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Job specific traitor objectives
From what I gleaned by skimming through the general traitor discussion board, I couldn't really find anything much about this, but generally the idea is exactly what the title suggests. We currently have job specific traitor items, which I think makes it a lot more varied as to how one approaches their objectives, and makes being a traitor far more fun. I suggest that we perhaps have one or two general objectives for a traitor, the standard "Steal an HoP jumpsuit" or "Assassinate Tim Tangerine the captain" along with something like "Turn 3 people into cake" for the chef, or perhaps "Melt a living person in the furnace" for an engineer. I feel as though adding this would spice up rounds more, and could make for some pretty interesting rounds. Feel free to suggest more ideas for objectives, or to complain about how terrible this idea is!
I like the idea of this, it could also make traitor a little more challenging as getting a kill monkeys objective when you are a RD is boring.
This is such a good idea that I can't believe it hasn't been suggested before.
Research Director: Strand the science team on a hostile planet and disable the science teleporter
QM: Kidnap 5 people and send them to a Syndicate station(make the traitor transporter send crates there)
HoP: Waste all of the money in the station's budgets and people's personal accounts.

Actually, what about this: Syndicate Field Testing

You're given a free piece of powerful equipment you can't otherwise get, but it has some kind of horrible bugs and problems that make it dangerous or difficult to use(and you don't get told what they are beforehand). Your job is to use it successfully and survive. Rocket Boots with no brakes or shutoff switch. An RCD with unlimited uses that randomly changes settings and sometimes makes crushers. A revolver that fires explosive rounds but is prone to misfires. A powerful bomb with a random timer setting that you can't change or see. A military cyborg with powerful weapons and corrupted laws. A mechanized suit of armour that protects you from all damage except what it causes itself with its malfunctioning controls. That sort of thing.
I dunno about this. Tying a traitor's objectives to their start location and equipment seems like it's making it too easy. Means you don't have to travel too far and risk exposure to get your mission done.
Well you could just add it as an additional bonus objective.

Objective #1: Assasainate Barry Smarts, the Botanist.
Objective #2: Steal a Head of Personnel jumpsuit.
BONUS Objective: Furnace the Chief Engineer alive.
ISaidNo Wrote:I dunno about this. Tying a traitor's objectives to their start location and equipment seems like it's making it too easy. Means you don't have to travel too far and risk exposure to get your mission done.

Or you could use the unique objectives to replace regular objectives that would be too easy for a certain job. A traitor roboticist would not be ordered to shut down all cyborgs, they would be ordered to convince the crew to put their brains in the AI, then use the borgs to kill everyone. A traitor chef would not be ordered to just assassinate other players, he would have to make specific recipes out of each of them and feed them to security. A traitor captain wouldn't be given any of the standard objectives, just "Kill everyone, steal everything, and escape on the shuttle alone."
People are forgetting that traitor/crew objectives boil down to a yes/no state check at the end of the round because of how they're tracked (as far as I know). "Do you have [x] sunglasses in your inventory," "Is [x] dead," "Do you have [your own butt] on your head AND are you on the shuttle," etc. While feeding a few dudes to Security in cake form as a Chef gets you mad style points, BYOND is not gonna track that for an objective. It also probably won't be able to track custom forms of death without a ton of workarounds. A lot of the fun in traitorous activities after you get basic competency at the role comes from taking bare-bones objectives and spinning them into stylish, entertaining, ridiculous schemes. Or ignoring your objectives entirely in favor of unrelated stylish, entertaining, ridiculous schemes.

I may be wrong about all this since I Am Not A Coder but I'm just vaguely remembering what was said when crew objectives got implemented and people had millions of suggestions that got shot down along these lines. I would, however, like to applaud whoever semi-recently made "Steal [x] brains" an objective and wholeheartedly suggest a few more new ones in general to spice things up a bit.
What if it's simple stuff, like the game doing a check of what your job is and ensuring that any theft objectives you have are not related to that job? I.E. a Staff Assistant would be fine for "Steal 6 Multitools", but not a Mechanic. Or the Research Director could get "Steal 6 sunglasses", but not the Captain.

It could also do the same for "Kill X" objectives. If you're the RD, it won't put any scientists on your kill list, or if you're the captain it will only add other heads to your kill list. That way it insures there's always at least a little challenge?
Daeren Wrote:People are forgetting that traitor/crew objectives boil down to a yes/no state check at the end of the round because of how they're tracked (as far as I know).

I may never have coded with whatever language or environment BYOND is set up with, though I figure it doesn't differ much from my C# background (I may be totally wrong with that statement). I figured that when the produceCake command is called from the mixer, adding a simple if (mainIngredient == human) {objective = complete} wouldn't cause much of an issue. Same goes for loading things into the furnace. Alternatively, the game could check if there is human cake in existence at the end of the round, this being a command being only called once rather than being called every time a cake is made or something is added to the furnace. At the same time I figure that maybe something along the lines of
Captain_Bravo Wrote:Staff Assistant would be fine for "Steal 6 Multitools", but not a Mechanic. Or the Research Director could get "Steal 6 sunglasses", but not the Captain.
Just something that makes playing a traitor round as a chef a bit more different from playing a traitor round as a scientist, where currently the majority of the difference is a butcher knife or a syringe gun. This does not mean that only "Steal x" objectives should be added, there can be a ton of objectives that wouldn't really need to be hard coded into the game that aren't like this, perhaps "make sure there are 3 completely dismembered bodies on the station level at the end of the round" a la Dexter as a chef objective, or maybe even "Make sure that 15 different people have their faces farted on by the end of the round" as an assistant objective. Doesn't have to be murder/theft stuff. Variety is the spice of life, and not all of it is all that difficult to implement, code wise (if BYOND acts like C#). Thanks for the input guys!
Steal 6 multitools is a terrible objective for anyone given that there's at least half a dozen of the bloody things in basically publicly-accessible places already, and they can be easily printed off with a bit of wire and a broken glass.
Anticheese Wrote:Steal 6 multitools is a terrible objective for anyone given that there's at least half a dozen of the bloody things in basically publicly-accessible places already, and they can be easily printed off with a bit of wire and a broken glass.
It's simply an example, no need to get rough due to semantics...
I know. I just vaguely recall an objective like that which was a complete waste of time when it was in the game.
A bunch of the theft goals are incredibly pointless and dumb, I plan to replace them soon. The hell is the point of stealing sunglasses or multitools? It's just busywork.

I might put some untracked goals in there too, things like "have fun!" or "try to mastermind a heist" or "make the science staff incredibly angry" and just not bother having a pass/fail condition at all.
I'd really like it if traitor goals were suggestions

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