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Flock applicator tool
So my suggestion is a flock applicator tool that can be purchased from the flock trader for a reasonable but high sum
this tool would act like the flock drone's nanite spray. except it only has the conversion function which works on everything the normal conversion function does except doors.
I think this would be a great addition as it be an option for remodeling a room as I and most likely others really like the flock look.
The reasoning behind why I don't think this should work on doors is because there could be problems with access and i'm not sure if the flock doors can have their maintenance panel opened by a screwdriver (if they have one in the first place)
I have made a sprite although if anyone would like to make their own sprite (as this is my first sprite) i would be happy to use that sprite (i have not made an in-hand sprite as i'm not very good at spriting)
This tool could be recharged with a recharger or possibly gnesis/translucent gnesis blocks.
Here's the .dmi file containing my sprite.

.dmi   flock applicator.dmi (Size: 1.46 KB / Downloads: 241)

If a coder could solve those two problems regarding doors namely access and whether or not it can be screwdrivered and by extension controlled by ai and hacked
Then by all means make it affect doors aswell
Oh and i forgot to add
Part of the potential fluff for this tool could be that it's adapted for carbon lifeform use explaining the handle, that it can use a external power source (as i believe that the flock drones have an internal power source in the form of a battery or something similar) and the lights
As carbon lifeforms like flashing lights
I like it, currently it's a pain in the ass to turn a chapel into a place worthy of praising the Flock. This would definitely help. I'm not sure if it wouldn't make problems with stuff like wall disassembly but I assume it's simple to make this tool just change the icon and leave the rest as is.
Yeah i agree my icon is garbage
Not what I meant, your icon is fine. What I meant is that I'm not sure if flock walls can be deconstructed so it should only reskin / resprite them.
Oh i see
But my opinion of my own sprite stands the same
And also i think flock walls can be deconstruced as ive managed to make a window movable
So its possible for it to be deconstrucable
Seems like it would fill a niche but needed role on SS13. Yes from me
And a hell yhea from me!
please coder gods we need this for our churches..
Gnesis walls can be fully deconstructed and presumably broken
Gnesis windows can be broken(unknown if possible to deconstruct)
Gnesis floors can be broken(unknown if possible to deconstruct)
Gnesis doors can be broken and surprisingly easily(unknown if possible to deconstruct)
This seems like it could be fun. I think that it should cost a good deal of money and require something as ammunition though. Like maybe gnesis orbs or something.
Gnesis and translucent gnesis blocks could be used for ammo
Turns out that lockers can also be converted
Pending tests on whether crates can be converted aswell(nope)
I want to make rooms look all flocky and it seems like a fun little gimmick item.

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