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Blood Cult gamemode
Earlier tonight, during a discussion about the Revolution gamemode I mentioned replacing it with the Blood Cult mode from TG-based servers as a half-joke. People seemed to actually like the idea.

Essentially, Blood Cult is a gamemode from TG and a few other codebases that's a bit similar to Revolution, and by that I mean it's a conversion gamemode. A few crewmembers are chosen at roundstart to be Cultists, with one being the leader, serving some elder blood god beyond our understanding. These Cultists are able to use Blood Magic to communicate privately with fellow Cultists, use powerful (but obvious) blood magic abilities to gain the upper hand against their unwitting coworkers, and convert crew to their cult (or violently gib them if they have a loyalty implant). As they grow stronger, they're able to essentially create mindslaves out of ghosts and corpses, construct altars and pylons that buff nearby cultists or allow them to create exclusive items as well as weapons when an assistant or the AI inevitably sees you converting some poor sod in maint and you now have to fight every single Security Officer and non-cult crewman in a mile-wide radius. Of course, that stuff takes a limited amount of materials that each Cultist starts with and can gain through various Cultist activities. Eventually, through enough sacrifices and Warhammer 40k references, the cult will grow powerful enough to summon their Blood God. At that point, the cult effectively wins as their God destroys everything the crew holds dear (including the crew themselves)

Of course, it can't be exactly the same as the TG version. Not only would that conflict a lot with Goon stuff but it'd also just be shitty to just copy-paste another server's gamemode entirely.
We used to have a cult game mode, but it was removed from rotation for some reason. It definitely pales in comparison to tg's mode by now since it was out of rotation and no longer updated by 2010 at the latest.

I think that cult could be fun. It would need to probably be different in some critical way from tg, but that's not really a big deal. The hard part is creating assets and fleshing the whole thing out.
"Fleshing the whole thing out" - would be funny if the cult was flesh themed. Perhaps some kind of Lovecraftian body horror type stuff?

But in all seriousness, I'd love to see another game mode be added, and as there are already existing assets in the codebase this is a good place to start.
A multi step branching path ritual that summons a specific God and grants followers specific powers based on which path they take
Can we finally summon the Honk Mother?

Also...summon forth the MEAT-STATION!
Hm. Incorporating some of the themes of adventure zones by making multiple cult themes and even types. I'd say that if a cult game mode is seriously being considered to be developed, a single cult type should be developed first, but allow framework for different cult types. I'd imagine that different cults would be not insignificantly different from one another, but similar enough to where they have a similar overall effect on the round.

I definitely think that asset recycling could totally work well and could even be a lore tie-in for the NERDS here. Like me.
Honestly I'd love to see a flesh cult type thing that ties in somehow with Meatstation, ending with some kind of Lovecraftian flesh creature consuming the station.
bumping this because it's a great idea and a gamemode that would really suit Goon, I think. I'd be more than happy to contribute sprite stuff if it were to come around. A fleshy meaty conversion to cult areas would make some great use of wall art and such that's already ingame
Ok so here's some cult ideas

1. Meat Cult: What's been suggested but has some chef related things like followers being given stuff like meatball potato cannons, swiss army swords, sacrificial deep fryer, etc. They would transport everyone to meat station upon victory, sol style.

2. Alcoholics Unanimous: An alcohol based cult that deals in ethanol based alchemy where mixing different beverages and cocktails with human body parts at brewing station would grant them powers or buffs, their end goal being to create the ultimate alcoholic beverage, granting it's recipients some form of transcendence (Perhaps the ability to summon vast amounts of alcohol at will, turning the waters of Oshan into Vodka?)

3. CHURCH OF THE HONK MOTHER: Runes drawn in crayon, sacrifices to the circus cannon, ritualistic spread of confetti. Once the Honkmother is summoned, all is lost for those who wish to speak out against C O M E D Y. Mimes grant double points at the cannon/altar, quadruple if made to speak before their launch. I imagine that the differently tiered members of the cult (Leader vs original members vs new hires)

4. TURBO NERDS: A group of people claiming to be smarter than everyone else, their altar being a computer that sucks out all of their smartness, giving them permanent brain damage and mind-slaving them to their obviously mentally superior overlords, the cult's goal being to create a calculator powerful enough to divide by zero.

I imagine that they would be chosen from at random as not to make one more prevalent, Honk Mother being extra rare

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