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Antagonist/Joke Antagonist idea.
Hey, guys!

So, my friends and I in discord were speaking about Macho Man and the Tommy Wiseau roles. And we came up with a dumb idea.

I questioned out loud, "What if there was an antagonist that represented Postal Dude? And you can go around urinating on various people/objects. And do other things that he does in RWS's Postal games."
One of my friends replied. "Yeah, and one objective for him is to get as many people to sign his petition. The more people to sign his petition the more powers he gains." 

Other things I thought of were, having to pick up milk pay a ticket, and do a checklist just like in the game postal itself.

Hopefully you guys can add more ideas to this, whether it may be a good price bad idea. It can be a joke antagonist, or just some dude that's sort of like a spy but has more ridiculous things to do. Heh.
Sounds kinda like a traitor chaplain with good RP, however the power to projectile pee would be a very welcome one
Completely indistinguishable from any Staff Assistant

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