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Bring Back The Construction Mode Server 2020
It's been about 6 years since we had construction mode as an experimental game mode. Back then though, con mode was around for as an idea of, what if the players designed their station. And if the station was goon enough, maybe we could use it as an actual map.  Thus was the premise of the original construction mode. So what happened? Well... it was never finished, the features for it never got done. till eventually people lost interest in it and the whole project got scrapped.

So the big question right? Why bring it back?

Well for one I don't propose construction mode as some sort of, make your own station and it can become an official one. On top of that the way some things were handled, like random events. (Since they didn't want ANY antags, and always on instant respawning) Meant that your station will get flooded by evil NPCs anyway within an hour, or the corpses of them. Becoming a race the clock to get key departments up before the first waves of death spawn in.

No the construction mode I want to propose is a new type of construction mode where the idea is a 16 - 24 hour (Or longer) game mode that is meant to be sort of a hub for people to pass time and do experiments and try out new ideas within a space they can construct and build. Another alternative for just sitting dead on goon 2, 5 minutes in even with VR and the afterlife bar botany. It will still get a bit stale. So they can pop over to construction for a bit with the construction server getting Goon 1 and 2 notifications for when servers cycle and then shifts start. So you can easily swap back over for catching the round start or a early late join.

This sounds cool and all, but how will it all work, and how will you make it interesting and not incredibly dull.
The idea is that you have 3 Phases:
Phase one is the initial construction phase:
During this phase your majority of jobs will be construction workers, miners and a few side jobs. like Senior Project Manager (essentially captain role) On-Site Supply Manager (QM) Paramedics (Atleast two, doctors with cool space suits) and Security Specialists. They all start in from a box towed in by a shuttle (Think of like those long trailers construction sites use as an office) And it would be cool if the SMP could have a table they can access that puts them in a zoomed out spectator type mode that they can pre-plan the station and coordinate with construction workers to see the plans. The QM like job orders more RCD ammo, specialty equipment, construction materials, stuff like SMES units and department setup boxes. Like QM, and medical department boxes, Mineral magnets and such.

After you get some key departments and things set up (QM, mining, engineering and cryo installed then it moves to phase two (for the record honestly phase 1 shouldn't take longer than a half an hour to an hour tops)

Phase two: In phase two You can order cryogenics trays to be installed into the cryo sleeper system so that non essential personnel can join into the shift. Things like botanists, scientists, bartenders, chefs, etc. They can then order construction materials or ask for departments to be built for their needs including set up kits for the bar, artlab, chem lab, botany, etc. However phase two starting also means that random events will start as well (they will start after an hour in phase one regardless but will start when the station moves to phase two as well) random events aren't as frequent as the original construction mode but have some of the same ideas. And will help keep things a little interesting.

Things like syndicate drone scout parties. Martian raiding parties, a random event disturbance that causes science ghosts, ghosts of scientists and skeletons to appear. These events should all be scalable not by time, but by the amount of crewman on station. Or if an admin wants to inject some life into the round. They can pull a person from Goon 1 or 2 and make them an Antag secretly with some sort of custom objectives. 

For phase three. Im not sure how that should work or what to add for it, it would be nice to have it as well as a way to trade items made in construction mode and sell it to QM on goon 2, like botany items, Otherwise yeah. I hope I gained some interest with this idea, and hope a server 3 could be possible.
This sounds dope and I'd like to be able to play Construction again. It'd also give some motivation to improve crafting in the game in general.
You could still have antags, cus what's the fun in making a cool station if only the computer gets to wreck it? Just tie the respawns to the escape shuttle. When the shuttle arrives at centcom, give all the ghosts and escapees a respawn. And maybe an hour cooldown on calling it.

... but then you could just call the shuttle, ignore it, and not even bother with cloning. Maybe you get something for making it home and bringing stuff.

... but then any kind of respawning would make it possible and easy to revenge kill y the badguys, all of em, cus you were a ghost. Maybe antags making it home would get something?

A long-term persistent station would be pretty much everything I've been wanting out of this game. It'd also be a nightmare to create! Probably!
Well yeah, I did mention that admins should pull antags from goon one or two probably someone who died. Be like "Hey kid, wanna cause some chaos?" While Goon 3 does have delayed respawning
I always liked the idea of Persistence Station, where the shuttle goes but the station still stays afterwards. Perhaps a variant of the RP server where anyone who wants to leave can vote for a shuttle call, get it and be logged out of the round once it leaves.

I think it would be best to keep it simple and just let people do whatever modifications to the station they want.

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