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Telescience improvements
There's been a lot of talk about telescience lately and changing how the main component of it works, usually focusing around changing the way you access places. Different math, minigames, whatever.

I'm going to mash up a few things from Discord brainstorming here to see if this sounds better:

- The LRT is now public instead of locked in Telescience.
- The quantum telescope is also public. More can be made and used simultaneously by different people.
- Telescience gains "deployable beacons". They're like telepads in appearance except they include a blinkenlight - they start as a single wedge, then when deployed animate as the wedges unwinding into a full circle, then the blinkenlight pops out.
- Deployed beacons are accessible with the LRT
- Clicking on a beacon will let you teleport things back to the LRT
- Beacons can be folded up and moved around, but aren't usable until deployed again

This opens up a few fun things:

- One adventure zone (or maybe more) can start with a pre-deployed beacon
- You could still make a portal there with telescience as usual if you want to transfer things fast or send things to Theta without a way back
- The initially-spawned beacon could have additional flavor around it, like say Ainley having audio logs from someone who went exploring and carried an audio log, reporting their findings before suddenly dropping into static
- Possibility to have multiple "channels" of beacons that link to different LRTs - use case is something like having another pre-deployed beacon in a zone, that leads back to (say) a scavenger's outpost; just a little micro-area that has some supplies, notes, LRT; basically you bump into someone else's research. Can also have their own beacons elsewhere, so you could jump from eg Ainley > ???'s Outpost > Lunar Museum or whatever

Main goal is making it easier for people to get into adventuring and reducing some of the risks:

- Public LRT with a pre-loaded destination means people can jump in
- Port-a-Sci no longer required for exploration; ability to warp back and forth requires going back to the start (or carrying another beacon); still lets you use the PaS, but can reserve it for emergencies or other things
- Nefarious stuff still viable; set up a beacon, get people to go through, toss beacon into lava and port-a-sci out. Since it isn't required fewer people will have the PaS remote and oops guess they're all stranded
- Aside from the freebie, requires somebody to go there and set up a beacon. in theory you could do this to drop someone in a dangerous place with Telesci, make it to a safe area (e.g. Theta's pods, Io's main building) and then drop in other people/items
- More flavor and more (small) places to visit

Additional ideas:

- Adventure Crate from QM; contains toolbelt, toolbox, multitool, flashlight, beacon, emergency suit, emergency O2 tank, emergency light weapon (something that auto-recharges and fires weak projectiles, mostly for use against critters but usable in a pinch against humans)
- Other sorts of deployable "beacons", e.g. ones that provide minor healing over time while you're on them like a sleeper
- Beacons with cameras built-in + camera interface for the LRT / televisions; look at where things are before you go through

I like it, though you'd have to either add in a second Quantum Telescope for the public access teleporter, or move the one that's usually located in mining for the task.
for the deployable "beacons" perhaps add in a deployable mini-turret that attacks anything without an NT-authorized ID card (has only like, 20 shots, weak, and deconstructs into clown shoes or something when it runs out), or something peeps might actually enjoy: a trap that has a 50/50 chance of capturing those dang particle field critters!

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