09-26-2020, 05:04 PM
Again, alternatives to the long distance taser gun that could be side grades or locker available, possibly civilian class self defense weapons
1. Alpha Eagle Xtreme's Liberty Bell Sonic Blaster
Uses the same technology as the amplified vuvuzela. Causes those hit in the blast to drop items they have and involuntarily cover their ears.
2. Kowloon Incorporated's "Lei Gong" Weighted Rods
A pocket pouch filled with small steel rods that can be thrown to get a small stun against a foe. The rods can can be used as a melee weapon
3. Hauer & Hammer's "Pixie" Zip Taser
Has a two shot charge and fires short distance pins that cause 6 seconds of slow down and item drop on hit
1. Alpha Eagle Xtreme's Liberty Bell Sonic Blaster
Uses the same technology as the amplified vuvuzela. Causes those hit in the blast to drop items they have and involuntarily cover their ears.
2. Kowloon Incorporated's "Lei Gong" Weighted Rods
A pocket pouch filled with small steel rods that can be thrown to get a small stun against a foe. The rods can can be used as a melee weapon
3. Hauer & Hammer's "Pixie" Zip Taser
Has a two shot charge and fires short distance pins that cause 6 seconds of slow down and item drop on hit