed?
The enzymatic reclaimer needs to be emagged to kill someone, this is located in a public place.
The gibber can kill people after 3 seconds with a flash/baton or other disable and leaves no evidence.


(+)Gibber no longer accepts living people for easy kills

hell naw. gibber is a sacred relic. turn the crew into burgers 2DAY
i would be down with an actionbar (with same time even) and evidence but not this
Nope. The Gibber is the Gibber because it Gibs. Unless there is a traitor mechanic around there is only ONE place on the station that the Gibber would exist and that one place if you don't wish to be gibbed by it you can stay away from unless you are getting owned by an antag and sent down a funny tube.
Also yes I confused the Gibber with the Crusher. Either way my opinion is the same.
Can we make it gib slower? Like, load a dude into it and it starts by removing and gibbing legs first, then the rest of them?

Mostly to give them time to scream, possibly to pull them out mid process, now legless.

Something between Fargo and Riki-Oh
Figure I'd chime in with a less jokey (but still serious) response. I'd definitely approve of it spewing out scannable blood/gibs for DNA. That makes perfect sense and I thought it did this already. I'd also approve, like ZeWaka said, of an action bar being added. Action bars are good. One more suggestion I have is make it so living crew scream while being shoved in.

I don't think removing it's ability to squishy squishy the crew is good unless emagged at all. The gibber very very rarely gets used in general, less by traitors.
Maybe. MAYBE. Extend the timer a little. Five seconds isn't bad.
I actually like Franks idea of screaming slower gibbing. Would be funny to try out for a bit.
Hard no
(02-19-2021, 07:16 PM)KikiMofo Wrote: Nope. The Gibber is the Gibber because it Gibs. Unless there is a traitor mechanic around there is only ONE place on the station that the Gibber would exist and that one place if you don't wish to be gibbed by it you can stay away from unless you are getting owned by an antag and sent down a funny tube.
Also yes I confused the Gibber with the Crusher. Either way my opinion is the same.

I can say I could approve of this, work the gibber like a katana. Rips off all limbs, each limb removed spews blood and a slice of Name_Meat, till you hit the head/decap point and then spew out two more slices of meat and fully gib you. Give the person an extra say, five or six seconds to say "P-please help, gib-blarg"
(02-21-2021, 12:53 AM)RGBDeadSilent Wrote:
(02-19-2021, 07:16 PM)KikiMofo Wrote: Nope. The Gibber is the Gibber because it Gibs. Unless there is a traitor mechanic around there is only ONE place on the station that the Gibber would exist and that one place if you don't wish to be gibbed by it you can stay away from unless you are getting owned by an antag and sent down a funny tube.
Also yes I confused the Gibber with the Crusher. Either way my opinion is the same.

I can say I could approve of this, work the gibber like a katana. Rips off all limbs, each limb removed spews blood and a slice of Name_Meat, till you hit the head/decap point and then spew out two more slices of meat and fully gib you. Give the person an extra say, five or six seconds to say "P-please help, gib-blarg"

Yeah. As others point out, Gibber is a huge boon to a weaker antag chef so we shouldn't nerf it too much, and all the extra time in the world won't save them if they have the forethought take their radio or buy a jammer, so you're really just encouraging smarter play and more chances for interactions between the players, especially if they could be pulled out mid process all mangled up

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