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timegate security holy hell
(08-11-2020, 09:48 PM)Wisecrack34 Wrote: I have the perfect compromise: 13

Also count late joins, I usually forget to pick right away or wait just so I can fill a role requirement. Just require they play for more than 30 minutes minimum with a system to detect if they are AFK

Good good
I'm down for 13 thematically.
I'm cool for (Space Station) 13 rounds.
My input to this is merely: +1
working on this right now!
Personally I still prefer 20+, but I'm willing to see how 13 rounds goes.
To attempt to address the "Shitsec" problem, you're not wrong. More experience will likely benefit SEC quality.

13 we feel is to address the HoS' concerns in this thread wanting to teach new players SEC, not controls.

If it's found that an increase needs to be made, I'd support it too. (Again, if it'll help Crew feel better.)
For now, it'd be nice to follow the welcoming attitude to all roles, regardless of experience.
Yeah, to elaborate, 20+ would be my ideal, but if the timelock starts at 13 and stays at 13, I could live with it, I'd still be willing to try it. And of course, if the same problems still occur, the rounds required can definitely be raised. Maybe even lowered if it turns out that maybe it was actually too high all along. It's something I'm genuinely interested in seeing how it turns out.

Teaching Sec rather than controls is also a very good point. Some of my friends who play HoS and are also admin have shared how difficult it is to teach new players Sec these days. I didn't quite delve into it in my previous big post outlining reasons for a timelock, but they bought up an interesting point that sec not being timelocked was still an issue back before the recent population boost, but it wasn't quite as problematic because there were usually only one or two sec people that need to be trained.

(I'm also mildly put off by "we", because it could mean "we the playerbase" or "we the people who prefer 13 as the requirement". I hope it's the latter, because I'm trying to avoid making this into "regular players convince the admin team to implement something a certain way". I'm not really speaking from official position, though I could see how sharing other admins' concerns could lead into thinking otherwise.)
I can understand and was trying to avoid giving that impression.
I meant those who were agreeing to it in this thread and wasn't sure how to word it without making it sound like *my* idea.
I opted for 10, 13 is a weird number.
I get 13 is a joke. SS13, 13 rounds. Just think it's a weird number. 10, 20, 30. 13? Weird.
& To reiterate, again I'm not taking any responsibility nor credit for anything on this thread, my opinion is lowly and unimportant.
If you don't see the reason behind 13 as the amount of rounds required I don't really know what to say about that.
Personally, I feel like 10 to 15 is an appropriate amount

13 happens to be roughly between that, and also fits thematically.

One thing that could be interesting, and soothing psychologically, is to split this

10 rounds and 3 rounds until Sec
As in, there's something after the 10 rounds, but before Sec.

Maybe the Detective? Vice Officer? Something to ease you into the role of playing true Sec.

Oh I forgot about the Vice Officer and Detective. By sec I assumed we JUST meant Security Officers.
Vice officer for 7? Detective should be at 13 as well since they start with a genuine firearm
Vice officer gets a full blown token I believe, so they are basically sec officers.

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