03-09-2020, 11:10 PM
A software cartridge that turns a PDA into a flash (with some extra functionality).
The details:
What do people think?
The details:
- Lacks the AoE ability that standard flashes have
- Can burn out, disabling the PDA (make sure you don't have your ID in it - you won't be able to get it out!)
- Can be "Rigged" - selecting this option through the FLASH.exe entry in the file manager will "arm" the PDA - the next time someone interacts with it, they'll be flashed (this flash lasts longer then normal)
- If you throw a PDA with FLASH.exe installed at someone (and hit them), you'll flash them
- You can "send" a flash to someone, much like the missile ability of theĀ "detomatix" cartridge already available to traitors.
What do people think?