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Make Character-Select Mentor Toggle Selection Character Dependant
I use different character slots for different things. While I am playing as Cassie I almost always have mentorhelp on but when I'm streaming I use a different character and 100% want mentorhelp off so that I don't ruin anyone's round or give out information that shouldn't be publicly available (connecting account names to character names, ect). It would be nice if we could independently set mentorhelp toggles in character creation per character. It exists in there but it seems to be an overall selection. (Or maybe I've just been doing it wrong - never underestimate my ability to foul things up.)
You can toggle it on and off in one of the tabs in the top right once you join game, unless this is what you're already talking about?
(08-10-2020, 07:23 AM)Tiggersaurus Wrote: You can toggle it on and off in one of the tabs in the top right once you join game, unless this is what you're already talking about?

You can, and I do. But oftentimes I don't remember to until messages are already seen. Being able to just go 'I'm on my Joe Streamer cloud save, no need to worry' would be better overall. It is, on the whole, a minor betterment but if it doesn't require much code rework would be a good addition.
I don't know much about streaming or mentors but that stuff should remain confidential, I think with the increase of eyes on the game as a whole we ought to consider making a sort of streamer mode that hides stuff like that or only allows certain things to be seen by people watching. This may even be an issue that could be fixed by a 3rd party app but I'm not gonna go about asking for people to code an entire streaming program when I can barely make rock paper scissors in eclipse.

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