AleksAdamska's HoS Application
Usual character name: Ella Presley/Hecksley
BYOND username: AleksAdamska
Discord username: aleks
Recommended by (if applicable): CzarBomba, OMJ
Goon servers you play: Goon 2, I've never played sec on RP.

Reason for application: Personally, security is at its most fun when it's filled with people who communicate with each other and instill within each other a sense of camaraderie. Having a Head of Security around goes a long way towards building team cohesion, and can really ease the tension of being alone in a stressful department. Additionally, I think some officers can be overzealous with murdering antagonists, and it'd be nice to be able to suggest alternative options which could make the round more interesting with some sense of authority. In short, I would like to pass the things that I value in security onto newer officers for, hopefully, both their benefit and the benefit of the crew as a whole.

Security experience (300 word minimum): Security is probably my second most-played role (medical just about edges it out at this point), and there was a period of time where it was the only role I'd play. In this time, I've become a lot more familiar with every antag type than I was when I'd started, and have a far greater understanding of their capabilities and how to deal with them than I used to. However, security is, in my mind, not just about taking out antagonists, and I was lucky enough to learn early on that creating fun situations plays a larger role than perhaps anything else in security. As such, I've gotten quite a bit of experience (especially from other HoSes) in writing fun stories alongside the antagonists, whether that be by spacing a ling early rather than outright murdering it before it has a chance to do anything, or by turning a werewolf into security's K9 unit via an electropack.

However, I don't want you coming away from this application thinking that I'm saying I'm perfect. I'm far from it, and there are many areas in which I can still improve - I hesitate in key moments, and there have been times where I wasn't sure what to do with an antagonist that have resulted in a boring wait for them before I could actually come up with anything. I'm working on these gaps in my experience all the time, though (taking as many pointers from other experienced sec players as I can), and I feel like I've gotten better at it to the point where I feel relatively confident making this application. In short, while there are things I can still improve, a lot of the time I've put into this game has been playing security, and for good reason - it's a role that I enjoy playing.

Answer two or more of the following:

    What advice would you give to other sec players?
    Try to have fun with antagonists - roleplay with them! Work with them to come up with interesting punishments! I'm not saying get all buddy-buddy with them, but don't think of them as your sworn enemy, either. They're other players too, and they might have some fun ideas!
    What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
    It's quite a simple moment, but I think it's one that encapsulates what I like about security. Someone had reported a vampire at the space diner, and when I go to investigate, he's near the bathroom drinking Shitty Bill. I think, "Okay, fine, drinking an NPC is whatever, so long as-", and then the borg informs me that somebody has become MEAT in the back room. So, the vampire gets arrested, naturally, and I stage a plan - we hold a trial, in which the vampire makes a daring escape and bamboozles me with batform! Not many attended, but we settled on sentencing the vampire to community service, which he took to mean raising the dead and killing the clown. Now, not that I disagreed with his understanding of "community service", but he was kinda killing people, so a chase ensued between myself and the vampire, with other crew joining in, which lasts for the rest of the round. There were other antagonists, of course, but that was the highlight of the round.
    Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
    As a solo security officer, I tend to interact with the crew a lot more and relax a little on vigilante justice (depending on the severity of the crimers that round). It's a lot more stressful than playing in a full team, obviously, and so I'm always a little on edge, but not to the detriment of the round (I hope!). Meanwhile, full sec teams are what I live for - it means I'll be constantly chattering over sec comms and making sure the other officers are accounted for and doing alright, and I keep my cards close to my chest when it comes to the rest of the crew to a greater extent. It also lets me goof off and RP a little bit more.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):

    What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
    I've always wanted to run a wizard rehabilitation course, where a captured wizard has to perform some community service (basically becoming what a staff assistant is in theory, but in the orange prisoner jumpsuits) in order for their magic license to be re-instated. I imagine things would go to shit quite fast after they get their license back, but that's most of the fun, and I imagine it'd be cathartic for the wizard as well. I wouldn't run this with bloodthirsty wizards, but this might be an alright way to get a docile wizard to mix things up and make the round interesting.
     Draw a picture!
     [Image: rdoP8af.png]

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None.
I wager most or almost most of my own rounds as security have been with aleks. First, I can definitely confirm the actions behind the words here. For all the time I've either worked alongside her, seen her do sec, or even been an antagonist in a round she's been sec, I've known her to be very conscious of the experiences of every player involved.

Her method of security playing is exactly the sort which encourages antagonists do to something more fun than just typical objective-chasing or murderboning, should they desire to do so. By having security who is fair and "plays along," better and more diverse experiences can be created. For her to be a HoS who can instill these values in other officers would be a definite positive in my opinion.

From a crew perspective, I have certainly seen she is willing to buckle down and do her best when the antagonist(s) have made it clear talking is off the table - this mainly occurs during rampaging wizard and, usually, revolution rounds. (Nukeops is an obvious other relevant round type!) There's clear value to be had in seeing an officer - successful or not - giving their all to catch and stop these sorts of antagonist.

+1 from me.
A sec round with Ella Vis Presely in it is always a better sec round because of it. I have had zero bad experiences with Ella as a security officer and I feel they would do the hat proud.
absolutely, has literally no holes in their game as a sec officer. knows how to handle situations very adeptly. excellent communicator, possesses the prerequisite empathy to be good at it too. i recommend aleks very very hard. they're great
Good sec. Always enjoy having her on the team; would trust her to look after it more than myself. Yes from me.
Ella is incredibly good Security in my mind. They communicate well and can handle themselves in a fight. I have no doubt in my mind that they'll make a great HoS.
in my experience, you've always been a fantastic sec officer. you act as a good beacon for other sec officers to follow. absolutely deserves the beret. +1
Rounds have always been much more enjoyable when Aleks is playing sec. She's level-headed and provides a great example for the rest of the sec department. A born leader, I actually assumed she already WAS a HoS. +1
Aleks is one of the best sec players on this server. She has the right attitude for it, and is one of the most even handed sec players I've had the pleasure of playing with.

Give her a beret ASAP and the server will be better off for it.
Never had a problem with Ella as sec, would make a wonderful addition to the HoS team as far as I'm concerned.
Ella is excellent sec and I feel like all of Aleks' characters have a positive effect on rounds they are in.

+1, finally you made the HoS application I've been waiting for. One of the best officers around which is amazing considering how new of a player she is.
+1, consistently fun to engage with both inside and outside of sec scenarios
Aleks would be a great HOS - she's empathetic yet experienced and skilled enough to keep people, both security and antagonists, in line without being a shitty player. Throw a beret at her already. +1

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