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Similar to Syndicate gear kits, how about the option for wizards to instead of selecting 4 spells, they instead pick a pack of spells and items built around a theme?
For instance, a fire wizard that comes with
- Standard fire ball
- Magic missles that ignite people
- A staff that doubles as a magic powered flame thrower
- A robe that makes them immune to burn damage
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BYOND Username: Aft2001
Could prove interesting. Also gives a chance to implement seldom-seen or otherwise relevant items/powers that already exist.
As another idea for a kit, maybe just a kit that essentially trades any damage capabilities for ludicrous mobility?
An assortment of movement spells (blink, teleport, etc.)
Robes which don't protect you from damage, but which make you harder to grapple and maybe other effects.
A staff which, when you click, instantly teleports you to the tile you clicked on (if it's nearby), with a short cooldown
And, for the main feature: Blessed Sandals. Yes, those blessed sandals, the ones that make you impossible to slip and make you move at a gajillion miles per hour.
You can't do or take much damage, but you are one slippery bastard!
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BYOND Username: EnchantedNautilus
Character Name: Ace Victor
Morph kit:
1) Polymorph spell (for obvious reasons)
2) Cluwne spell (also for obvious reasons)
3) Robe that prevents Cluwne/Animal melee damage
4) Telepathy with Cluwnes and Animals
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BYOND Username: BHat0451
The Flunky Wizard:
Summon Golem
Raise Skeleton
Modified Summon Bats from Vampire?
Make the crew deal with an army to get to you, only for you to actually be a doppelgänger, and for the actual you to fly into Maint/the nearest safe place to rebuild your army. The least fun option to pick.
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Oh but you could go further than that!
You could have a bee wizard kit!
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BYOND Username: Lady Birb
Character Name: Allie Allison
(07-23-2019, 10:31 AM)MagicStudiosGuy Wrote: 3) Robe that prevents Cluwne/Animal melee damage
how to make polymorphed players go braindead instantly
ANYWAY here is a magic knight kit I came up with:
General idea for this one is a tanky melee juggernaut that is extremely difficult to kill and hits like a tank in melee but lacks any ranged attacks besides the default magic missile, so they are extremely easy to run away from.
- Enchanted plate armor+helm that lets you cast spells like robes do in addition to being very tough armor. The armor provides a resistance to taser shots and stun bullets, halving the stamina loss and preventing the wearer from dropping items, and the helm is acidproof; however, both pieces of lose their bonus effects when standing in the chapel, when in close proximity to a chaplain, or when worn by a non-wizard.
- Enchanted longsword that functions as a staff, hits as hard as a csaber in melee, and can be recalled to you like the staff of cthulhu. Special attack is a spin that hits all around you but also dazes the wizard, causing a few seconds of slowdown and confused movement. Like the armor, it loses it's enchantment in the chapel, when attacking chaplains, and when wielded by a non-wizard, reducing it's damage (it still hurts like hell though, it's a fucking sword) and causing it to fly out of your hands if you try to spin.
- Enchanted shield that provides even more armor when held and can shove people to the ground when used in melee like the security shields. Using it inhand will surround the user in a barrier that provides further melee resistance and deflects all projectiles. Like the others, it loses it's enchantment inside the chapel or when wielded by a non-wizard, reducing the knockdown chance and disabling the inhand effect, and chaplains are completely immune to the knockdown and can instantly dispel the barrier by attacking.
- Fury: the only spell this kit gives you besides the default three and the sword summon. For 10 seconds, the enchanted longsword(and only the longsword!) gains boosted damage and the ability to stun on hit, while the wizard gains stun immunity and rapid healing. 60 second cooldown. When cast without a staff (or sword in this case) the stun immunity is nerfed to just be increased stamina regen, and besides, casting it without the sword is losing half the spell's power already.
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Alternative suggestion:
Remember how syndicate TC's were rebalanced? (I know they're not called TC anymore, but bear with me here)
They were doubled (as far as I recall) - with the intention that with more TC's meant easier refactoring of items. Example: A 4 TC item went to 8 TC but that weaker 3 TC item only went up to 4 TC or was left alone. It was a smart change that everyone welcomed.
The same could be applied to Wizard Spells.
Instead of being given 4 Magic Points, they're given 8. Instead of wizard spells costing 1, they now cost 2.
What would cost 1? Wizard equipment. This would allow for everything mentioned above, but without being restricted to kits, they can chop and change. I think kits work for Nuke Ops because they're a team and it's interesting to see mixed comps. But I don't think this would have the same effect as intended if applied to Wizards.
My 2c.
inb4 wizard spawns on the station with 8 random equipped items and gets absolutely steamrolled because they have no spells.
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BYOND Username: Aft2001
That'd be rather neat - equipment versus spells sounds like a wonderful idea.
As a potential concept for a piece of equipment:
The Wand. You buy it for one WP (Wizard Point), and you can permanently bind one of your spells to that wand. What this does is drastically reduce the cooldown of the spell, but you MUST be holding the wand to cast it - and the wand can be used by anyone (which also means that you can cast spells without your robes and hat! But so can Jimmy Shits the greyshirt who grabbed your wand when he flashed you and you dropped it...)