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> Begin Transmission
Species name: Baal (As referred to by Nanotrasen. Original species name unknown.)

Home planet: Talach V

Origin: ??????

Species age: ??????


The Baal were encountered on their home planet, Talach V, after Nanotrasen sent out a Survey Team to investigate the planet. Plasmastone was discovered beneath the surface, buried several thousand kilometres under the crust, via a long range pulse once the team had made landfall. This interested investors greatly.

The air of Talach V was breathable, (barely), as it was scorching hot and the stench of sulphur hung thickly in the atmosphere. A mixture of ash and red sand blanketed the surface of the planet, leaving much to be desired, as the environment looked more like a hellscape than a functioning world with life on it.

The initial response from the Baal was incredibly hostile – Any attempt to communicate with them usually resulted in the messenger being returned in a mess of torn flesh and broken bones. Eventually, they came to trust those that remained of the team, and contact was established.

They possessed the same level of sentience and intelligence as human beings, if not smarter. For whatever bizarre reason, either through degeneration or some other terrible accident, they had been left stranded completely on the planet of Talach V, restricted to a nomadic lifestyle of living off the land with no hope of ever returning to the stars.

Several ancient, crashed starships were found buried far beneath the sand and ash, indicating that they had once arrived here and that Talach V was not their original home. No further data could be gleaned from these wrecks.

They were found to be far more physically capable than the average space-faring human, as well as having an innate resistance to heat. They did; however, seem to have an adverse reaction to colder temperatures. Whether this is because they had been forced to evolve in order to survive on Talach V, or if they had these characteristics prior to whenever they were stranded remains to be seen.


[Image: Jt75bGt.png]


[Image: HFkfEGo.png]
>End transmission

Hi! Thanks for taking a quick read of this little synopsis I did for my demon-esque people, or the Baal, as I’ve chosen for them. I’ll hopefully be able to provide a little more organized, in-depth lore at a later date but I was really excited to post this because I wanted to gauge the reaction from the community and see how everyone felt regarding the addition of newer, lore-rich species. I’ve been working hard on these guys for the past few days in aseprite and have reached a stage where I’m comfortable posting what they currently look like.

 I’ll hopefully be able to look at doing some other species too later down the track, but these guys are my first goal. The current synopsis is definitely going to undergo some changes at some point, as may the sprites and species name due to me wanting to polish them a little bit more, but please let me know what you think!

(There is, of course, no guarantee that these will ever be added. This is just my attempt at spitballing some ideas and trying to get a little bit more interesting lore and diversity amongst the current species we have access to.)
Since they lack hair what kind of customization options do you think could be available? Different colors, different horns?
It's like lavaland's natives but better.
Honestly I would love to see those Baal be introduced to Goon! They look incredible! smile
Why not add this as the next higher tier SpaceBux body-type? Heat resistance and cold vulnerability do seem balanced at first glance. So that would be neat.

Here goes two points that I would think could work out potentially really funny:

-When Traitor Chaplain decides to go all devil contract - his body-type should change into a Baal.

-When anybody with the Baal genome gets hit by a bible or comes in contact with holy water or remains in the church for a prolonged period of time - their Baal DNA will activate and transform them into the Baal body-type.
id be up to code this! u just have to put up with the inconsistent adh development cycle
(06-28-2020, 01:45 PM)Adhara In Space Wrote: id be up to code this! u just have to put up with the inconsistent adh development cycle

If you're down, take as long as you need with it!
this is pretty sick in so many ways, i like the lore too. Super unique
Could Cryostilane work on them like a poison?

I'd love body-type specific vulnerabilities to be explored further.
Similar to how some sort of bug-spray SHOULD hurt roaches.
When they're in critical health they deal bonus damage and get a stamina boost.

Healing chems are less effective across the board
(06-29-2020, 12:50 PM)GORE Wrote: Could Cryostilane work on them like a poison?

I'd love body-type specific vulnerabilities to be explored further.
Similar to how some sort of bug-spray SHOULD hurt roaches.

I like this a lot too
I've got some codebits in my furry uwu mutantrace that might be useful for you, especially if you want stuff that's normally harmless kill the shit outta them. Or make everything look weird.
While I'd like to wait and see what the customization looks for them before I personally attempt to be the closest thing to a demon that I can be at all times, I like the concept, lore, and look of this. Plus anything that breathes some new life into the game and diversifies the current roleplay options available is always a plus in my book.
As a mob or maybe a gimmick job perhaps. I'm not a huge fan of them - which is whatever. The bigger problem is that it'll make AI laws even more finicky.

I would also like to be able to avoid being turned into one of these. It is obviously demon/devil inspired and that is frankly not something I am comfortable with. Having to suicide out before a chaplain contract finishes is bad enough. I don't want to have my spaceman turned into this - be it through brain surgery, injectors, or whatever else.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not your evangelical asshat that wields their religion as hate - but there is imagery and actions I feel uncomfortable with. Yes, even understanding that this is a modern interpretation of such.

Further edit: I'm also not saying 'don't add it'. Just offer an opt out for things that touch on religion.
(07-02-2020, 05:09 AM)Erev Wrote: As a mob or maybe a gimmick job perhaps. I'm not a huge fan of them - which is whatever. The bigger problem is that it'll make AI laws even more finicky.

I would also like to be able to avoid being turned into one of these. It is obviously demon/devil inspired and that is frankly not something I am comfortable with. Having to suicide out before a chaplain contract finishes is bad enough. I don't want to have my spaceman turned into this - be it through brain surgery, injectors, or whatever else.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not your evangelical asshat that wields their religion as hate - but there is imagery and actions I feel uncomfortable with. Yes, even understanding that this is a modern interpretation of such.

Further edit: I'm also not saying 'don't add it'. Just offer an opt out for things that touch on religion.

Do you mean the chaplain himself gaining the devil horns and a blazing aura?

Otherwise I'm pretty sure chaplain contracts no longer send you to hell. In fact I think there's only one non-admin way to get to hell anymore and it's impossible to do before round end without using an exploit.
(07-02-2020, 05:09 AM)Erev Wrote: As a mob or maybe a gimmick job perhaps. I'm not a huge fan of them - which is whatever. The bigger problem is that it'll make AI laws even more finicky.

I would also like to be able to avoid being turned into one of these. It is obviously demon/devil inspired and that is frankly not something I am comfortable with. Having to suicide out before a chaplain contract finishes is bad enough. I don't want to have my spaceman turned into this - be it through brain surgery, injectors, or whatever else.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not your evangelical asshat that wields their religion as hate - but there is imagery and actions I feel uncomfortable with. Yes, even understanding that this is a modern interpretation of such.

Further edit: I'm also not saying 'don't add it'. Just offer an opt out for things that touch on religion.

AI Laws are already finicky enough - they'd slide in right alongside Lizards, so there's really not much a problem there. It'll more than likely be a spacebux/race menu thing, so you're not going to "be forced to play it". You can very much opt out of it if it makes you uncomfortable. This is just a little addition for people who find them interesting/want to give mutant races a go but don't actually like our current ones.

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