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[Feature] Modular Cakes!
Cake time!

 - fruit wedges
 - chocolate chips
 - cherries
 - strawberries
 - sprinkles
 - candles

Frosting Styles:
 - classic
 - top swirls
 - bottom swirls
 - spirals
 - rose spirals

= You can light and blow out candles with disarm intent
= You can stack up to three cakes, transferring reagents, reagent capacity, and food buffs between them (up to 300u of reagent capacity)
= you can un-stack cakes with grab intent
= cake slices inherit the frosting styles and toppings of the cake that was sliced
= a few visual updates to the existing sprites for icing tubes and cake bases
= icing tubes now default to being whitelisted in the drink dispenser instead of the chem dispenser
= you may drink your frosting chems out of the icing tube

enjoy serving/murdering your customers in a very pretty fashion!

[Image: r2gglzI.png][Image: q6tAzLn.png]

Pull Request:

Icing (modifies food.dmi) -
Cake stuffs (modifies food_dessert.dmi) -
Without me having looked at the details of this, what would the hypothetical downsides to not limiting to three cakes be?
(02-25-2020, 02:45 PM)Mordent Wrote: Without me having looked at the details of this, what would the hypothetical downsides to not limiting to three cakes be?

A. Overlay Hell
B. Server lag Hell
C. Canbomb cakes.
D. Canbomb cakes.

Though it just aesthetically looks better and is less strenuous on the server as a whole as well as serves as a soft-cap for the kinds of crazy things players can do with the freedom these cakes open up smile
Honestly I do not know for which merge I am more hyped - Zoldorf or this Cake-System overhaul. Damn - you are doing so skitz patches! Appreciate all the effort you put into it! smile
Excellent, give them to me yesterday.

Especially excited to gorge myself on frosting. Mmmm. Frosting.
More cooking options, and modular options. I love it!
got to play around with this during bug testing, was fun and good
So cool!
hio, I gave a bunch of feedback on your PR
(02-26-2020, 05:01 PM)ZeWaka Wrote: hio, I gave a bunch of feedback on your PR
I saw it :D   I've been working through some of the things, but I was super exhausted
Having tossed around some ideas for some of the things Dryad said about the Cake's way of art, definitely would fit, especially when most of the devilish tricks take knowing the game about as well as me and Dryad do and that's not just something you can learn from a guidebook or a video. Can't say code things about it, all is beyond my level of knowledge by levels of magnitude, but, definitely is a damn good feature.
Any chance of seeing the future of cakes soon? big grin

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