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The Honkgiver: A clown silly traitor item.
Basically a modified lawgiver with silly/reverted versions of all the settings. Battery cost etc. is unchanged.

Detain is replaced with slipshot, which slips targets hit and spawns banana peels on miss instead of AoE slow.

Execute is replaced with prank, which is exactly the same but the damage is fake an reverts after some time because it was just a prank bro.

Bigshot is replaced with Loudshot, which plays a REALLY LOUD honk sound that deafens and stuns people not wearing clown masks within earshot.

Hotshot becomes cool shot and injects cryo instead, freezing the target.

Knockout becomes pump up, which injects methamphetamine instead of haloperidol.

Clown shot becomes reverse clown shot and forcibly applies clown shoes to anyone hit by it, which must be burned off with acid and cannot otherwise be removed.

4-5 TC.
Thoughts? Yes it's intended to be a dumb item, like the clown car.
Absolutely beautiful
Amazing. Please add this. It needs an effect if the clown says "I AM THE HONK!" and a non-clown in holding it though.
A couple of things that I forgot:
- The fingerprint lock should inject painbow fluid instead.
- The gun should be able to be fired from a clown car, for high speed drive-by pranking.
This sounds amazing and I want it to be added. However, painbow fluid would definitely be too punishing IMO. Maybe it could inject some kind of knockout chem as well as simethicone or something similar? That way the picker-upper gets the deterrent and the punishment without receiving a potentially round-ruining effect. Especially if it only cost 4-5 tc.

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