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Let light switches and APCs give off light
Thread title. 

It's extremely frustrating in pitch dark light when someone, whether purposefully or not flips the switch and your wading around in the darkness trying to find the light switch. Often times people just assume the lights are broken.

The light switch should give off a faint ambient light when powered. And by faint, I mean you could make it out in the murkiness, but it's not going to be lighting up the hallway. Something like halve the light of a glow stick, or the ambient glow of a computer. 

In a similar manner, APCs should also give off an ambient light, to the exact same degree. If in the busted state, they would logically give off no light. This time it's when your in Maintenance, which is always dark. 

These two changes would make pitch black darkness a little more workable, without changing the basis of how darkness works. I could've made this in the other thread, but I felt this simple change warranted a separate thread.

Hecking, I had a feeling this was already suggested

What's confusing is that this is already a Good Idea, but light switches and APCs are definitely not giving off light currently so something is amiss. 

So perhaps this is actually a bug or oversight?
pretty sure light switches already have this

edit: just double checked, they do already have this. light switches light up their tile with a soft red glow
As did I..

[Image: 46gJ8a3.png]

I guess my issue with the current implementation is that it's indistinguishable from background ambience. 

I might recommend using a different color, perhaps yellow or better yet - green. More moody lighting is good.

And then apply this to APCs also.
I see absolutely nothing but blackness in that red rectangle. Can't we make it like borg eyes? Those are extremely visible in the dark!
I see nothing but blackness in that red rectangle either. Even if I highlight it and lean in until I'm about four inches away.
(09-30-2020, 09:27 AM)zjdtmkhzt Wrote: I see absolutely nothing but blackness in that red rectangle. Can't we make it like borg eyes? Those are extremely visible in the dark!

Yeah borg eyes seem like a good idea, where it is always full bright
[Image: f89ytzP.png]

One problem with doing this to APCs is that they already have a shitton of overlays because of all the tiny lights. Giving each an additional overlay to glow in the dark would likely drive mbc nuts.
Moving this to Good ideas because, pali basically implemented this, with the execution a little bit what he showed in this thread. If you feel maybe this should apply to other objects or that the light could be a little bigger or brighter or whatever, feel free to make a thread.

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