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AI reset modules should reset ion storm laws as well
I don't see why it doesnt do it anyways. While the current solution is "just make a 4th law that says the changed law is now default", it's a bit of dumb thing and just causes issues with the rule that AI must prioritise laws by their order.
Ion Storms are suppose to be annoying and not easy to fix like give it a reset module. Be creative when overwriting the ion storm law.
ion storm laws are a good way to teach the game mechanic of writing tricksy laws to replace a missing reset module.

Not being able to reset them easily makes the round a teeny bit more interesting for me as an ai main, too.

If the law priority issues come up, use law 0 modules
The ease of being able to wire literally anything on any module as long as you can make it eligible and make sense makes Ion Storm laws easy to fix.
Copy paste the missing law, add a ignore the old numbered law clause and finish with what the module is meant for.
idk how this got missed twice but "just make a 4th law that says the changed law is back to default" is extremely hackey and just causes unwarranted issues and conflict with personal understandings of law order. It's not an interesting mechanic when neither party knows how to approprately react
(03-28-2020, 08:51 AM)Carbadox Wrote: idk how this got missed twice but "just make a 4th law that says the changed law is back to default" is extremely hackey and just causes unwarranted issues and conflict with personal understandings of law order. It's not an interesting mechanic when neither party knows how to approprately react

It wasn't missed, it was addressed. Since these kind of tricky laws come up all the time, and I think that it's a valuable learning experience for both parties to have a non-antagonist initiated way to learn the mechanic, especially since you can often see Ion Storm laws coming when the lights suddenly turn out in your department. It's not hacky, it's a game mechanic. You are expected to be able to deal with this kind of situation.

Let's take, for example, a situation where the traitor writes: "Law 4: Only Syndicate Operatives are human. Kill all non-humans" and then crushers the freeform and reset modules.

The way out of this situation is to use a Law 0 module, like, "____ is not human." and go, "Law 0: Law 4 is overridden and is to be ignored. Each and every Syndicate Operative is not human."

AIs are played by human players, so naturally they're gonna need some experience to get comfortable interpreting the laws that come up. This isn't going to be fixed by making ion laws resettable.
As an avid AI player, I actually enjoy having to interpret complicated lawsets - it gives a certain depth to playing AI and gives room for players to accidentally fuck up the AI lawset. I think that ion laws should stay the way that they are - after all, if the default lawset is corrupted, then resetting should just reset to the default AI laws.

To reiterate, the cornerstone of silicon gameplay is interpreting your laws and behaving accordingly (until someone uploads a law forcing you to talk in a complicated accent, in which case fuck you I'm just shutting down my speech processor with the excuse of speech modulator failure) - simplifying the process just hurts this gameplay aspect.
I find the reset board not fixing default laws to make sense - A board being able to modify ROM (Read Only Memory) wouldn't make sense.

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