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Replace the free revolver and speedloader nukies get with a M95 and pouch of ammo
As of late a lot of nukeops aesthetic has been moving towards more modern weapons, so them starting with revolvers feels a bit outdated. The M95 also isn't used anywhere since Infiltrators get tranq pistols now, so I feel like replacing the free revolver with a free M95 (and giving them a full pouch of free M95 ammo to make up for it's lower damage compared to the revolver) would be a good fix to both.
Not opposed to this. Most of the time as a Nukie I die before even having a chance to use half the items at my disposal, so the revolver often goes unused. It also makes sense for a Nukie side arm to be focused on engaging multiple targets and having a larger ammo capacity.
I'm the other way around, I find the revolver a decent mix of damage and bullet-having. Hurts enough to drive off the crew, has enough shots to hold em off for a while.
~~Potential weapon that could be equated over to a security firearm instead?~~

Yea IDK, the revolver is also seen like no where else unless people pull it from a surplus crate or get it from a certain zone, and it does have it's use in nukies, I know a number of people, myself included, who sometimes take up the spare ammo and revolvers of the squad to go full gunslinger, and it's quite a fun experience. I think handing the nukies something that just does less damage will only make it see even less use than the revolver. That and the revolver isn't necessarily meant to be their main weapon, but rather a fall back in case something goes down.
A possible compromise here would be to add a nukie version of the revolver that looks better with their current aesthetic if enough people want to keep it around.
(04-29-2020, 01:00 AM)Skornzy Wrote: A possible compromise here would be to add a nukie version of the revolver that looks better with their current aesthetic if enough people want to keep it around.

I like this idea, the thought of Nukies carrying Revolvers gives me GIGN vibes. Though, the one Nukies currently have is underpowered.
The revolver is really handy tho, reason being is if you lose a limb those two handed weapons suddenly become a no go. The revolver is handy for those times when you're making your last, one armed stand.

Maybe update to a .45 heavy pistol with more than six shots.
How about a new design based on the Mateba? It provides the "Tacticool" feel of a M95 whilst looking evil and filling the role that the Revolver does now. If we DO wanna go with an autoloader, I'd suggest the TT-33 as a base as it looks evil, tactical AND uses a native mostly-AP round that still does good on flesh. Along with that it provides a 8/9 round capacity depending on which mag you base it on as to provide a middle ground between a revolver and the classic semi-auto. Finally in a variation seen in Kingsman, an underbarrel grenade launcher is added to the gun for that extra "Nuke-Ops" fun should it be considered.

TL;DR: I have a deep love of the Tokarev and want it, willing to sprite if asked to despite being bad at sprites.

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