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Goonstation Monthly Contest: July Edition!
Let us shear bees with scissors.
(07-04-2019, 06:47 AM)medsal15 Wrote: Let us shear bees with scissors.

Already a thing  bee
add clotheslines
An AI command verb that brings up the APC interface corresponding to the room you're currently in, also allowing you to toggle light-switches on/off from that menu.

Finding APCs/light-switches in the dark is unusually inconvenient for something that is literally wired into the power grid. Nothing more infuriating than receiving a law regarding power, only to be reset 5 minutes later after turning everything off.

Edit: New suggestion since this was implemented recently
Give borgs access to departmental radio channels that correspond to their selected module: Medical for Mediborg, Engineering for Engiborg, Security for Brobocop, etc. This would help departments communicate and coordinate better with their robotic pals to complete tasks more efficiently, Medbay and Engineering in particular.

Alternatively, give them access to all radio channels, similar to the AI, if module swapping causes problems with the previous suggestion.
(removed. will suggest later.)
Using a sharp object you're able to make a hole into a plushie toy and hide a small or medium-sized item inside the toy.
You can use a suture to close the hole in it. Great way to hide contraband!
Legitimate suggestion: bee breeding. Let botanists breed different bees to get cooler and more powerful bees with more diesel stings/honey development/ potential for secret honey (george melons honey? beer honey? who knows!)

The bred bees could have different sprites and be larger in size as well.

What if Heisenbee was bred with one of those bee-buddies? What would happen??????????!!!!!!!!!
(07-04-2019, 01:28 PM)OMJ Wrote: What if Heisenbee was bred with one of those bee-buddies? What would happen??????????!!!!!!!!!

The RD would get angry I'd imagine.
Health Analyzer Upgrade Variants

It'd be nice if there were different health analyzer upgrade modules for Chemistry, Genetics, and Pathology. They could be color coded Purple, Green, and Red(?) respectively.
  1. Chemistry upgrade could function like the current upgrade does, letting you see exact chemical counts inside an individual. 
  2. Genetics upgrade could let you see what mutations an individual has along with other genetic information.
  3. Pathology upgrade could let you see what stage the pathogen is at, as well as what symptoms are present inside the pathogen.

Or if this is too much, perhaps just being able to see what stage a pathogen is at with the normal health analyzer upgrade would be nice.
Polaroids should take a few seconds to develop - in which time they can be shaken, therein damaging the overall quality of the photo.
Obituary Implant - a variant on the health monitor implant which makes an announcement when you die. Can be used inhand before implanting to customize the announcement text. Write a glowing review of your own life, or write "bluuhhh im a big idiot who died" and implant the HoS.

These implants should be somewhat rare or difficult to obtain (telesci, locked crates) so that every single person doesn't spam the chatlog yelling to be cloned when they die.
Replace the raise hand command (Control + H) for clowns with a Honk command. Causes the clown to Honk.
Am I allowed to do ideas? Give clown PDAs a sound app with things like clown music, a laugh track, sad trombone, etc.
For the wrestler to be able to make people explode with his abilities before they're dead, if that ability basically gives the lethal hit (Currently it only happens when they're dead, at least in my last experience.)
If fire can submit one, so can I !

Cut the head off a mop and wear it in your shoe slot to have mopping skates!
Movement like a segway that leaves old-style wet floors in your wake!

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