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Replace Cold buff in food
Hi I eat food a lot in the game for some passive buffs.

One of the worst buffs you can get from food is the cold buff. It literally drops your body temperature to freezing. This is crippling , as you'd be in a normal temperature room but you're forced to crawling speed. It has no real benefits (maybe some niche benefit of combining cyro meds, but this is dubious), and is a very common buff in food, particularly the humble cake and a number of botany's fruits. Which sucks ass, as the chef could be putting serious effort (another dubious claim, but w/e) into cooking, only for it to be ignored.

Instead, the obvious solution is for it to act as cold armor, increasing your cold resistance by a certain factor (10% sounds minor & fair). This would flip this buff from terrible to quite useful.

Additionally, the hot buff could do something similar, acting as a heat armor, increasing your fire resistance by a certain factor (again, 10% sounds minor and fair).

That is all. Please change.

Ninja edit: I understand that there may be reaction that i'm approaching this incorrectly, and that I should be eating hot food to fight coldness, and cold food to fight hotness - but my gripe is simply that the implementation of the temperature change does not translate well into a "buff" and is counter-intuitive. It effectively does more harm than good.
Perhaps flip the resistances, with cold food increasing your fire resistance and hot food increasing your cold resistance.
As someone who has been playing more chef lately I heartily endorse this idea. Mouses idea of cold food helping resist heat and hot resisting cold sounds great.

Give people a reason to eat!
Hot and cold food respectively hearing cooling you is fine, but the amount that it currently does is waaaay too much. OPs suggestion is sound and fair. +1
(01-20-2020, 05:40 AM)Recusor Wrote: Give people a reason to eat!

"Bro, just add motives to Goon 2, I'm sure it'll be fine"

I like Mouse's suggestion as well, seems like a good idea
(01-20-2020, 05:21 AM)Mouse Wrote: Perhaps flip the resistances, with cold food increasing your fire resistance and hot food increasing your cold resistance.

I should point out that it's not the implementation, whether it be above or as OP, i'd be down for either.

It's more the internal temperature change is functionally not great because it shifts from food being a passive thing (where you eat and get the benefits in the background, i.e: Good) --> to a situational thing (where you eat the food when it's essentially required, such as the area being too hot/cold, meaning you'll need to carry around the food with you, i.e: Not great)
I kinda like to eat hot food before doing a spacewalk. Though the cold food debuff really sucks so the only time I eat ice cream or other cold stuff is at round end. I dont want to slow walk for 5 minutes
Perhaps have hotter and colder food give off a particle-like effect with it being increased to absurd levels the more extreme it gets in terms of the item's actual heat level. You could cook pizza in a hell furnace and have it be clouded in fire-y smoke
Possible solution: hot/cold food debuffs attempt to boost your body temperature towards normal, slightly overshooting it. So hot food would try to keep you a little warm, rather than like. "Ow ow ow hot hot fuck ow hot burning fire aaaaaa"
The problem isn't with hot foods tbh. It's with cold. Even a minor move towards cold with cold foods (say, dropping your body temp down a fraction into the green-blue stage) still have that slowdown

That slowdown is detrimental on SS13 where moving is king. It's not a buff - it has no use, not even in a hot area as you won't really receive burning damage unless you are 
a) Physically on fire
b) Standing right beside the fire (even the it'd have to be HOT)
c) Breathing in superheated air. 

I feel like I'm repeating myself here, so I'll keep it short:

Theres plenty of things in the game that changes your core temperature. 
If you want things to be eaten then food should not be one of them. If a chef wants to add a chem into the food to make it have those temperature properties, then more power to him.
(01-20-2020, 10:56 AM)Wisecrack34 Wrote: Perhaps have hotter and colder food give off a particle-like effect with it being increased to absurd levels the more extreme it gets in terms of the item's actual heat level. You could cook pizza in a hell furnace and have it be clouded in fire-y smoke

This seems reasonable to me. I've realized recently that hot chocolate is really good and accessible for when you get exposed to space and get stuck in the cold status. If you don't want to just remove or rework the mechanic this seems very reasonable.
The cold food slowdown is fucking the worst.
I hate it when I eat ice cream and I am basically doomed if anyone wants to kill me. I would support Cold and Hot being removed from food buffs in general because they either make the game terrible or do nothing respectively.
Yes to the food buff changes, but maybe the nature of cold debuff is more the problem. What if, at least in lower levels of cold exposure, instead of slowing you down it caused you to shiver and shake. This could make you more likely to drop things, have ranged attacks go off target, or effect stamina regen as you're shaking yourself to warm up
Speaking of shaking yourself to warm up how about we add a way to literally do that. Like using help intent on yourself makes you shake and pat yourself to warm up from cold and speed up the return to normal temps?
(01-20-2020, 10:56 AM)Wisecrack34 Wrote: Perhaps have hotter and colder food give off a particle-like effect with it being increased to absurd levels the more extreme it gets in terms of the item's actual heat level. You could cook pizza in a hell furnace and have it be clouded in fire-y smoke

Oh, also I really like the idea of hot and cold food having particle effects to show they are hot or cold

Like steam coming off the hot stuff, or fog from cold things

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