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My only regret is that I have Boneitis - Broken bones
*Warning Effortpost incoming*

The following is a post to demonstrate how broken bones could be implemented.

Firstly, broken bones isn't a thing a player is going to get every round, and it isn't a thing that is going to ruin their round either. It is a step below removed limbs and akin to a debuff. A player with a fractured arm can still fight and effectively ignore it the entire round. It does however, leave you open to further damage should you be the kind of player that seeks pain and misery.

Please break my bones?

This would require a mild change to how damage is calculated. L&R legs, L&R arms, chest and head now have separate health pools and targeting them will damage it, not unlike cyborgs. 

For the purpose of health scanners, they record the total damage incurred. This means someone flailing a fire extinguisher at your legs, the victim will have a recording of 120 brute and can and will go into cardiac arrest. So there's effectively no difference in how death occurs, although aiming at the chest/head is more effective, which i'll explain later. The health pool is only relevant for the purposes of fracturing and is only affected by BRUTE damage.

Arms and legs have a smaller health pool of 80 while head and chest have 120. Armor reduces this damage as expected. 

Your bone's health pool (separate to the brute damage incurred) will slowly regenerate over time back to 100%. This process can be speeded up with Hydroxyapatite (see below), which also speeds up setting a bone.

When the health is reduced to 0, Fracturing occurs, with a loud *CRUNCH* and your bones stop regenerating. When your bone is fractured, any further damage to the limb rolls a chance of Shattering the limb, which is worse. Simples. But wait, there's more.

Ooof owie my bones. I require medical assistance.

There are a few treatments for broken bones, however bones will naturally set over time unassisted.

Painkillers - Painkillers negate the symptoms of fracturing. They do not cure it, and is obviously only effective when within your system.

Splints - Splints, a new medical item, can be applied to any broken bone without surgery. It negates the symptoms of a fractured bone (so good as new!) and after a certain period of time, sets the bone. It does not heal over time, so you can't just apply a splint and remove it shortly after for a small health increase. It's all or nothing. 
Splints can be removed by any sharp object. Yes, this means someone can remove your splint nefariously.
Splints are itchy, and you'll occasionally scratch it, not unlike getting ants on yourself.
Splints can be manufactured in medical manufacturer, or crafted by bandage + rods.
Splints have a chance of messing up if applied by yourself, incurring further brute
Splints on shattered bones do not fully negate the symptoms, instead you now have the symptom of a fractured bone (so a tier below). If that debuff is is getting you down, fear not as there is..

Hydroxyapatite - A new space-age drug which speeds up the process of setting the bone. It does not have to be injected locally and does not require to be injected for every broken bone. So long as it is in your system, it will speed up the process of setting any and all broken bones. It should be used in conjunction with a splint and vice versa, but it is not necessary. 

Limb replacement: Sure, robotic limbs can't be broken, if you have one handy and if you want to undergo surgery, that's an acceptable treatment. 

*Doot*, eat your calcium. Types of injuries:

Fractured arm
Cause: 80 brute damage to arm
Symptoms: Higher disarm %, unable to block, punching with fractured arm causes brute.
Shattered arm
Cause: Further brute damage to arm after fracturing occurs. 
Symptoms: All of the above + % chance of dropping items in hand.

Fractured leg
Cause: 80 brute damage to leg
Symptoms: Slight reduced movement, kicking causes brute.

Shattered leg
Cause: Further brute damage to leg after fracturing occurs. 
Symptoms: Significantly reduced movement, but not as bad as missing.

NB: This stacks if both arms or legs are fractured/shattered

Fractured ribs
Cause: 120 brute damage to chest
Symptoms: Further damage to chest area has chance to disorient. Losebreath will occasionally occur.

Shattered ribs
Cause: Further brute damage to chest area.
Symptoms: Further damage to chest area will incur significant organ damage and rolls a small chance to fracture spine. Losebreath will occasionally occur.

Fractured spine
Cause: Extreme brute damage to chest area (i.e, caught in explosion) or incurred further damage to shattered ribs.
Symptoms: Inability to use legs. Wheelchair is recommended as per recovery. 

NB: Fractured spine is a rare occurrence due to how debilitating it can be.

Fractured skull
Cause: 120 brute damage to head
Symptoms: Occasional dazed effect (inability to use computers), occasional blurred vision (using a welder without protection vision), further damage to head causes mild BRAIN damage.

Fractured jaw
Cause: Has a chance of occurring +80 Brute damage to head
Symptoms: Garbled speech.

Fractured nose
Cause: Has a chance of occurring +80 Brute damage to head
Symptoms: Bleeds a good bit (which can be stiched/bandaged)

Shattered skull
Cause: Can only occur AFTER death, repeated blows to head
Symptoms: Erases the identity of victim (appearing as Unknown). Instills fear on the crew at brutality of it all.
You should reach out to Adhara - that person (also a current thread) seems to be interested in adding teeth.
Sounds like you two could pretty well work in planning together regarding this medical re-work.
Interesting - the fractured jaw and nose seem a bit much and we'd probably see people just aiming head for the off-chance of the +80 though. I do like the idea of painkillers and splints being added/used more.
I like this, bc like- when you kick the shit out of someone in say a fist fight, it makes no sense when they just stick a bandage on their ass and go back to walloping. This'd kind of even that kinda stuff out.
Something I need to point out for players on the fence for this idea (and I forgot to include in the OP, woops! Will amend) is that your bones regenerate slowly so long as they're not broken, and Hydroxyapatite can assist in speeding up this process.

So let's take a scenario.

Your left leg is fucked. It's 1/80. You're in deep red, a few more blows and you're in crit territory, another blow to your leg and it's broken. However it ain't, so there's no debuff. You've managed to evade your shin basher and in 10 minutes, your leg is back to 80/80. You don't want to wait that long, so you go to medbay, inject some Hydroxyapatite, heal your brute and in 5 minutes your leg is back to 80/80.

The numbers are specific: 80 is deep red and 120 is deep crit. Broken bones are a war of attrition.

It will breathe some fresh air into both combat and medbay. It can occur in a single fight, but more aimed at damage over time, and shattering will occur only if deliberate.

(05-28-2020, 09:36 AM)Erev Wrote: Interesting - the fractured jaw and nose seem a bit much and we'd probably see people just aiming head for the off-chance of the +80 though. I do like the idea of painkillers and splints being added/used more.

This is at 80+ damage. So if your head is 40/120 (80 damage), any further hit will roll a chance of this occurring. I didn't think some bleed damage would be that much of an issue, nor speech issues, as your bones will be regenerating slowly over time in either case. 

However i'm pulling this entirely out of my ass as these are suggestions, so it could be tweaked to a small amount of bleed damage/minor speech issues or lowered to 20/120 damage or the % chance of it occurring also lowered, whichever balance would work best. This is only a framework.
I've always felt that hitting people is only worthwhile if you're able to hit them until they die, since any damage you do will be fixed quickly and easily if they get away. Kinda limits how effective an Assistant can be at stopping a badguy (unless they do their job and steal all the tazers).

This way, bystanders with extinguishers might have more of a chance of being effective for more than a few seconds.
idk about this. its nice that it adds detail to the game but I dont see how this makes anything better outside of making health more complicated
I too, would like to see more "trauma" occur during fights to add more flavor, and this is a step in that direction.

My only thing I'd like to see ways that things like this can be treated outside medbay, so maybe instead of or on top of Hydroxyapatite, Milk also heals bones? Or it buffs them healthwise by letting you overheal them

I also like the dynamic of making robo limbs stand out more by making them immune to breaking. How would synthlimbs and item limbs work?
Some weapons could also deal some bonus limb damage while keeping health damage far lower than other weapons would.

Imagine the last time you did not just always aimed for the head in a fight?
Breaking someones legs to slow them down for a while - perhaps with sandbag shotgun shots? Or aimed hits at those limbs with heavy objects?
Brekaing someones arms to increase the chance for them to drop stuff or misuse something?

I'd be happy to get some fresh air in here.
Totally agreed on the idea of being able to cause limb trauma as a good thing on the whole. It may actually *SAVE* lives in some cases. Being bothered? Break an arm instead of putting a dude in crit and leaving him to die. New items that do bonus limb damage without doing 'main pool' damage could also be made for disabling attacks.
*pins Sundance's fourth left finger with her right hand*

I think a very very high level "bone system" using the maladies code could be whipped up and wouldn't be too bad. I don't think we should go as far as to simulate bone health

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