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BYOND Username: Emcee-Gore
Gaining points in gangs so EVERY gangmember can afford cool stuff from the locker is nearly impossible.
If not everyone can share the spoils...of course it will resolve into murder for better loot.
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BYOND Username: Lady Birb
Character Name: Allie Allison
imo the best way to improve gang would be to make it opt-in team mode, prohibit gangsters from killing non-gang crew and vice-versa. And PLEASE bring back the mechanic that made it physically impossible for gang members to assemble bombs.
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(07-17-2020, 09:19 AM)Lord Birb Wrote: imo the best way to improve gang would be to make it opt-in team mode, prohibit gangsters from killing non-gang crew and vice-versa. And PLEASE bring back the mechanic that made it physically impossible for gang members to assemble bombs.
>Opt-in Team Mode
>Prohibit Gangsters from killing non-gang crew
>physically impossible for gang members to assemble bombs.
All of these could be fulfilled with a simple law write up without having to code anything.
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BYOND Username: Emcee-Gore
Prohibit Gangsters from killing non-gang crew,...
Yeah sure... Mr. I am a greytider and wanna fuck your shit up ... or Officer Mac-all-of-you-getting-brigged ... surely are exceptions to that, aye? ._.'
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BYOND Username: Flaborized
Gang used to work like that kinda, the gang members couldn't attack the crew unless the crew attacked them and vice versa, turns out this makes an incredibly boring round because you can avoid all antagonist conflict by just not joining a gang. One gang would very quickly murder the entire other gang (usually one or two people) and then security would have nothing to do because that remaining gang would have no one left to murder, turning the round into extended with funny costumes.
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Yeah no we don't want a total return to that.
I think still be neat if we had a Gang Code but with a straight forward coded ability - "Hit"
So the Gang Code would look something like this:
1. Do not willingly damage and vent the station.
2. Do not kill civilians unless in self defense or if the Gang Boss places a "Hit"
3. Defeat the other gangs through any means necessary.
The "Hit" would be an ability used by the Gang Boss. When used, a pop-list of all the station crew will appear on it (not unlike Wizard's Clairvoyance spell). When chosen, all the gang members will receive a message on the chat
"Gang Boss placed a hit on [Name]!"
and then begins a cooldown. All the gang members will now see a little target (not unlike the sec glasses) on the chosen player. Only one hit can be placed at a time.
This allows gangs to coordinate assaults on troublesome civilian targets at the mercy of the Gang Boss while still following the Gang Code. If the Gang Boss croaks, then there can be no more hits can be placed, making their survival necessary for the Gang.
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BYOND Username: DJ-Fireball_RESIGNED
07-17-2020, 07:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-17-2020, 07:29 PM by DJ-Fireball_did_this. Edited 1 time in total.)
Maybe if too many civilians die it could be an in-universe "loss" because it brings the gang under the cop's radar.
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BYOND Username: Technature
Killing other gang members should bring you under the cop's radar, because you're not on the station to participate in a shitty gang war, you're there to do a job, and murder is kind of illegal.
I know it's weird to compare SS13 to an RTS, but the way I treat gang war as Sec is basically how cops in Mob Rule (you guys definitely heard of that one, right? Yeah? Definitely?) handled the players. Get summoned to places people are dying, patrol the area or block, arrest anyone trying to murder or very obviously is trying to start shit. Only real difference is I patrol at random and unlike the AI for the game I would have to figure out who started any given fight rather than just automatically knowing who is starting a fight and who's just fighting back.
Granted to be fair cops were damn near impossible to kill in that game...
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(07-17-2020, 07:27 PM)DJ-Fireball_did_this Wrote: Maybe if too many civilians die it could be an in-universe "loss" because it brings the gang under the cop's radar.
GTA wanted stars
Seriously though, I'd rather we avoid placing hard limits on things like item interactions.
One of the biggest problems with SS13 is the disconnect sometimes between the idea of a role playing game and a game with win lose mechanics.
What makes nukie work is, it's role playing and game mechanics align. You're murderous terrorists. Hostility is expected from both sides.
Gang is more nebulous. What's gang's role? What's Crew's? How are they supposed to relate? It's why friendly wizards are so polarizing. Players don't know what the intent is or how to react.
We need to define exactly how much tension is desired between the gangs with each other, and gangs with the crew. Then build the mechanics to match
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BYOND Username: qrqwerqwr
Character Name: Jason Richardson
I have couple of suggestions. First, gangs should receive a penalty if they harm civilians. They should only be allowed to take action against other gang members and security that intervenes. To make distinguishing between civilians and gang members easier, I think the gang attire, at least the headwear, should simplified to just a colored bandanna. The color could be chosen or just random. That way, if you see someone with a bright colored bandanna you know that they are a gang member and not protected. Real gang members aren't afraid to show off their set, so players should be encouraged to do the same. And a lot of gang rounds are just a rush to get the swat mask first. I think this will help to eliminate some of the powergaminess.
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BYOND Username: Emcee-Gore
I am against the idea of removing the costumes. fact I'd argue that we are missing the clown garments to select for the gang outfit.
Anyway........putting a limit or penalty on harming civillians is sure to backfire sooner or later.
Oh - a mime or a clown picked up our gang stuff and ran away with it after we were in a fight with another gang?
Sure - to get it back you'd have to beat it out of'em...oh too bad; now your stamina is reduced by 50% - since you hurt a harmless civillian.
Put a hard limit on shit like that...and there will always be a player interacting with gangs in a not desirable way...thus they have to defend themselves and shovel their own grave.
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BYOND Username: Cthucky
I had a sudden epiphany as to something that might be able to address these issues. Instead of just gang members getting a HUD thing that tells them who their fellow gang members and leader are, have everyone get a HUD thing telling them if a person is in a gang or not. (Gang members would of course still have their little G to tell who is in their gang) Let people (especially security) know at a glance if a particular fight is between two gangs or between a gang and civilians. Let gang members know on sight who to beat up or who they shouldn't bother to try to recruit. Let the AI announce that the person in toxins who didn't bother to even place their locker is in fact a gang leader so the rest of the crew can go beat them to death before they actually blow anything up.
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BYOND Username: Brixx79
Character Name: Brixx Borisson
07-25-2020, 11:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-25-2020, 11:12 PM by Brixx79. Edited 2 times in total.)
What if there was some kind of 'Gang Summit' at the 10 minute mark and every 30 minutes there after? All the gang members meet at a location to vote on increasing or decreasing the points gained for trade in categories (drugs, guns, etc). Leader votes are worth 3 points with each ganger vote worth 1. Voting for peace or open warfare is an option. Peace gives you points for each enemy ganger that's alive on a steady tick. Warfare gives you bounties for killing opposing gangers, and penalties if your guys die.
You'd be encouraged to recruit people who will not only follow gang rules, but also participate in the summit. If it's open warfare, everyone knows it and will expect it to be a bloody ordeal. Peace forces you to keep your guys in line and rewards you for it. Start all gang rounds on peace. If it's changed to war (or from war to peace), give it a 3 minute neutral period where no bounties/rewards are given. This will discourage the summit from becoming a sudden bloodbath, and give people time to adjust strategies.
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BYOND Username: TDHooligan
Character Name: Dill Behrt
07-26-2020, 06:53 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-26-2020, 06:56 AM by TDHooligan. Edited 1 time in total.)
I've suggested it prior, but I think players will be much more receptive to item rewards rather than 'good gang points' - So many of the gang items are extremely expensive, limited in use, and one dude can just burn all the points. Other players might not want to make other players angry by spending gang points.
Instead of giving more points to gangs at high priority areas, change it so that the high priority areas will have locked crates full of illicit, cool things teleported in. Handfuls of loose drugs, bottles of illicit medicine and poisons, bullets, weapons, stacks of money, etc.
These gang crates could spawn locked and automatically unlock near a gang locker, which means the following:
- Gangs will have to carry these crates back while keeping rivals off their tail.
- Gangs will have to fight over them or miss out on a bunch of cool toys.
- People will start congregating in weird areas, barricading them in preparation to fight off other gangs
- The items will be right next to a gang locker, so there's the option to store items that are less valuable.
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BYOND Username: Wisecrack34
Character Name: Ereven Nailo
I like that idea, I've never actually played gang oddly enough but I hear it's what the cool kids call "based"