HoS Application: Chef Buttes, Extraordinaire.
Usual Character Name: Chef Buttes
BYOND Username: Klayboxx
Recommended by (if applicable): lol
Times Available: pretty much all the time

Reason for Application: I’d like to apply for HoS because I feel that I know what is appropriate for security members to do, and how to handle the capturing, processing and releasing of dudes doing crimes and stuff. People who know me know that when I’m not playing security I’m usually a huge goof and don’t do much seriously except murdering the station, but when I roll security I do my best to fill the role correctly. There is a severe lack of HoS’s on gibbed 4, the only one I see consistently is Hard Boiled so I figure it’d be good to have more HoS’s on gibbed 4.

I’m super sick of shitty security dudes who have no clue how to correctly and I would love to be able to be in the authority to tell them how to do things correctly (or beat them if need be). I’ve shown previously that I can’t handle positions of power, but I think I’ve proven that this isn’t the case and I’m actually pretty responsible about my important duties when I’m a head. I’m not completely serious mind you, as most people will attest. I’m pretty sure I would make rounds enjoyable for regular people and traitors alike as a HoS, as I’m a pretty laid back dude.

I also really really really really hate fucking securi-HoP’s and I desperately want the power to demote them to assistant and fart in their face and hear their tears of anguish. I’d also like to have the power to change a round if I’m in it for antagonists attacking the station. I don’t know about others, but to me the danger of being caught is the fun part of traitoring, and whenever there is a HoS on station I’m always terrified of being caught by him. I’d like to give people that fun I experience I’ve had. Plus that beret is sick as hell, gotta be fashionable.

Security Experience I’ve played this shitty game for two or so years, and have played security quite a bit during my time playing. During the time playing security, I’ve learned lots of skills with the weaponry given to them and am pretty proficient with them. I prefer the baton rather than the taser, since it rarely runs out of charge since it is a for-sure stun on hit, and as long as you know how to get in close to people safely ( most of the time I do) it’s way more reliable than the taser. But that doesn’t mean I’m not familiar with the taser. I’m pretty good at hitting people in most situations.

Even though I’m very comfortable with these weapons, and am usually on top of things, I recognize the importance of FUN, and depending on the situation I let things slide. For instance, if I see a dude spawning a traitor item and he hasn’t done anything I’d probably just wink at him and walk off, or if a changling stings me I wouldn’t yell out “OMG CHANGLING STANG ME BAR PUBBIE MCFART!!!” because that’s super lame. If someone is well armed however, and have a good chance to kill me and are clearly aggressive I will take action against them.

If I catch someone with traitor items and if their crimes aren’t too terrible and they didn’t kill one of my officers I’d just arrest them, bring them in and take their traitor items and send them on their way - IMO if a traitor figures out how to continue to wreak havoc without his cool gear and security breathing down his back it’s really fun and entertaining to watch/hear about. I also don’t take my job TOO seriously and don’t power play. The armory will probably be touched very rarely because to me being ultra geared out is pretty boring.

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc): I really like the general containment thing, but I hate that there is only one door. Most people don’t have the skill to close the door as they are going out of it, and rowdy prisoners WILL try to escape. I also like how open it is, and how easy it is for people to break in/out. I like that the armory is in a deep corner so you can’t immediately see it if someone is raiding it. I like the fact that there are two doors leading into the security room so you can make a sort of siphoning airlock for nefarious assistants trying to rush in open doors. It also feels really cozy and is actually enjoyable to hang out in.

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum): poo is a forbidden substance known only to the rare shrekerous ogreous, only seen peeling onions and eating bugs in the wild.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): Early in my SS13 career I was banned a lot. I was pretty shitty. I’m sure I don’t remember them all but I know I’ve been banned for uploading a shitty law to the AI, pulling plasma canisters out into hallways and telling people to open them as a captain, dressing as a security guard and then flashing + crating people, *cry spamming because a QM wouldn’t order me a Santa Crate, and then a ban for throwing two dudes into shocked doors while affected with space madness.

A great rap sheet imo.
Yes, yes, yes! I would have recommended you...

I know you have what it takes to wear the hat.

Just lay off the random beating people though.

Other than that, you would make a great edition to the team!
I play on G3 (SORRY LLJK #1) almost all the time so I don't see you much. But I vaguely remember you being a pretty cool dude so why not? I think he can handle the beret and I don't see a reason to say no to this. So yeah from me
Yes. Klay is robust enough and smart enough to handle the mighty power of the beret.
I'm not sure if I totally agree with the sec-HoP hate, I do agree that they are largely horrible. But they are sometimes necessary, and as long as they don't steal too much sec equipment and they stay in communication with the security team (if there is a security team) then they aren't too bad.

Overall, you have my support. I've seen you play, you are robust, unpredictable, and talkative, so I'd be happy to see an HoS like that.
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes YES.

Chef is a great guy and the perfect blend between sillyness and robustness. He's the only person whos dumb stunts I don't mind getting killed by, it's always fun and hilarious in the process.

I could spend ages talking about how much this man deserves the beret, give it to him.
yes, yes, yes, YES.

imo pretty much the most fun person to get murdered by. but he's also fair and i've seen him as security and hes probably the best officer on aside from the people already HoS's.

lots of people miss that security is supposed to create fun and can be fun for both people on the receiving end of JUSTICE and the giving end.
Yep. Fun to be with when playing sec. Knows the right level of fun and seriousness. Can't say anymore that hasn't already been said, so a big yes from me.
This butt can be trusted, he'll be a fine Head of Security and a good example of how security should play.
Uncertain. He's the kind of guy who, like me, would be great 99.9% of the time, but is absolutely terrible that other 0.01%

As someone who has worked with him as a security officer two or three times, he was very rarely a team player and often prefers to enact his own version of justice without input from the other officers, being very rude and dismissive whenever conflict within the team arises.

Greater responsibility often levels out people with these kinds if problems. If he promises to try to be more of a team player, it's a yes from me. Otherwise, I don't think I want to see him in the beret.
UrsulaMejor Wrote:Uncertain. He's the kind of guy who, like me, would be great 99.9% of the time, but is absolutely terrible that other 0.01%

As someone who has worked with him as a security officer two or three times, he was very rarely a team player and often prefers to enact his own version of justice without input from the other officers, being very rude and dismissive whenever conflict within the team arises.

Greater responsibility often levels out people with these kinds if problems. If he promises to try to be more of a team player, it's a yes from me. Otherwise, I don't think I want to see him in the beret.

Well of course. I'm the first to admit I've done some dumb stuff as a security officer, and I'm occasionally less than friendly to my fellow officers, but I recognize that and don't plan on continuing that occasional (occasionally) behavior.
Im going to have to say yes. He isn't exactly great all the time, but I feel like he has what it takes to be an HoS.
This scrub is decently robust.
And while he can get some flak sometimes, he's not the grudgy kind.

I love this man give him the job.
Can get on rampages pretty quickly if he gets too hot headed. Thing is, he doesn't get hot headed often at all, so his robustness really only helps as a sec officer. I'd give him a hat for sure.

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