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Worst Moments Ever
Playing as Vamp Staff Assistant on Cog1. Get to the Space Diner because I am unrobust and want free blood. Succeed in draining all Diner residents, proceed to Gib, no one must ever know. As last one is gibbed, internet goes down for the first time in MONTHS with me surrounded by meat slabs. Reconnect after what seemed like 10 minutes but probably closer to 3.

Get back in, holy shit im still alive. Get back to station, start eating crew. Get up to around 1800-1900 blood. Calls of a vamp are going out, but able to avoid for the most part because of disguises etc.

Find Dr Floorpills minding his own business near EVA maintenance, no weird gear just staff assistant uniform. Glare, grab, drain, radio interference. As the good doctor takes his final breath, huge explosion, turns out he had what looked like 10 microbombs implanted. Immediately gibbed, most of EVA is gone, people wondering what the hell blew up, only my organs remain no sign of the good doctor.

My brain survives? Turned into an AI. Was actually pretty fun especially considering I "survived", but that heartbreak of seeing the explosion was magical.
Solo syndie. Needed to put a bomb in the research sector. Meticulously infiltrated the station, obtained an RCD, and built a small cage of airlocks. Welding and e-magging said airlocks makes them difficult to bypass without access to another RCD, so I figured that would be a great idea. I arm the nuke in its little box, and the message goes out.

I forgot to refuel the welder.

Taking advantage of my confusion, the Research Director rolls in out of nowhere and beats me to death with a fire extinguisher before I can get out my gun.

Life lesson: refuel your goddamn welder
[Image: s2LQZ8h.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
a clown called someone a cunt so i locked them in a room (as AI) then they proceeded to complain about it for the next milennia despite many ways to escape and law 2 meaning they could have asked to leave anytime. they then murdered the chef in plain sight, walked around with no clown gear on (shameful) and cut every camera they saw, and when i captured them in rooms more than once people told me to release them every time.

crew is dumb, that was dumb. but luckily as the escape shuttle arrived someone non-humaned the clown so me and a borg beat the shit out of him then space him
He was a Clownt, also remember to Admin message that shit, he was a cunt and deserved a stern talking to
(03-12-2019, 06:17 AM)Wisecrack34 Wrote: He was a Clownt, also remember to Admin message that shit, he was a cunt and deserved a stern talking to

admins did get involved (because he ahelped for me locking him into the room) and ive a feeling he got a warning. his antag actions were fine cause he was an antag however, which i should have mentioned in the first post whoops
Not playing SS13 for a year >:C

>be me
>no sec except an antag detective
>AI goes rogue
>Sabernerds saber people to death
>Escape grom sabernerd in disposals
>Stock up on guns in cargo
>Scare away a sabernerd in medbay
>Comms are almost silent
>Go call shuttle in Bridge
>Bridge is breached
>Still habitable because the current atomos code is a mess
>Go to cap quarters
>Find cat dead
>Get to the comm console, login, boot up commaster
>Start calling shuttle
>Nature of your emergancy?
>Input "They killed my cat"
>Did not press enter key in time
>Curse myself for not activating bridge lockdown
>Round goes on for quite a long time despite everyone outside of medbay save for the clown being dead
This one occurred as I was playing sec after having a few unpleasant rounds, this one was both the straw that broke the camel's back and a particular doozy.

Playing sec, on Oshan, I think there were only 1-2 other officers on at the time, if any.

Had been dealing with a crew that was less than cooperative, though that's par for the course.

However the Armory had been made public access by a series of emags and keeping people out of it was proving to be quite difficult.

Issues piled up between trying to deal with real antags, flooding, and trying to keep belligerent non-sec individuals out of sec. Honestly at about this point I should've thrown in the towel, because I was too frustrated to really accomplish much of anything good at this point.

Didn't do that, instead the captain brought me the emagger, who had loaded up on grenades from the armory and the like, and I made the mistake of giving them one such grenade, minus the pin, which blew a hole in their cell, and removed their handcuffs via removing their arm.

And so later, without having noticed this, I return to find them breaking out, and go to replace them, only in my tilted state I made a lot of dumb mistakes, mixed with a bit of equipment failure, and ultimately was defeated by the one armed bandit.

After that I was mocked in deadchat by a ghost who saw, and proceeded to stop playing for about 2 months.
Yesterday I spawned as a spy thief botanist, and I failed to complete any bounties at all.

One of the bounties was a hydroponics tray (turns out you cannot in fact click your PDA on those to get the bounty, nor click-drag anything to do so!) and another was my own ID card.

Yes. I failed to steal my own ID card. It was promptly removed from me while I was trying to unlock the secret of getting a hydroponics tray bounty, along with my PDA, eliminating me from any  spy thief activity within the first 2 minutes of the round.

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