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[Feature] Player Pianos
The lowdown: 
player pianos are an automatic piano! you feed them some text and they'll poop out a sequence of notes. you can use a key to adjust the timing (anywhere from half a second between notes to a quarter of a second). you can link pianos together by cracking off the front piano and click dragging with a multitool to have pianos play in sync (for those sweet chords). theres a guidebook in game that you can get with the local "claim items" verb while standing next to a piano that hasnt had its items claimed. it's been pretty thoroughly tested but i couldve missed something. just @ me or dm me or reply to this thread if you find a bug or have a question about the horror code or why i did something the way i did it :]

big thanks to urs, pali and mbc for helping me out a bunch with this <3

The features:
  • Player Pianos! A new object that will accept specially formatted text and play sounds based on it.
  • Text formatting for the pianos is explained in the book, but it's basically a cluster based system. |D,N,F,3| will play a D (D) natural (N) at the forte dynamic (F) in the 3rd octave (3). The vertical bars separate notes, and the commas separate note components. 
  • Pianos have a 256 note limit, just to prevent people trying to break the game by spamming stuff in. 
  • Piano keys and a guide book. Claim them by using the "claim items" verb next to a piano. (Only 1 redemption per piano). 
  • Piano keys can either factory reboot your piano, adjust timing, or toggle looping.
  • Adjusting timing lets you bring the note interval from anywhere between 0.5 seconds to 0.25 seconds.
  • Factory reset will set absolutely everything back to standard if something is really bungled up. (Linked pianos, stored notes, looping, timing, it'll even stop a song if you do it while a song is playing!)
  • A whole host of tool interactions. Unscrew a player piano to move it around. Use a wirecutters to cut the looping wire, preventing that piano from ever looping again. Use a crowbar to open the maintenance panel. Use a multitool when the maintenance panel is open to reset the piano. Click drag with a multitool while the maintenance panels are open to link pianos together.
  • Pianos are able to be scanned and duplicated by mechanics- lets get this party started!!!
  • A wikipage (if this gets merged) where you'll be able to dump your own songs for fellow spacemen to use. 

The videos:

The links and stuff:
For my first post since March, I have only this to say:

Coder she
can't wait to see this implemented + the inevitable resulting patches that port the code to add extra instruments. we're gonna see some amazing ss13 bands come from the linking feature
Yes please, I can't wait to hear player made music in-game!
This is very, very good and I am very, very hyped
i cannot wait to hear all-star for the next year, absolutely yes
pleeeeeease add this
it would be a good addition, I feel
Amazing +1

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