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cap the damage a blob nucleus can take from any one source
Right now you can instakill a full health nucleus just by pouring stuff on it out of a fuel tank.  It's fucking ridiculous.
no lol
The fact that hell chem mixes can undo a considerable amount of blob progress is kind of shit tbh. I don't like chemistry but I don't wanna say nerf them but I definetely think capping max damage done to the nucleus, or even all cells and their variants, wouldn't be too bad of an idea.
I feel like this would be a change that is treating a symptom rather than curing it
I've seen a hellmix *INSTANTLY* kill a blob that was at full health. What the fuck is this? That's not balanced at all. Hellmixes in general are pretty damn strong, and while I don't think that should change, blobs should not be insta-killed. Chemicals should be STRONGLY nerfed against blobs - I think the biggest thing that could be done is making smoke/foam/whatever much less effective on the blob, at least until they get MUCH bigger.
Shouldn't using hellmixes be as frowned upon as suicide-bombing antags?
People around you might get hurt - non-antags might get hurt.

Especially when smoking them?
It's usually overlooked I believe cause Blob rounds aren't very long and the blobs are well known for potentially needing hellmixes to kill.
(06-06-2020, 08:28 AM)Technature Wrote: It's usually overlooked I believe cause Blob rounds aren't very long and the blobs are well known for potentially needing hellmixes to kill.

So...if the reasoning behind allowing hellmixes (which potentially hurts non-antags) is that those rounds are not very long,...
Then - one can assume that it is alright to suicide-bomb Nukies then? Those rounds also have the tendency to not be very long - at least after the timer is set.

If we could come to any agreement on this matter; I'd be quite happy.
Bombing blobs with the potential to hurt crew-members does not sound worse than hurting crew-members while suicide-bombing Nukies.

Where lies the difference in these two and why are people regarding hurting non-antags as okay; when fighting the blob?
I can't say for sure myself.

A possibility could be that, since it's in the middle of a blob and people tend to avoid something like that (Because it's 1, very obvious and 2, very stupid to be there without a plan) it's generally accepted while the Nukies zone of control isn't nearly as obvious or noticeable. You potentially could walk into the most well guarded area of a Nuclear Operative converted base and not know til it's too late, while getting to the center of a blob outbreak means passing by most likely several warning signs that you are probably not coming back if you go further.

That being said, I do agree that massive VERY NOTICEABLE steps need to be taken in order to do a plan like Hellburning something to death due to the sheer likelihood of accidents. I'm just considering what the most likely explanation is for why things are the way they are.
I have witnessed an early blob be destroyed instantly when no one was around it when a scientist plopped a beaker down near its nucleus and 1-shot it with a hellmix - from space, behind some walls. That is extremely unfun and unfair.
I came up with two possible solutions for this.

1. Put a cap on the amount of damage the Nucleus can take from a single source. Make it so that it takes at least three or four hits from anything to die.

2. Have a grace period where the blob can respawn if killed really quickly. If the blob is killed ten minutes in, let them spawn somewhere else for another try.

Option 1 seems like the more preferable one, as power gaming nerds can more easily wait for the ten minute mark than make four separate hell-mixes and the crew can easily kill a newer more babby blob, though I don't know how possible that is for Byond to work with.
(06-07-2020, 07:28 AM)Technature Wrote: I came up with two possible solutions for this.

1. Put a cap on the amount of damage the Nucleus can take from a single source.  Make it so that it takes at least three or four hits from anything to die.

2. Have a grace period where the blob can respawn if killed really quickly.  If the blob is killed ten minutes in, let them spawn somewhere else for another try.

Option 1 seems like the more preferable one, as power gaming nerds can more easily wait for the ten minute mark than make four separate hell-mixes and the crew can easily kill a newer more babby blob, though I don't know how possible that is for Byond to work with.

Option 2 is already in effect, though I don't know the exact numbers.

I really think blob needs reworking with all concerns in mind rather than addressing them one at a time.

That said, I think a lot of blob problems stem from the vulnerability of the Nucleus, because it's a static object and you only have the one at first, until you get more.

I think we should be working towards addressing that, since a lot of other problems stem from it.
Could make it so any piece of blob smoked with and destroyed becomes a pile of the reagent that killed it on the ground for the blob to reabsorb, you smoke a blob it gets what you smoked it with to fire right back at you. risk/reward
(06-08-2020, 05:56 AM)vampirate Wrote: Could make it so any piece of blob smoked with and destroyed becomes a pile of the reagent that killed it on the ground for the blob to reabsorb, you smoke a blob it gets what you smoked it with to fire right back at you. risk/reward

That could potentially go horribly wrong - in the matters of balance,...

But the potential fun that could ensue by this change could be tremendous indeed. big grin
I rarely see any usage in absorbing chems as a blob and it would surely be fun to see this change go live.

I am all for it - if not to only see what the result of this balance change would be.

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