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Change stimulants TC cost to 6
Title, A traitor with a csaber, and stims can simply not be stunned or knocked out. With a attached csaber arm, and some basic meds, this combo is incredibly powerfull as it results in a nigh unkillable 80 damage sword wielder, which can kill in two or three hits. This is both incredibly unfun for the victims, as often times the rampage happens early in the round, and makes the round much more boring, generally resulting in a 20 minute shuttle
I don't think their price is the issue here. Its the fact that they have no counter, other than hiding for 5 minutes. Before they got changed to a status effect, you could counter them with calomel. However, this was also before it was obvious someone was on stimulants. If there was a better counter, such as the medical directors mutadone darts, mutadone in general, or some new chem that could fit into an un-hacked syringe gun, that would be a better change.
But calomel also didn't go into a syringe gun before stims were changed, and haloperidol from darts still works to reduce the duration of the stim buff.
I made a pull request to do what's in the title, if you have a github account feel free to up or downvote it
I think it would be an excessive nerf.

I also think C Saber block reflect is the bigger problem and making that use stamina/not 100% reflect projectiles at users would tame it.
I don't think the TC cost is the problem here. Stimulants are pretty much meant to be paired with a rampage weapon, changing the TC cost is kinda against the whole idea of that item
Removing or reworking the healing stimulants provide you would be a good direction imo, if you wanted to nerf it. That way we keep the insane stamina buff but we don't make the stimmed up person near immortal.
Still, I think stimulants are in a good spot now. It's a 4 minute status effect, it's very obvious when someone has them (stimulant users are w i d e) and you can counter it with haloperidol or by simply being somewhere else when you see that someone is w i d e
For the haloperidol thing, you'd be hard pressed to get a tranq round into a stim high csaber wielding maniac. Say stims over time caused loads of braindamage, more than enough to cause brain damage death. That way, a person rampaging would have to deal with their braindamge building up every minute or so, because god knows what would be in those stims to cause such a effect.
Getting haloperidol into people is easy, you just shoot them. They probably won't even try to dodge much, seeing as they are basically immune to anything. The only problem would be a csaber reflecting, but that's a csaber balancing issue.

Making stims do brain damage seems very silly, seeing as you pay loads of tc for them. In addition, filling your reagent container up with basically arbitrary amounts of mannitol is extremely easy for anyone with access to medical vendors or a chem dispenser, which covers about 60% of the crew.
Stimulants sole purpose is for rampaging. This is just what it's for. If someone is going sanic speeds with a Csaber attached to them you should probably hide and wait it out. Stims last what 2 minutes?
Yeah this seems like a mostly kneejerck reaction to some recent csaber rampages. As brought out there are already counters to stimulants and they recently received a change which makes it SUPER OBVIOUS that someone is on stims. Namely they get wiiiiiide.

Stims are hard countered by tranq darts. Per life cycle haloperidol removes 15 seconds from the status effect.
Someone on stims is also very vulnerable to bloodloss and brain damage. A severe bleeding wound left untreated will drop a stim'd up traitor before their stims even wear off.

Then factor in scarcity in that only a few jobs can obtain stims unless you get lucky with a surplus crate. I don't see this as a necessary change.
In addition to the PR ZeWaka and Carbadox linked that raises the cost of stimulants like the thread title proposes, there is also a PR that makes morphine reduce duration of stimulants too, at half the effectiveness of haloperidol. Based on some quick back-of-the-napkin calculations, you'd need about 15 units of morphine to end the full 4 mins of stims, probably less since the effect lowers on its own and since there's probably gonna be some amount of time since the stims being administered and you encountering the drugged up psycho. As its description points out, this gives an extra counter for stimulants also indirectly makes the morphine auto-injectors from the Security loadout vendor stronger.

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