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[PR] add area location help for spy thieves

About the PR
This makes it so that trying to claim an item while not being in the appropriate area attempts to use the GPS system to find a path to lead you there.
Claiming an item or locking your PDA will remove the path.

Unlike the GPS command, this only calls A* for the one path to the one turf, rather than trying to path to all the landmarks in the map, so I think it's probably more performant than the GPS command?
Nonetheless, I should maybe add a cooldown to how often a spy thief can recalculate it, idk.

For this I made it so that each spy thief area that is generated at the start of the round also finds one unobstructed turf in itself and stores that turf. It is the one that will be pathed to, if needed.
I also rearranged some stuff in the GPS code. I think somepotato made it, but I don't think they are around to review?

Probably did some bad things somewhere in here, please yell at my code.
Why's this needed?
Helps people (especially newer players) in finding those random areas you have never even heard of.
I also added a small additional text that is displayed if the area is in the space diner, seeing as we can hardly make a path to another z level.

(*)Trying to claim an item in the wrong area as a spy thief will now try to use the GPS system to show the way to the correct area.

Nah the GPS should just lead you off into space if you need to get to the space diner for a bounty, always trust the GPS +1
Remember this? This PR's merged/implemented now. Like the description says, claiming an item while not in the right area draws a line (only visible to you, the spy thief) to the area you need to go. GPS code has also been slightly improved. As usual, it's a good idea to leave feedback or further improvements to this idea in a thread.

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