HoS Application for Duke Nukem
Usual character name: Duke Nukem (The one and only)
BYOND username: Jakson27
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Jakson#3251
Recommended by (if applicable): HoS Montgommery Scott
Goon servers you play: Started playing on rp goon, but recently I've been playing a lot more of classic goon 1.

Reason for application: A lot of the time I see my fellow comrade sec officers not communicating, everyone running around, doing what they want, and a general lack of communication and coordination. I've always felt like sec needs more leadership, and the captain is too busy doing whatever he wants to care about security or pay attention to sec comms. I feel like if I could be made HoS, I could really secure the sec forces on the stations I become HoS on.

Security experience (300 word minimum): At first I started playing detective, and I made sure to wait until I could understand nearly all of the antagonists on the station, and all of the job specifications everyone must accomplish. I became well trained in cargo, mechanics and packet hacking, DWAINE terminal, AI work, engineer work (before the molitz BS update), clown work, chemistry work, artlab work, toxins work (before molitz), and a little bit of telesci and decent medical work. After learning most of the station's functions, I felt comfortable playing detective, and in fact, a HoS was the first person who showed me around the security lobby, and how everything works and how to be robust with the sec tools and equipment. Also, all of this training happened on goon rp, so I learned the game understanding to respect the antagonists and to make sure nobody ruins their fun, while still establishing security on the station, which is a skill I think is very important playing on any goon server, but I don't see it as often when I play goon1 rather than goonrp.

Then I got burnt out of the game, fast forward 2 months, and I started playing the game and began trying out goon 1, exiting the RP zone. It was definitely a huge difference seeing nukies and blobs and medbay bombings, but I enjoyed the action, but I hated how little I could stop it, so I signed up to be a sec officer, instead of a weak little detective. Most of my training from playing detective transitioned flawless over to my skills as a sec officer (robustness, punishment, teamwork with the force, and understanding antagonists and job functions). So I started playing more and more, and I began to enjoy it. I enjoyed keeping order on the station, seeing clean, blood-free floors. I played security officer for about a week, and I spent about 2-6 hours a day playing it. I learned how to fight against blobs, how to fight syndicate nukies, how to make sure you don't be too overbearing as a security officer, and many things I felt like are very important. Then I noticed there was a general lack of  communication with fellow comrade officers, some just don't answer their radio, or fail to pay attention to the blob taking over medbay, or are too busy beating up and permabrigging the clown. Security has always needed leadership, and I think I could fill in that gap if I get accepted to be an HoS. When I asked HoS [b]Montgommery Scott earlier today if I could get a recommendation, he said "Absolutely".[/b]

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
    Keep in mind that you don't want to ruin the fun for the antagonists, permabrigging a spy is just overkill unless they committed a crime justifying it. Brig them for 5 minutes, confiscate the PDA and any syndicate tools, and let him go. If you remove all the antagonists from the station, what's the point of the game with no conflict?
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
    I remember playing on RP server a while back, I was a mechanic with a friend of mine, and there was a huge revolution. I was a revolutionary and managed to convince the security I was loyalty-implanted, and I snuck in. The sec team had set up a beautiful safe zone while the station around them burned. There were about 15 non-revolutionaries who were hiding out in the sec bunker, and the entire sec force was being commanded by their HoS in a beautiful manner, they were holding out barricades in a perfect line behind rails, and were doing an excellent job holding everyone back, I tried to welderbomb the room in order to hopefully cause chaos to let my revolutionary friends it, but the sec team stopped me so perfectly I wasn't mad at all. This is one of the reasons why I want to be HoS, the idea of order in the sec team under dire conditions.
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
    Make HoS a more loose role to pick, not an application, but requires a certain number of games played as sec and should be elected by the captain. There's too many rounds where I see no HoS, and the team is in shambles. Another alternative could maybe be just encourage more people to apply for HoS.
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
    If I am the only security officer, I really have to play it careful, you have to let some things slide and understand when you're not getting paid enough for the bullshit your about to go into. For example, I was in a 40 pop server, I was the only sec officer. No assistant, no detective, no HoS. Instantly, the mechanic team started handing out C-Sabres, I could have stopped them with a bigger team, but I knew I couldn't handle them. Then, right after that, the captain started handing out AA to clowns. If we had a full team and an HoS, we could have stopped this incompetency, but I couldn't so I backed off and just dealt with smaller things that much better suited my paygrade, like stopping staff assistants from breaking into sec, or EVA.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
    Theres a bunch of security gimmicks that I've wanted to run, most of which are mostly less than legal, but if I ever got to be antag and managed to take control of security, I would capture any and all lings, werewolves, and vampires, capture them and put them in a box, and feed prisoners to it to "study" it in an SCP-style fashion. Either that or just pit prisoners against each other and whoever wins get's their freedom and get one "get out of jail free" pass.
  • Draw a picture!
    Duke Nukem Quote: https://imgur.com/a/q4SqBvJ
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
A few months back when I was new to the game I pulled up an autoclicker and started spamming the shit out of the lighter because my dumbass thought it was funny, it was a short 2 hour ban I think but just thought it would be good to include.
I have seen duke on overflow a quite a few times and he seems a fairly competent sec and was able to actually put a stop to antag shangins which is pretty rare as most sec get slaughtered and i have had good experiences with him. I would say he would make a good hos.
I was playing earlier and encountered Duke while i was a traitor on goon3. He was effective and professional and seemed to communicate well. +1 from me.
After watching you for a round you didn't gib the clown, so that's a plus one. Based on your application and the feedback from other people I trust here I'd give you my highest recommendation. Hope you get the beret!

While playing with you as an HoS, I witnessed you involved with a few officers who would continuously arrest the same people for the same crimes despite them already being brigged (after being told to stop messing with them, too), as well as being unnecessarily aggressive with them. You were not directly being abusive to brigged people, but watching it happen and accepting it is just as bad. It's also very hard to communicate with you, and on both sides of the equation (as security or as HoS) I'd have to hunt you down to get an explanation for why you were going after certain people. The reasonings were typically very petty. Hardly ever did I see you try to speak with people about situations, instead you tend to assume a certain thing happened and act from there. In one of my more recent rounds with you, you spaced a random (assumed) gang member for punching someone while completely unarmed. That does not stick out as HoS behavior to me.

You seem to have a quick trigger finger when it comes to making arrests, which isn't the worst thing in the world, but I really feel that you should tone it down and work on your communication, as well as learn to have a level of respect when dealing with crew. There are definitely positive aspects to your performance, but they seem to be overshadowed by the negatives for now
(02-14-2021, 12:26 PM)Retrino Wrote: No.

While playing with you as an HoS, I witnessed you involved with a few officers who would continuously arrest the same people for the same crimes despite them already being brigged (after being told to stop messing with them, too), as well as being unnecessarily aggressive with them. You were not directly being abusive to brigged people, but watching it happen and accepting it is just as bad. It's also very hard to communicate with you, and on both sides of the equation (as security or as HoS) I'd have to hunt you down to get an explanation for why you were going after certain people. The reasonings were typically very petty. Hardly ever did I see you try to speak with people about situations, instead you tend to assume a certain thing happened and act from there. In one of my more recent rounds with you, you spaced a random (assumed) gang member for punching someone while completely unarmed. That does not stick out as HoS behavior to me.

You seem to have a quick trigger finger when it comes to making arrests, which isn't the worst thing in the world, but I really feel that you should tone it down and work on your communication, as well as learn to have a level of respect when dealing with crew. There are definitely positive aspects to your performance, but they seem to be overshadowed by the negatives for now

I appreciate the feedback, and I have infact aknowledged the fact I might be making some arrests for small menial crimes, and it is something I have noticed myself and been actively trying to get better at. However, I don't think I ever recall you being HoS or having to hunt me down multiple times to ask me for anything? When did you remember this happening and what map was it on? It might jog my memory a bit since I've been playing a bunch of sec lately the past few days.

I'm always seeking out ways to better myself and communication with my fellow sec team and with the station as a whole, thanks.
I can't say I've seen you around on the main servers personally until last night for about two or three rounds. I can't recall what you were doing on the first two rounds but I do recall on the last one before I got off that you were detective. You didn't communicate much and seemed to be doing your own thing, which is all excusable and fine I suppose since I overheard you were a spy thief in deadchat. However if what Retrino said is true, which I trust is the case, combined with me personally not seeing you until after this app was posted, I'm gonna have to say no.

This is not absolute though, if I see you more on security and being good I am very happy to change my vote, it's just that I don't have a good picture of how you play and the description that Retrino gave is not a great one.

And I'm on a roll apparently with being dumb and two-part posting on apps.

There's also a part of your application that concerns me, and that's part where you say you think HoS should be a more loose role. To me that indicates that you either underestimate just how much power and trust is put into the role, or don't understand how detrimental it would be to not have such a thorough application process. HoSes have to be trusted to not use the trust and tools they're given to ruin the game for others but still manage to balance fun and proper stopping of antags. This is where the application process is important, because there's more to getting HoS than simply playtime and experience, it also requires that the community thinks you could be trusted to be good with the role. You say that without a HoS a security team will be in shambles but that is where a perfect opportunity arises to make yourself stand out. Communicate with your team and make your intents clear. Take charge and direct and lead the team where necessary, but also use your judgement to decide when to let things go or to let people do their own thing.
responding on mobile, so sorry if i make any spelling errors. the round i had with you while as an hos was on oshan, a vamp round, if that helps clarify a bit. the reason i was trying to get in touch with you was because as i had mentioned, there were arrests made on people for the same crimes repeatedly, and i wanted clarification that that wasn’t continuing to happen. this was also the round where sec was being particularly abusive, so it stuck with me when i noticed your application. you play sec quite a lot, so it doesn’t surprise me if that round slipped your mind. i’m glad that you acknowledge the issues though, hopefully in the future we can have better interactions and smoother shifts
After playing more with you I think I can finally give my thoughts on this, today, in a round you decided to borg someone you thought was a changeling 9 minutes into the round (the person wasn't acctually a changeling, it was just an admin who had given themselves the sting ability and somehow when they got tested their blood dissapeared??? Can't really blame you for thinking it was a ling since all of sec also thought it was) the ""changeling"" hadn't acctually done much besides sting me and I think what basically is a death sentence for that is really harsh, specially that early. Antags are important to drive the round forward so getting rid of them early is not a good idea. So this is a no from me, for now.
(02-15-2021, 01:38 PM)THISISANICEGAME Wrote: After playing more with you I think I can finally give my thoughts on this, today, in a round you decided to borg someone you thought was a changeling 9 minutes into the round (the person wasn't acctually a changeling, it was just an admin who had given themselves the sting ability and somehow when they got tested their blood dissapeared??? Can't really blame you for thinking it was a ling since all of sec also thought it was) the ""changeling"" hadn't acctually done much besides sting me and I think what basically is a death sentence for that is really harsh, specially that early. Antags are important to drive the round forward so getting rid of them early is not a good idea. So this is a no from me, for now.

While I do acknowledge this, I heard what you said to me after the incident and I really did take it into consideration and sent a mentor help message for their ideas on how they would deal with a situation like that.

This application has actually helped in a lot of ways, people have pointed out my flaws and I've made an active effort over the games to fix these flaws, so I want to thank everyone whos given me criticism and ways to get better at being a sec officer.
+1, hail to the king baby
I've only started seeing you within the last couple of days, though I started playing more sec recently so maybe I haven't been noticing you. Otherwise you seem like a good secoff, if I had wrote this a day earlier, I would have said you dont communicate enough, but that may be because I like to ask if my whole teams dead yet a lot. I don't think i could add a +1 just yet.
Update: I believe that since I have received this feedback and critisim I have improved greatly from it, and I hope you can perhaps change your mind in the future when you see me in-game.
I played a round with them yesterday as a mentor HoS. They stuck out to me as someone that tried to keep in contact, read the room when dealing with caught antags and didn't default to "Borg em", and importantly gave me a little pushback on my more questionable actions without directly contradicting their boss.

All in all they seemed to have a good humor and understood that making sure people are having fun is important, understood Sec's role in ensuring everyone is having fun, and was willing to play along with gimmicks.

I don't have enough experience with them to give a full endorsement, but they definitely left a good impression.
While duke has only recently started to play security, he is doing a very good job. I would like to see another week of good choices, and ill +1 this, (ill come back and edit). But as of right now, hes doing great.

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