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Clown XP
Clowns gain Job XP every time they screw up with a task (including walking) and every time they're stunned by security or slippage.

Clown XP rewards:

Level 5 - Nothing
Level 10 - Nothing
Level 15 - Nothing
Level 20 - a single unpeeled banana
Wow. Excellent post. 11/10. I approve 200%.

Also, clowns should get exp for being killed.
I agree but I got one last addition.

The clown should get EXP for fighting the Mime.

Clowns and Mimes are no friends.
Clown job rewards

Alternate honk sounds

New balloon animals
New baloon animal ---> Ballon landmine ---> If stepped on explodes like when you pop a baloon but looks like a real one. Just examining it will display a flavor text that makes it obvious.

Gained at a real late lvl for EXP clown.
Excellent post. This has been added. I did feel a little bad, so I gave the clowns a level 1 reward which is a color swapping crayon because they're apparently "artists" or something.

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