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BYOND Username: adharainspace
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maybe make it use realtime, and bump that to like 10hrs? 12hrs? 13hrs? 15hrs? 20hrs?
or just increase the rounds to 20, or 25. who knows. discuss!
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BYOND Username: Wisecrack34
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Is there a specific issue with the new officers you wanna solve? I wouldn't be opposed to extending it
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BYOND Username: adharainspace
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(11-04-2020, 06:40 PM)Wisecrack34 Wrote: Is there a specific issue with the new officers you wanna solve? I wouldn't be opposed to extending it
made this on behalf of some people in discord. original timelock was to bar new players from picking sec right away - so they wouldnt have to learn controls + security play at the same time. some people think that while that does serve its purpose, 13 rounds is far too few to acclimate to goons culture and make informed decisions about how to be a security officer here.
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BYOND Username: Drago156
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Yea I think it's pretty clear that 13 rounds is way too low, though I'm fairly certain quite a few of us suggested higher anyhow, jokes aren't always the best methods of doing something. 25 minimum is ideal IMO, or about 20 hours.
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BYOND Username: KikiMofo
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Original thread Figured this was going to happen, the original timelock was a bit of a meme and just a stepping stone really.
While I'm not an HoS and therefore have little authority to speak on it,
I'd like to add that I feel the 13 rounds has done fine in giving new players time to learn Controls.
Now however, training is lacking.
As we move it upward, the *expectation* is that SEC will be refined. (As for whether or not that is the reality, I can't say.)
Though frankly, Lawyer role may have been nice to have them learn and argue SEC law then enable them to become SEC.
Many SEC join and have Good intentions but ultimately do what they want, I don't think they read the Spacelaw.
And often they don't seem to care to learn it. Executions still take place about as much as before the timelock, I'd say.
Though I could be wrong, just what I've seen.
I don't approve the timelock, nor do I approve raising it. Yet if it's deemed necessary, so be it!
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BYOND Username: Wisecrack34
Character Name: Ereven Nailo
I've seen talk about a Sec trainee role, what if THAT was unlocked at 13 or more rounds and to get full Sec access you had to write quick quiz based on reading up on Spacelaw? It could either have a correct answer for each question that getting 100% right would give you the badge or it could be a 3 sentence thing that Other Officers/Mentors/HoS/Admins could quickly vet for them.
This is mostly spit balling though, I am HEAVILY biased in that the idea of a "Security Highschool Anime" makes me very giggly
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BYOND Username: KikiMofo
Id rather not have a security white list.
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(11-05-2020, 02:52 PM)Wisecrack34 Wrote: I've seen talk about a Sec trainee role, what if THAT was unlocked at 13 or more rounds and to get full Sec access you had to write quick quiz based on reading up on Spacelaw? It could either have a correct answer for each question that getting 100% right would give you the badge or it could be a 3 sentence thing that Other Officers/Mentors/HoS/Admins could quickly vet for them.
This is mostly spit balling though, I am HEAVILY biased in that the idea of a "Security Highschool Anime" makes me very giggly
I do think the time lock dovetails quite nicely with the trainee suggestion. Here's a simple idea: After 13 or whatever rounds, the Sec Trainee job is unlocked. To unlock the rest of security, all a player has to do is play a majority of the round (joining immediately after round start to pick a job is fine) as the sec trainee while other security roles are filled. After they finish a successful round and get off at centcomm, they have the rest of sec, maybe get an appropriate medal too.
The idea is that to get the rest of sec jobs unlocked, you at least have to be coached a bit by other security players. You're gonna get 1 or 2 rounds under your belt as baby security while other, presumably more experienced security officers, help you out.
If this doesn't sound harsh enough, this method could be made more difficult by either requiring a certain number of successful rounds as a sec trainee, and/or requiring a *head* of security to be present to ensure proper coaching.
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(11-05-2020, 05:20 PM)KikiMofo Wrote: Id rather not have a security white list.
I'm also of the opinion that while it's okay to have Sec barriers, they should be pretty low. Using Sec Trainee to transition to full Sec is okay with me though.
I think how we go from Trainee to full Sec needs to be ironed out before additional barriers are put into place.
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BYOND Username: Kak0phony
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I like the suggestion of having Lawyers be the sec equivalent of a staffie.
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BYOND Username: Technature
I read this as "Extend the Brig Timelock" and got very confused when I saw increments of HOURS.
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(11-06-2020, 07:39 PM)Technature Wrote: I read this as "Extend the Brig Timelock" and got very confused when I saw increments of HOURS.
I look forward to being imprisoned for 13 hours across rounds for breaking into the mechanics lab as a staff assistant!
Real talk on this idea; I'm all for a timelock bump. I'd be good for a trainee role too; I know people said lawyer, but I'd like a token-less version of Vice Officer as a potential role! I'd honestly just love to see some more people playing less-intense security jobs but with good intentions to help out. Maybe a designated paramedic type of role? Or some sort of role that comes with the support loadout so you have to follow a more senior officer to get some guidance? IDK, just bouncing ideas!
I'd love to see some changes like this though because I think it would 1.) increase the quality and knowledge of those playing Security Officers, and 2.) potentially make the Bastion Role of Security on the Station less intimidating for other people who want to help out but are scared of maybe messing up something too important like fighting an antag toe-to-toe. Bonus number 3.) would be giving already dedicated Security players with good knowledge and attitudes some options to feel less like they mandatorily have to play as Security Officer to be contributing in positive ways to the round!
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BYOND Username: Wisecrack34
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(11-09-2020, 08:53 AM)nefarious6th Wrote: Good Idea
Yeah, I 100% agree with this, literally no input or objection I think I could make other than that maybe you could give Trainees one of the other types of tokens that isn't a full loadout or make a new Token for them specifically
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BYOND Username: AWarriorBunny
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Time lock reminds me of a system on other servers to gate higher-responsibility jobs from being grabbed by people that won't know how to play said jobs, e.g. needing to play medical positions for X hours before you can play MD or needing to play engineering jobs for X hours before you can play CE, etc. 13 rounds is good in theory, but what counts as a "round" in this context? If someone joins in then goes to cryo after 15 minutes, does that still count as a round?
If this is actually in consideration, I think a good solution would be to make sec locked behind something like 10 hours total play time. That's still less time than having to spend 13 shifts on Goon 1 or Goon 3, and might even be longer than 13 shifts of Goon 2, but isn't so long that it gives the impression that security is serious business, newbs need not apply. I believe that a beginner security role would just subject players to being antagonized by staffies and actual antagonists while not having many tools to really defend themselves besides cry to  real sec  , or carrying the trusty toolbox all the time. I really, really didn't care for the "cadet" role on Fulp for similar reasons.